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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Someday it will. Everything has already happened an Infinite amount of times. We could be a thousand years away right now from a society of mystics. In fact it's happening right now - just not from your vantage point.
  2. After you get past the ego backlash it is extremely liberating. What we fear is uncertainty. Knowing we are all things is complete certainty. And to me complete certainty is liberation. Infinite intelligence is complete certainty - but to have a taste of that is liberating - and to know that we are that is even more.
  3. Great stuff. Too bad rationalists will probably hand wave it off as usual.
  4. @VeganAwake yes - it is so beautiful it will bring tears because Absolute Love is so powerful. Being = Love.
  5. @Schahin for me: At first it was shock, then blissful and jaw dropping but what immediately followed was a terrible feeling that i was going insane for a few days. Couldn't function for a few days and had some depression. But once i got past that it was all good.
  6. @Schahin Knowing = Being but since God is itself it knows itself through itself. God is an infinite strange loop. It must limit itself then become unlimited to eternity. That's you. It can't be grasped by the finite Mind.
  7. @VeganAwake indeed - it is merely a shift in consciousness as consciousness is all there is! Oneness is a beautiful thing.
  8. @VeganAwake great post Of course one can become directly conscious that they are also the waves. When one comes full circle the final duality to collapse is non-duality vs duality. Duality and non-duality are indistinguishable. Form and formlessness are indistinguishable. One needs multiple awakenings typically to have this realization. But elegant post
  9. @Scholar yes you got it. You literally collapse into Being itself. The perceiver collapses into isness. You collapse form into formlessness. I like to think about that scientist observing a subatomic particle in quantum mechanics. He is entangled with the very thing he is observing. He cannot measure both the position and the velocity of the sub atomic particle simultaneously because the very act of trying to measure the object alters the outcome! He and the object he is trying to measure are directly entangled.
  10. Salmon is packed with nutrients - its one of the healthiest foods you can eat. So if you are eating fish that is very healthy. Tuna is good too. Get your superfood veggies in like broccoli and sweet potatoes. For nutrient dense fats eat avocado. You don't need to supplement vitamins if your diet is nutrient dense enough.
  11. Low quality post alert......
  12. Perhaps this is how this can actually be a trap for you...where as if you face this fear head on and overcome it you will no longer cling to it. When you rest in Being, you are stilling the mind. Stilling the mind is where you will find Truth. By this we mean formlessness or nothingness. Infinity. But paradoxically infinity is not just emptiness but it is everything. When you become conscious of Truth you will relinquish your identity and with it your fears. Ultimately, of course, you will come full circle because, you were in fact always Truth even in form. You will go back to thought - to gathering thoughts and organizing them in your mind. To reflecting. But it will be different now. You will have transcended your own identity. You will be free of its clutches. You can do these things but they won't enslave you. Through this spiritual growth you can then self actualize to a much deeper level and find much deeper satisfaction from your reflections and from life itself.
  13. @Raptorsin7 that is just one, often the first, of many realizations. Understanding your true nature is understanding the fundamental nature of reality. This is liberating in itself, but it is just the beginning. The pinnacle, to me, of this work, is the realization of Oneness. This will bring a deep sense of peace in your life although at first it will be quite the shock. As you keep going deeper in this work, you will be walking down a path that brings more peace, love, and wisdom in your life. This wisdom will help you to begin the path of transcending all of the things that cause us to suffer. This doesn't mean suffering will just vanish - but the closer you are aligned with Truth the less you cling to your finite identity. The more you cling to your finite identity the more you will fear. The more you will suffer. The less peace you will have. Now ultimately you must come full circle and embrace your duality - your identity. But on the return path it is with much, much more consciousness and wisdom. You will embrace your identity without clinging to it. That is a fundamental difference.
  14. You have to pretend, that's how. Trick yourself. (again). You are God - and this is your sandbox. So play. Non-dual awareness can exist in the backround.
  15. @Mulky form i(lets say you for example) is finite - it is within formlessness or infinity. But at the same time the two are identical. Form = formlessness. Finity is Infinity. Infinity is consciousness. Formlessness is consciousness. Form is consclousness. It is all One. Consciousness is a shapeshifter and simultaneously has no shape. In its formless state it is pure Being. This is pure potential - everything and nothing simultaneously.
  16. @Gili Trawangan it's so jaw droppingly powerful that words cannot do it justice and yet you managed to do it so beautifully Happy for ya.
  17. When you experience enlightenment the you shall melt away into isness. You will become infinite. And in that very moment you will be the moment. You always were the moment. You just weren't conscious of it.
  18. @Scholar what @Consilience speaks of is Truth with a capital T. Language, logic, and rationalism cannot capture Truth because it is mystical. It defies rationalism and it transcends it. You need an awakening. You need to become it because everything else is prior to it. You ARE it. Everything else is finite.
  19. @Consilience 1. What good would the illusion be if it was easy to see through. It wouldn't be much of an illusion. God is a master. Physical reality feels sooo real and juicy. It is very hard to detect it is a dream without a spiritual awakening and doing consciousness work. It is so counterintuitive. And for this to even happen you have to get past point 2 below. 2. Culture. Materialism is ingrained into our culture. It effectively is our culture. Most would never even doubt it unless they had an awakening. 3. Radical open mindedness - enough said there. This is why so few are enlightened to Truth.
  20. @Matt8800 unless you are referring to the process itself. But still. God does not reveal itself lightly. What goes into awakening is extremely nuanced behind the scenes although you can stumble on it blindly there are a lot of factors that play into one awakening to their true nature.