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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. God can be anything. Have you experienced what I call the Divine Wind or God Wind moving through you during an awakening ? It's like a tornado... unbelievable.
  2. Yeah I always did it with eyes open. I also did a lot of concentration meditation too. But the main thing in my opinion is you want to quiet the ego mind as much as possible and just be in actuality.
  3. Most people who commit suicide actually aren't thinking that deep. They just feel like their current situation is helpless and they feel like there is no way out. They don't know about spirituality or awakening, or anything like that.
  4. Just Being.. its sitting in pure Being. There are no thoughts. Thoughts, if they arise, aee allowed to pass away. So you are left with what is actually prior to the ego. Just pure awareness itself.
  5. You can't love others until you can love yourself.
  6. He had been on the forum for a long time - I remember him suffering from OCD long before that.
  7. @Bandman take care man...and listen..infinity is what it is..reality is really what you make of it..and waking up really is fulfilling.. .but you can choose to make your reality a hell - or you can make it your paradise. And that you have that choice at all is indeed a miracle. Godspeed and stay golden pony boy 👦
  8. Just sit in self inquiry. This is ridiculous that people are asking this shit. It takes just a week if done properly. Leo has you believing it's impossible. Newsflash! It's not. Genetics plays a role..I won't lie...but still..if you listen to the videos he has and do the work - you can awaken. The problem is nobody does.
  9. It's not what awaits you. It's right now if you stop imagining it. Infinite Consciousness is Pure Consciousness. It's everything you just said - but all you have to do is realize that the self is an illusion. Then you will be in pure Consciousness. There is no body or breathing or anything physical unless you become consciousness of it. If you aren't thinking of it, it doesn't exist.
  10. No. Awakening is something you have to experience for yourself. My enlightenment may be different from yours. But i can tell you it will dawn when the self is realized to be an illusion. When what you have thought you were your whole life is completely recontextualized. And it will be an ecstacy you have never experienced. Because "you" can't. You will be dead and in a state of Infinite Consciousness. As God. And when you return to the ego- I don't think death will be that daunting anymore. The loss of attachments will. But not death.
  11. @Buck Edwards nicely crafted. Hope you wrote it and not AI Yes .death is the ultimate fear. But enlightenment allows one to transcend this fear. Rendering it null and void.
  12. This is BS. He's not awake so how would he know anything. What he has is a bunch of stories.
  13. Maybe it's so that we could wake up. Also, once you do, you realize the whole thing is just a game. Even all of the suffering. Yeah- in the moment the suffering is absolutely brutal when it does happen - but it isn't permanent. On a broader spectrum it's just a game - and the awakened one knows it. All of the suffering and the fear - all of the pain - and all of the love. It's just a game. And then - then it becomes much easier to bear. It's even cherished. God is a sick fuck - but that's the beauty in it all.
  14. Awesome. Yes even a glimpse or the faintest tap into it is nice.
  15. I like to think of it as a a dream - your dream. An infinite dream. All of "us" (other) are figments of your own mind - manifested to bring you certain breadcrumbs. Yes, even the bad ones. You created Leo to help you awaken. You created me just to solidify that. You created your mother to be, well, mom you created Trump to portray how luck can really get you amazingly far I can go on Infinitely. Sit back and be lucid in the dream - that's what its about. You've had mystical experiences - so this thing should be very magical and mystical at this point. That's where it gets nice.
  16. It comes back whether it's meditation or's a state of Consciousness.
  17. At the end, we must realize that nothing lasts forever. Only forever itself. We must go back to nothingness once again - and begin anew. There is nothing else for forever to do. To be at peace with this- to say goodbye with heavy hearts to the constructions we have built - that is probably the hardest thing one can do. Castles in the sand.