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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @theking00 if you don't even embrace relative love you won't have a chance of ever realizing that you are the Absolute - even if you stuffed yourself with DMT for a decade.
  2. I understand your point. That's why dualities are created - like war and peace. Or love and hate. Because the realm of the relative is dualistic and finite. But when you collapse all duality you are left with isness.. and isness is synonymous with Absolute Love - (a fundamental facet of the Absolute) not relative Love. So yes to call isness relative love (lowercase l) would be true but a partial truth - incomplete and therefore in a sense false.
  3. Indeed it is a catch 22. By surviving as you, God is Being.
  4. Once you wake up you will understand. Right now to you Love is still a concept. Absolute Love is something different. What would reality be if it wasn't Love? It would be dumb and dry. Remember that you / God are Infinitely intelligent. When you are infinitely intelligent you need to go beyond understanding - you need to feel and be what you are in order to fully know it. That is Love. Think about what a universe would be if it wasn't Infinite Love and Infinite Intelligence? It simply couldn't be. If it was a dumb, feelingless clockwork universe then guess what? We would be looking for its source - as scientists are still doing today.
  5. @ethanb121 have you even given meditation a chance? Also everyone is unique and everyone's experience is different so you can't even trust other people's advice on this. It will be unique to them. It is kinda pointless to ask. If you absolutely were set on pyschedelics you would probably wanna start with something much more entry level and at a low dose to see how you reacted. But like Leo said you are doing it at your own risk because you could have a very bad trip. To me i would at least give normal meditation a chance for at least a year and do it hardcore leveraging all techniques. And here's a thought: Do your self inquiry as you taper off because your consciousness states will be changing during the taper and maybe something will click!
  6. Let me ask you this - when doing your self inquiry and meditation techniques do you feel Kundalini type energy moving within you? If not you may need to do certain techniques to open you up such as kriya yoga. The biggest barrier may be opening your heart chakra which will release a flood of this energy which is actually Love and allow you to ultimately awaken.
  7. Yes self inquiry can do it. You become the Absolute - the formless - so experience is just a relative word that we give it as it cannot be captured with language. Or you can say it's not an experience of the ego it is experience as in raw Being. It will be pure bliss which is where the Love part comes in.
  8. @nowimhere try to find out what you currently identify with most -- and eliminate that - for some people it's the body..for others it's the soul...i was most strongly identified with this idea of a soul but then i realized i was substituting that as an answer because the answer is that you are actually nowhere and nothing (awareness). I realized the soul was just a concept of the mind. And one day while doing self inquiry it just hit me like a giant epiphany. Don't try to force it because you can't. It will just happen when it happens. But you are on the right track.
  9. @Enlightenment the thing people miss is that Pure Being IS Love itself. it is the very fabric of reality.
  10. @Leo Gura If he is doubting himself that is one thing. But you can't deny that certain donkeys will remain donkeys no matter how many times you press their face to the mirror.
  11. @Phoenixx when God divides itself it divides itself into splinters. Slices of a giant pie. Some are bigger pieces than others. Some slices are big enough to become aware that they are the whole pie. Other slices are just slices.
  12. @abrakamowse very nice congrats. When you can't hold back the tears of the sheer power of Gods power and Love then you know you're there. You know you are him. Infinity.
  13. Raw data is 1st order. Saying something is real is 2nd order. First order is there is no difference...
  14. The paradoxical nature of reality though is that you can become so conscious that you come full circle and realize you were perfect anyway. Yet you can and should still grow. Yet you were still perfect. It's both, its either, and its neither.
  15. Ok this is incredible because the same damn thing happened to me when i was a kid. Craziest thing ever - and i thought i was the only one.
  16. @Matt8800 Have you thought about starting your own thread on the occult / clairvoyance / astral projection to answer questions people might have?
  17. Its a great question but it's being asked because you are still in the realm of the relative - form. When you shed all form there is only the formless and this is the Absolute. You can't miss the Absolute - you'll know it when you see it because it won't be you that's knowing it.
  18. Then don't give up. You can have all realizations without pyschedelics. It's been done before!
  19. I have. I have not seen myself creating every hair on my hand but i have become directly conscious of the nature of reality, Oneness, etc. I did not have direct realization of Love but the Divine and divine love was everpresent throughout all awakenings. They were Kundalini awakenings where the a feeling of Being (i refer to kundalini as Being) became total. The self collapses into pure Being. I don't know just happened while meditating and doing self inquiry and no mind techniques. But everyone's situation is different. It does sound like pyschedelics can be a great tool so I'm not against them if they work for people who have been trying to discover Truth for years or decades with no luck and lots of suffering.
  20. @Meditationdude I never touched pyschedelics so i can tell you it's certainly possible and didn't take long at all for me once i discovered spirituality.