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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Aakash and how do you know that as void you can manipulate consciousness?
  2. @Enlightenment i know from your posts you have done pyschedelics but what about 5-Meo? It should not take more than a year naturally. That also depends on life experience so it's relative of course but after 3 yrs i would look at that if i had access to it.
  3. @nowimhere self inquiry is what awoke me. It is a form of mediation in the form of contemplation. I combined it with the do nothing no mind mediation. Have you tried both?
  4. @Mu_ he grasps all of it in concept....duality within non-duality. He just needs an actual direct experience and it will happen if he can get his ass off the forum long enough to awaken
  5. @Aakash then you agree it would take a consensus to say what is stage coral and what is not.
  6. @Aakash do you understand you are conflating stages of spiral dynamics with the Absolute? The Absolute means the Absolute. Relativity collapses here.
  7. @Aakash because of the fact that you are a particular perspective makes it relative. Indeed the relative is the Absolute but it is simultaneously relative. Thus the paradox which is yourself. God ...- you - are yourself. Welcome to the strange loop.
  8. @Aakash all of this is relative to you. And right now you're own ego is consuming you yet again....this is getting old but i love you man...maybe start meditating?
  9. @Aakash LOL. Ok. Relative to you. Yes we know it's identical. But form is relative. That's what allows it to be particular form. Don't fuck with me - you're not even awake.
  10. @Barry J yeah it is a distraction to awakening itself. This has been established. The discussion is post awakening.
  11. @Aakash Can i ask you a question? Do you spend as much time meditating and doing the practices as you do contemplating what enlightened beings should be doing post enlightenment and about post enlightenment itself?
  12. @Esoteric agreed @shahryar he also just stated on the forum he is changing gears to politics. But yes the videos you mentioned were extremely powerful but they actually didn't cover the aspect of the realization that everything is not only divided but also One and also a projection of your own Mind from God's perspective in form. Reality is infinitely dimensional. Oneness was covered but not the latter part of my statement. That was in his very recent stuff in which he talked about changing his teachings. (Or evolving them)
  13. @Aakash what I'm trying to help you see is that you have to be able to see him as BOTH he and yourself by becoming directly conscious of that via awakening/mysticism. Spiral dynamics won't do that for you. You may know it in concept (that he is you) but it's not the same thing. So I'm simply stating spiral dynamics isn't part of awakening. What you are calling de-enlightenment is just full enlightenment really. It's not just becoming the formless - collapsing into only pure being is definitely the first stage but also deepening your enlightenment through further mystical experiences in which consciousness elevates a thousand fold and you become the godhead in form - thus realizing directly that form is identical to formlesness. And it's all you.