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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Aakash well in a sense since is everything is One you as God can fix yourself - but it is not as pure Being although your consciousness levels do increase. In the end only the ego can change the ego - but isn't what's "wrong" or not "wrong" with the ego relative? Therefore the ego is completely relative to its own perspective so it will only change what it deems necessary for it's own survival.
  2. @Aakash enlightenment doesn't fix the ego's egoic problems or lack of. When you are the Absolute you are no longer the ego - the ego is dead. It will make the ego more conscious overall on rebirth though.
  3. The best way to say it is that Kundalini - or that sensation of Being is not of the ego. It's the collapse or start or the collapse of the ego. The idea of it is imagination - but that's the map not the territory. For some there are specific points in the body (ego) that open individually. Those would be chakras. For others its everything open at once. But this allows the flow of Being or Kundalini - which is NOT ego. That's a key distinction.
  4. @Synchronicity he means permanently - Of course permanence is a duality. But non-duality will ultimately burst into duality. God has no where else to go.
  5. @Shaun you'll get bored after an eternity of that and ultimately create contrast again. You are infinitely intelligent.
  6. It is by your own design that you limited your perspective. You just aren't conscious of that from your POV precisely so you could reside as you in your current state of consciousness - and one day experience the beauty of waking up to yourself.
  7. @Synchronicity indeed. This realization unleashes the power to shift or jump between perspectives. It's a beautiful thing.
  8. It's still all ultimately something you are imagining as God. All things are you.
  9. @Identity your painting with a broad brush. Infinity has no ending and no beginning. It created itself. You as your limited perspecive can easily get lost in this. That said, you can become conscious directly - not thru concept - that you ARE it. By removing the veil of the ego leaving only your true nature. (Washing yourself of yourself) You discover that you are everything. You are all perspectives. Oneness. So as the Absolute you are conscious of Absolutes. Upon return to your limited form you are just that - limited. From your limited perspective you are like Mario inside the game - you still can't reach outside the game in normal states of consciousness - only now you are aware that you are the game. So where i think you are going is to permanently be the Absolute as the Absolute. A permanent non-dual state?
  10. @Shaun you can't destroy yourself as God. There's no where to go. You're infinite.
  11. @Shaun these are very advanced teachings so as we always say do the practices and don't take anyone's word for it. Just do the practices and keep an open mind.
  12. @Anton_Pierre who here ever stated life was meaningless? So that is false to say there is nihilistic undertone here. You completely miss the point. Its the exact opposite. And people are also conflating Solipsism with Truth. Whether you dispute it or not reality is consciousness - it is a Giant mind. And it is One. And you can discover that you are God - that you are the whole Mind. When that happens you can have the realization that all of this is in your mind. This doesn't negate other perspectives. You can dispute this all you want.
  13. @Anton_Pierre perhaps not. I have no other social media accounts. This is the only social media i use and it was to give back what i discovered for myself. But in the end no one else can do that. The Truth must be discovered for one's self.
  14. @lmfao it's just a forum. It is becoming evident that in my humble opinion it won't evolve to become a true spiritual school because of ego - and that this stuff is so darn radical and insane that it can't be taught. At some point One has to realize the limits of language and discover the Truth themselves. For that they wont be in a school or a forum. They will be alone within themselves. Also In a school students will only attend if they want to learn and will leave if they don't. So there isn't as much bickering back and forth. So let's all remember this is a forum. If you truly want Truth you will have to leave here anyway to find it. You can always come back and engage in conversation and try to give back what you have discovered - but on a public forum that's tough. Would need an in person school or community for that. But maybe we can get there with an internet forum. It just isn't seemingly likely.
  15. @Annoynymous you can fully awaken using these practices. Don't get discouraged. Some may need pyschedelics but you won't know until you put the time in.
  16. @Shaun That's doesn't have to be true unless you believe it to be. But this is why most people do not want to put in the work to discover the highest Truth. It's easier to believe there is a physical world made of atoms and that one day we will discover where the big bang came from. And God is a bearded dude in the sky. That's so much more convenient for the ego is it not? Even to know that this all a dream is too much right? That its all mind stuff. Because mind stuff is not made of anything. So you see everything about Truth is radical and sounds insane. That's why so few people ever discover it - which answers one of the original questions of the thread.
  17. @Shaun that's God not the ego. Solipsism of the ego is not being discussed here. You are misunderstanding. When you awaken as God you also are conscious of God's perspective. It is Oneness. No one is saying an individual ego is all there is.
  18. @Shaun the Truth is very radical. When you become consciousness of Absolute Oneness yes you will want to throw up. That is part of the Dark Night of the Soul. But that passes and with higher consciousness you come to see the beauty in all perspectives. In the perspective of the ego. And you can exist perfectly fine - in fact happier - in duality after that. There is no longer a fear of death. I understand your point completely - but Truth is Truth. Can you stomach it?
  19. @Nahm all form is imagination. What's real and isn't real is still imagination - mind stuff.
  20. @Joshe also to answer the original question is that all form is illusion. God is formless and nothingness. So any form is illusion.
  21. @tedens its because it is itself. It has no where to go.
  22. that's right! You must die for that! The finite can never reach outside to grasp the infinite! It requires a mystical shift from inside (the part) to the outside (the whole)
  23. @Joshe God is infinite yes - so much so to the point where you are literally all there is. You're completely alone - there are no other people. Therefore when you Awaken you discover that the whole time you were the only one there the whole time to Awaken! It's a mind bending paradox for sure but thats how it must be.
  24. You will truly know when you become conscious that you made it it up. That, my friend, is your certification.
  25. @Aakash you are referring to Gods perspecive. You can become directly conscious of it. You are trying to label it as form because it is form. It is God's formed perspective. The Absolute in its purest form has no form. It is pure Being. But it bursts into form in order to be itself as it has nowhere to go. The formless is what we typically refer to as the Absolute but it is actually both. It is imagination as well as the absence of imagination. By that i mean every possible thing one can imagine without actually imagining it. The Absolute Infinity of Infinity. Bam!