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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Matt8800 Matt - enlightenment is no big deal? Really? I know you know better than that
  2. Thanks. I have switched off my bullshitting channeling functionality ??
  3. We (the "public") are all projections of your owm mind from one perspective so i wouldn't stress out too much.
  4. But its ok to use mine? Sorry i guess i publicized mine back in the day. Sorry man.
  5. Yeah i hear ya. I'm not sure if he is stating that, i think he is just pointing out the ease of which you can confuse the ego's imagination with infinite imagination. But then again does it matter if you are God? Maybe that's the point we are all making here....
  6. I stated earlier that it is One so this is relative. ALL form is relative or partial truths. It is a paradox in itself because you can have multiple things being true relative to the subject, simultaneously. And none are incorrect or fully correct. The realm of form is an Absolute relativity and a mindfuck
  7. To me it's all imagination. Just different layers or levels. So i think he is referring to God's imagination, which is boundless, and can manifest anything at will instantaneously. This could include spirits and the paranomal. Then there is limited imagination - or the finite version of God - the ego. The ego has a limited form of imagination but cannot will things into Being or create spirits other than within its own mind - it can't manifest them so that they are available within the Infinite Mind for all finite Minds to see. That's the point of being limited. So Real = God's imagination vs unreal = ego's imagination. But you see its all imagination and the egos Mind or finite Mind lives within the Infinite Mind. So to be "deluded" is to confuse God's imagination with your limited one.
  8. We are all Ghosts my friend. We are nothing. There is nothing here.
  9. @Aakash well notice we are entering paradoxical territory here because there is no difference between real or imaginary - or duality and non-duality. They're identical at the highest levels. In other words whether its God's mind or your mind it is One. how's that for a mindfuck.
  10. I think the key distinction here is - is the paranomal directly experienced in a non-dual state. The answer is no because a non-dual state is a state of pure Being - formlessness. Note that Reality is a Mind. Therefore everything is imagination. It is all imagined by God. There is no difference between imaginary and real. Those are dualities. Once this is realized and the materialist paradigm shattered, all things are possible. There are different levels of consciousness. There are levels of dual consciousness (the relative or form) and there is Absolute non-dual consciousness. Non-dual consciousness is pure Actuality - the present moment. The paranormal must exist in dual consciousness - but if it exists it does so at a totally different level of consciousness then the average human level. Therefore since the paranomal dwells within form or relative consciousness it is highly subject to delusion and can be a big trap of the ego - because you are still the ego at this level of consciousness. I am open minded to the fact that the paranormal exists - because again - since reality is a mind there is no difference between imagination and reality. it must exist at a highly elevated level and one must be very careful not to fall into a trap of the ego here. I'm sure many do.
  11. To add to my comment in a complete non-dual state the ego collapses so there isn't an ego there to be deluded. You are complete Infinity aka God consciousness at that point. It is pure actuality.
  12. My awakenings were natural. But as Martin Ball said in his interview with Leo.. you can tell when something is Actuality or not. Whether on or off pyschedelics this is probably the case. When one has an actual mystical experience it is Actual and the difference is clear. There is no denying it. The ego actually dissolves in a complete non-dual state. It isn't there.
  13. That's it. Its a cycle of God remembering, forgetting, then remembering again. When you participate in duality you are essentially forgetting on purpose. It's an imagination game
  14. The self reference problem. The finger cannot point back at itself because it is itself. It must divide itself in order to experience/know itself. So it creates its own witness from itself. It is both divided and One simultaneously.
  15. @capriciousduck you really can't grasp Infinity from your finite vantage point. You need a shift in consciousness - a mystical shift in which you become Infinite. Then you will be conscious of it. But not as you.
  16. @DoTheWork this is exactly what happens. This is the price your finite self pays for understanding all of reality. You will go through months in which, because there is no more fear of death that you will be on such a constant state of bliss that you can care less whether you live or die. The mundane will no longer matter to you. You could end up actually endangering your self because you have transcended both survival and death as God. Furthermore everyone is you. You will have to reach deep and come full circle back to caring for your own dualistic and finite survival. This is because as God you also love your finite self and you love duality. So you have to go back to immersing yourself in duality. It's not that hard really.
  17. @AlexHe both plays and doesn't play. He is the game.
  18. It's paradoxical. Its all One so it matters not to God. God is awake but then fools himself into forgetting. The part is the whole. Doesn't matter if one part remembers and another part doesn't. It's One. That's you.