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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Beginner Mind There is no wrong answer here. You are a strange loop.
  2. He ain't awake yet. And though he dwells with the awakened he will not realize that he is the awakened until he opens his mind.
  3. It is the very essence of enlightenment When one sheds form leaving the formless it is something you don't think its something you just are. It just IS. Experiencing your own death leaves you in bliss for days and weeks. That bliss can't be described with language other than to say its Love. And when you have the realization of Oneness you realize that the form is Love too. It is no wonder why what they call Kundalini energy is bliss. If you ask any enlightened person if they experienced bliss when they had ego death they will say yes - if they wanna talk about it. Some don't discuss their own enlightenment.
  4. The formless can't even be captured in words so you can't even go there with language But God does have it's own perspective and it's Oneness.
  5. @Aakash that is the collapse of all duality - free will vs no free will is a duality. formlessness / isness / Oneness - - Love - The Absolute - the nothing that which you are - pure Infinity has no distinctions. It is Pure being or non-duality. It is part of the journey but coming full circle is to become Oneness. To enter the Godhead in form and see that all of this is you. Therein lies the Truth of infinite intelligence and that everything has happened and didn't happen simultaneously!
  6. @Aakash from a particular perspective there is only that perspective. You can't see the other perspective because you are being this particular perspecive! Not only can you not see isn't there. Same with free will.
  7. This is precisely correct. Ultimately there is no difference between real and imaginary. Reality is so infinite that you both have free will and don't simultaneously depending on perspective. Even the Absolute no perspective perspective is still a perspective! Mind fuck.
  8. @inFlow indeed. Consciousness leads to the realization that you are consciousness. And oh boy does it get fun then!
  9. Sigh. We call it an experience because that's all language can do - it can't capture God or Absolutism. So we call it that. Keep that in mind.
  10. Yeah for now do the had some serious mystical experiences but need more - to experience Oneness. Love you man.
  11. How is making a statement that i get a different impression squashing your opinion? And how is posing the possiblity that you are projecting forcing my views on you when i said maybe... I think in my opinion that you need to take a step back and take a look at yourself. You are trying to pull me into some type of war or argument and I'm not going to bite. And you know this. You know i have compassion for all Beings so please do not use it against me to try and tempt me into some type of feud with you so you can win and feel superior.
  12. I don't get that impression. Look around at the members here. The ratio of male to female is much higher. There are a good amount of females here but a lot more are male. So is it wrong to ponder the question? Maybe you are projecting.
  13. Here's a tell tale sign that you are on track. Music brings out love. Music is love. So if you love Metallica and the Bee Gees you are on the right track. Lose all identities. I can feel Kundalini (i call it Being) when i listen to either because it's pure love. By the way a beautiful group is David and the Giants - they are Christian based and i don't believe they are enlightened but their music is pure Love.
  14. God rediscovers himself to eternity. He is the only thing in existence. Its the only way there can be anything.
  15. Agreed. We do come from opposite directions but in the end we must come full circle to awaken. To the question of there being more male enlightened masters - that will ultimately change with time - it must due to Oneness.
  16. I think this might be over analyzing. Love is the unity of Masculinity and Femininity. Therefore you need a balance of both to awaken. If you cling to one that harmony is lost.
  17. @zeroISinfinity yes spiritual practices. For some pyschedelics may be necessary. (For most it seems). But an open mind must come before any of this - and a complete lack of or relinquishing of all identity.
  18. And people turned it into a religion. One has to awaken to themselves. One has to become conscious through mysticism that they are God. God cannot be pioneered.