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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Schahin Look at it like this. You as God are pure Being - formless. You are nothing. But as Infinity you contain all possibilities in a raw state of potential. So as the finite you, you are one of those possibilites. God is exploring a particular possibility as you. So as you - any decision you make plays out a particular possiblity - that before was just in a state of isness or pure potential. You are exploring a particular possiblity as you make your way through life. If you choose to go left - that possiblity then plays out. If you choose to go right, rather - then that one plays out and the other remains as isness. Think of it like a choose your own adventure book where all outcomes are already predetermined but you get to play out anyone you want. Ultimately the Big You will play out all of them to Infinity.
  2. You can't pick and choose when you hit a non-dual state - it happens when it wants to. That said its been said that 5-Meo is so powerful that it will thrust you into non-duality rather effortlessly.
  3. Well first off - don't take anything i say as the Absolute Truth, because they are merely pointers. And it's OK to be skeptical - you should be. And i expect to be demonized whenever i talk about Truth because it's extremely radical. But for me i discovered through direct experience that Leo's claims are in fact correct. (Not just his but any awakened person and there were many before me) I hit the first of my non-dual states when doing self inquiry to figure out what the hell i was. And then bam - it happened. A non-dual state. Here consciousness is at a completely different level and the self consciousness that you thought was you collapses into universal consciousness. That's when you will know you're True self. It wlll be actual. But requires a non-dual state in which you are pure actuality. The alien might be something your mind is conceptualizing and identifying with...(for me it was the soul) but if while meditating you can identify with that alien you should be able to become conscious that this is in fact "an answer" that your mind has deposited into the slot which in Truth is awareness itself - or Absolute Truth itself. This can subsequently help you disidentify with the alien. In a sense you aren't wrong because the idea of an alien is still part of God!
  4. Elegantly put. I don't know why others don't understand you - i understood everything you said...somehow
  5. @Jkris indeed suffering is a painful path
  6. @Jkris been reading your posts of late - your wisdom has grown. Have you had an experience of pure awareness yet?
  7. @AlphaAbundance. THIS is the secret weapon.
  8. @AlphaAbundance that's the spirit man! Looks good...if you have time why not add kriya yoga too!
  9. Just was catching up on this thread..this is where it gets paradoxical. @TrynaBeTurquoise @zeroISinfinity you guys are both right. You are both wrong. You are both wrong and right. And you are neither
  10. Nothing to fear whatsoever. Fear is something you have to imagine first.
  11. You'll come back to your little consciousness but it will feel like you died and were reborn.
  12. What other place - there is no where to go. Wherever you go that's where reality is. When you wake up as God the illusion of @Joker_Theory is no more temporarily
  13. @Nahm think of it like an eye that cannot see itself - or look back at itself. Or a finger that can't point back at itself. It just is itself. But the eye can create another eye that can then look back at itself. Its the self reference problem. It's rock bottom. You can't point back at yourself because you are the very thing you are trying to point back to. But also being yourself and knowing yourself through yourself are identical.
  14. @ActualizedDavid there's no "physical world" - that exists within consciousness.
  15. @ActualizedDavid You imagined you are a human. Then You imagined there is a here or there. Then You imagined you were here. Then You imagined that you can realize Truth "here". Then You imagined that you could discover You imagined all of it.
  16. @Angelite right now the nature of reality is still unknown to you
  17. @Angelite true but if you do that long enough - or self inquiry - something mystical happens and you can.
  18. @Angelite take out your hand and acknowledge the whole hand. Now look at one of the fingers. See the finger as a finger. Now shift your consciousness and see that the finger is still the hand. Can you become aware directly that the finger is still the hand? To see that the finger is still the hand requires a consciousness shift. But if you can do that - that is what becoming conscious that you are God is. You don't have to do magic to see that is One and you are the whole thing, you can just look at your hand.
  19. @ThomasT click and hold on the quote box then click select all - then click delete..that usually works for me on my phone.
  20. I feel like a total body energy sensation that is very hard to describe but feels sorta like you are blissfully dissolving. It can be very powerful. I had no idea what Kundalini even was but when i researched it, it seemed the closest description to what i have experienced - i refer to it as just a feeling of pure Being. Did you feel something like this during the breakthrough? If so chances are that's what it was.
  21. @dimitri how does something that's already everything all at once not be that so that it can be that again has to "unknow" itself. It's a paradox.
  22. @Harikrishnan great idea! But not so sure it could work for all depending on consciousness levels.
  23. @Michael Paul my awakening is via Kundalini as well. But is stimulated via meditation and alignment with Being.