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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Joshe the direct questions i posed will most likely go unanswered. Often one who dictates when pressed for actual facts to back their claims will quickly shy away. Oh wow. A name like Trump eerily comes to mind
  2. No I get you. Everyone here can only react by what they have seen of the person. Leo's quote "Lex's worldview is that having these soft neutral civil conversations will help mankind come together, build bridges, and understand each other. That seems to be his life purpose. It's a nobel purpose, regardless of whether it will pan out or not. The only valid criticism I see here is that you can call him naive or overly idealistic. It's sad though to see Lex get shit on online by partisans when he talks about love" I guess I would ask Leo: @Leo Gura are you intuiting this worldview or has he actually stated this? If so can you post where he expressed a worldview? And can you quote where he talks about Love? Is this in a spiritual context?
  3. That's easy. It just means his heart is in the right place. I haven't followed his work enough to say one way or another. But hopefully it was. Even if it wasn't- as i said his impact on society with this particular interview is probably not much if anything.
  4.'s both a blessing and a curse..mostly a blessing. Enjoy it.
  5. Well....It's something you would have to die to no..keep it out of the dialogue 😀 Start with basic self inquiry and no-self meditation.
  6. And perhaps there is no driver at all other than that individual's own ego trying to be "involved" but also at the same time getting ahead for themselves. In other words - interviewing Trump certainly keeps them in the spotlight. Good for them. But what is this potential impact on society by interviewing a potentially bad President that could potentially negatively impact the country if elected? Honestly it probably barely moves the needle. The Trump supporters are already going to vote for Trump. This isn't going to move the needle. There may be a few who are teetering between the two, but this interview certainly won't be the difference. And the Biden/Harris supporters are still going to vote their way. Trump thinks it makes a difference by actually appearing on every possible platform. It's probably actually hurtng him.
  7. The one trying to get in by making it obvious i'd actually like more than the one who is sneakier.
  8. I fear he's still severely affected by leftist bias and is still trying to break out of it. But this is good. Its a start.
  9. You honestly have no idea what's in his head. Self deception could just as easily be in play with your assessment of him. Good for him for realizing the American Dream. I salute him and i hope he makes millions more and interviews countless more of the rich and famous. But also, maybe one day he will realize that the American dream was just a giant fugazzi and he will seek inner peace. But he's a long way away from that. And so is Trump. You guys have to realize that you are judging these guys from higher states of development. And maybe one day you will advance to an even higher one by realizing you did that.
  10. That comes down to choosing the lesser of two evils heres why: if there was a guy or gal that didnt lie at all i would say that having just a "liar" in office is terrible and cannot be allowed. We have somone completely honest to contrast them with. Unfortunately, the completely honest person would never get that far in todays politicis and never become a politician. Which is a travesty. So yes I agree - i am most likely going to vote Harris. It's just funny how democrats or leftists wanna single out Trump for things other politicians do as well. In fact as a politician he probably does them better than any other politician which is why he is so popular in the polls. Politicians are like cemeteries, everyone is either lyin- or dying to get in
  11. But they still ALL lie. I guess it's OK to be less of a liar..we will give them a pass because we're democrats lol.
  12. Did all of you guys miss that Harris and Biden lie too? They all lie. So Trump lies more, lets stone him! That's like saying Jim steals constantly.. But Jane steals only some of the time. So hey let's throw jim in jail and let Jane walk free!
  13. I didn't mean to, sorry about that bud. I was just presenting a different perspective. Of course it's difficult to live from that perspective. Even if this is a dream - depression exists within the dream - and people unfortunately take their own lives. But from the Absolute perspective no one has ever died if it's all a dream. It should actually alleviate the fear of death not make it worse.
  14. It means that your relationship with death is solo as God.
  15. But what if it's not? You're smart enough to know that it can't be disproven. Maybe for a reason.
  16. If solipsism is true its only you and suicide is imaginary.
  17. Absolute vs relative...Awakening is liberation from suffering because you understand what death is. But that doesn't help you make sense of your mortality or the meaning of life. Ultimately you realize it is completely relative. But yes, it's comforting to know that although your ego will pass away, the substance of the ego will persist eternally
  18. Mediation has nothing to do with this .. this is just contemplation.
  19. Sure but I have found that it can lead to awakening and can initiate a shift into God Consciousness when you sit in no mind. When I say no mind I mean shutting the ego mind down and just sitting in what is actual..and then something can happen for most people I guess this can take decades of it - but for me it was just about two weeks. So I'm sure genetics plays a role here and also life experience and how much deep suffering you have endured.