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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. War would only happen in defense not offense. But this thread is about insurance. A military is required but to be used sparingly.
  2. Love is the very fabric of isness. If you actually opened yourself up to Love awakening will be within your grasp.
  3. Point is there is no benefit to having private insurance provided that full healthcare was provided for free. The reason for a hybrid would be to work the stage orange folks into it slowly. Getting stage orange to give it up is like getting them to give up guns. Society isn't there yet.
  4. @Aakash love you too buddy
  5. That's the paradox. If he awoke it wouldn't be there like it is now. It would lessen with each awakening. Medication would start to work for him at that point. And he would be conscious he was God so he would realize there is no where to go.
  6. @AlldayLoop I'm very familiar with his case Same applies though.
  7. @Mikael89 that's obvious. When everyone is awake killing has no meaning.
  8. Have to agree with Leo...banning guns won't fix this. What he laid out would but we are a far cry from that type of society. Banning guns would be a step in that direction though. But we honestly need a mystic to run the country -- however if we can get Bernie or someone like him it would be a start. The problem with a guy like Leo running for pres is that society isn't ready to vote him in yet. He is so far advanced he wouldn't stand a chance.
  9. @Schahin its God but it's an unconscious God. If the person discovered he was God he would be the guy at the end of the ox herding pictures only better. He would be conscious he is Absolute love and creativity. This was classified enlightenment only information so now im afraid i have to kill you.
  10. I agree that when sages throw out comments like "you are already enlightened" that this is half ass and irresponsible. You have to discover that you are God directly.
  11. @Aakash yes - that is exactly how society must move forward. We must create objectivity within subjectivity through consensus. The most conscious beings can guide the lesser conscious and help them to awaken as well. No one is disputing that. But we have bigger fish to fry then deciding the "Absolute" definition of enlightenment is. This is not at the top of my priory list
  12. @Aakash its just the age old discussion of the relative definition of enlightenment. Relative definition #1 - you already are Truth/God thus you are already enlightened. This definition says you are enlightened because you are already Truth. Relative definition #2 - enlightenment is not that you are Truth - but that it is the discovery that you are Truth. Turning in on yourself as you say. Becoming conscious that you are consciousness. So there is no wrong or right here She is embodying pure love therefore is embodying Truth without knowing she is Truth. So wouldn't it depend on your definition of enlightenment here.... Personally i subscribe to the 2nd definition. Although many use the first. But i think it's a key distinction.
  13. So you are saying have a hybrid - ensure all people have health care but let people keep their private insurance... More of the type of policy that Delaney says he wants to put in place. What benefits would a person have by keeping their private insurance though? Perhaps better benefits? I think we would need to see his plan in detail...a lot of politicians claim they have these big plans already worked out but then they don't share the details. Also just so you know that i have always been a conservative - i make plenty of money and have my own private health insurance. But since having awakening experiences i now have compassion for all so i would be willing to give up my private health insurance if it would benefit the collective. I'm leaning back towards the left now. But i don't see a problem with a hybrid plan either provided it worked and provided benefits on both sides. Most conservatives are stage orange conscious wise so they are gonna reject Bernie's as too radical..they're not that evolved yet.
  14. @wavydude that was a good response. @tatsumaru yes you should be skeptical.. But at the same time curious and open minded. Have you had an awakening experience that reveals the nature of all of reality being pure consciousness yet? Because once you realize via direct experience that reality is fundamentally mystical, all kinds of new doors open to you. The materialist paradigm dissolves. If one is still stuck in the materialist paradigm than these things are not going to be remotely possible to them.
  15. If that's the case they are not fully aware that they are God and are not conscious of Oneness. Yes, everything is Love - but mass killings are a very limited selfish unconscious form of love. Someone that is conscious of Absolute Love will work towards reducing unconsciousness. That's part of what Leo calls conscious politics. We can't just sit back and do nothing while unconsciousness (devilry) runs rampant in our country. That's like saying it's Ok for Hitler to do what he did because it was Love. Yes it was Love, but it was unconscious limited Love not Absolute conscious Love so it needs to be stopped.
  16. Precisely. Btw did you have any realizations during your mystical experience of pure Being?
  17. Do both. Self inquiry is crucial to awakening because it allows you to become directly conscious of your true nature. And that is paradigm shattering so be ready
  18. @RendHeaven you're finite. By design. That only happens in a state of pure Being. Pure Infinity.
  19. @Inliytened1 i just edited that post sorry for butchering it there is an issue on my mobile phone where i can't remove quotes.
  20. @RendHeaven that's correct. When you are being you..guess what? You ain't being God. Thats the point of being you! will feel the you should. But...there is a non-dual awareness that develops with Oneness that allows you to be conscious in the backround of Truth. This will deepen with time. The trick is going meta and shifting to it. You cant be both simultaneously. Ya just can't.
  21. You are in a dream. Everything that is happening is a dream or a hallucination. Including physical death. This becomes evident when you awake - consciousness is Infinite.. Death is a dualistic illusion. God/Infintiy It has nowhere to go. When you awake you awaken to yourself as God and the illusion is no more. The illusion of form dissolves. You awaken to yourself as Infinite Consciousness which cannot die. Only that which you create through your dreams can die.
  22. @AlldayLoop it is. That's the example of all examples because you become conscious of Oneness and Absolute Love. You are God and therefore everything and everyone is you - so you love them.