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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Schahin The answer is both. It is a paradox. Infinity is unbounded.
  2. @AlldayLoop you are Jesus! When you awaken to that it will be the road to liberation. You have glimpsed the Ox now go deeper
  3. @possibilities that may not be obvious to your projecting - and i don't mean that condescendingly, i mean it sincerely. I'm done on the thread though, i believe i have passed what wisdom i have here.
  4. @possibilities How was i derailing the thread? I was addressing the OP about brainwashing.
  5. @yellowschnee The highest realizaton is that what i am saying is a strange loop because you can't even trust what i am saying! Truth can't be spoken. But yet we do - knowing it's limitations.
  6. @yellowschnee Only trust in you, because you are God. When you fully awaken you no longer need to give your authority away to others - like Leo or Jordan Peterson, or Adyashanti, or Sadhguru. This is because you become fully conscious that you ARE them. You created them as you did all things. Thus you transcend all nonsense like brainwashing. But this comes with spiritual practice such as mediation - self inquiry, etc. You can do anything you want and you don't need a teacher or spiritual guru once you awaken. You can write books, start your own business, teach, whatever. But you will no longer be bound to the words of others because you are conscious that you are reality itself.
  7. @AlldayLoopYes. You're ego will fight you the whole way because it wants to survive. And full God realization is the dissolution of the small self. But then you come full circle to realize its One. The small self is God. Embrace it and keep going. There is no reason to fear God. God is Love. Great name by the way. God is a loop that loops back into itself.
  8. @Conrad "That's why. And I don't feel I deserve this, but God loves us all, no matter what." God does not play dice. If you have love in your heart you can awaken for it is Love that awakens you from the dream. With the proper tools (meditation, pyschedelics, etc)
  9. @Conrad indeed. Your consciousness is elevated. You are fully woke and it's great. You see the divine in both form and formlessness. I see that in your posts. It is pure divine Love. There is no duality or non-duality. Just you - Infinity.
  10. @Truth Addict mysticism is a lot more than "cool". Ill post a new thread about mysticism (essentially awakening or enlightenment) and achieving it through meditation in a separate thread when i get a chance - don't wish to derail this one.
  11. Yes indeed from our limited frame of reference everything is relative. There is no objective world. But there are Absolutes that you can become directly conscious of that are Absolutes because the Absolute is the lack of frame of reference. And yes you are already the Absolute but via mysticism you can discover that directly. That's what I was referring to by direct experience. Yes as our limited POV i can directly see the color red and you can see the same color and call it Blue. There is no Absolute in the realm of the Relative. I think we are in agreement on that The only reason i brought up the Absolute as in God is because of the earlier post in which you guys were referencing about Leo's teachings being brainwashing. As we discussed on that thread from the frame of reference of someone who has not had a mystical experience it would seem like that - you said it is more than seem - and i saw your POV. To that person that's what it is. But carry on - i guess this thread is about the relative and not God/Absolute Truth.
  12. @Truth Addict you only have your own frame of reference. So are you saying that how do you know if you directly become conscious of the Absolute, for example, or Absolutes, that they are not beliefs? I cannot explain that - from your frame of reference it is still a belief Cannot know the Absolute. Or rather knowing is Being.
  13. Direct experience.
  14. @Preetom great advice. @VikingThe world is pure Love but you have closed yourself off to Love it seems. Did anything happen recently that might have caused that?
  15. @fluidmonolith yes i understand what you are pointing to 100% and agree totally but just want to add to that - its actually both. Science is within reality - a finitude of infinity..a part within the whole, so yes it can't reach outside and grasp the whole from inside. Science is like Mario trying reach outside the game he is in..he can't because he is the pixels making out the game. But at the same time he is the whole game. So science is a finite part within infinity so it cannot capture the Absolute - but it also IS Infinity itself. Mind bender. But yes ultimately we are saying the same thing. Thanks for chiming in.
  16. @possibilities talk to @elsde according to him he can do it at will leveraging WBTB + MILD
  17. @possibilities it is flawed because it is prior to God realization - or awakening.
  18. @GenuinePerspectiveXC believe it or not yes it is...
  19. @GenuinePerspectiveXC aren't consequences relative to your state of consciousnes?
  20. Gents -- the point is that all if this subjective. It is relative to your state of consciousness. Would you not agree?
  21. @GenuinePerspectiveXC i like you Now weren't we discussing politics?
  22. @fluidmonolith There is a Nobel prize waiting for you if you can disprove quantum mechanics.
  23. I love myself as i love you. (You are me). So no reason to jump a bridge - but if death took me i would embrace because i have already died and it is pure bliss and Love. IQ doesn't mean anything unless you give it meaning.
  24. That's the question of all questions. The answer is this: That person, just like you and me, is consciousness...and therefore is pure Love..or Is just IS. And iS is love. So you can't measure reality with a number.
  25. @GenuinePerspectiveXC When you transcend the fear of death you just have pure Love. Simply because you know you are God or Infinity. Money and success becomes meaningless.