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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Mom is held within your consciousness regardless...even when she is right in front of you - you are imagining her...everything is consciousness including you And as to how it is helpful..well, I think if it clicks that everything is mind stuff - including YOU ...its like you have this oh fuck monent - like: "well shit - not only is my mom consciousness but so am I!" and so you realize that you are made of consciousness - its like - oh....oh fuck! I'm not real - or rather there is no contrast between real and imaginary because there is only imaginary! And since consciousness is a totally empty, formless substance - you realize "I'm..I'm..made of nothing holy fuck!" .when that hits home it really hits home! Then it hits you that not only are you made of consciousness..what you really are IS consciousness! The you as the ego is something You dreamed up
  2. @joeyi99 there is only what is held within consciousness. You believe there is this physical being behind the scenes that is your mother but realize that you just had to think that into existence right now. Even non-existence is but an idea held within consciousness.
  3. @King Merk it is a circle. From duality you must become conscious of non-duality. Then from non-duality back to duality. Completing the circle is realizing duality was non-duality the whole time.
  4. @Michael Paul yes and you ARE the universe. Thus your free will ultimately collapses into Divine wiil. It/You is/are One.
  5. @J J brains exist within consciousness...consciousness does not exist within brains. This is Descarte's infamous Mind Body problem which has been solved. Once you have a direct hit of Truth by becoming it, your current paradigm will shatter Welcome aboard!
  6. Leo said it well when he said reality is that which is the case. To me that means when you ask why am i here right now - well - you are part of everything. Reality is everything - plus this. Infinity expands to include everything. There cannot be anything outside of it... Have you ever thought that God HAS done that (knew himself instantaneously) - plus the dream? Reality is every possibility!
  7. It would depend more on that person's individual path, level of consciousness through natural life experience and how aligned with Truth they are, rather than whether they are addicted or not. Nothing is black and white in this work, or Absolute. Only Truth is Absolute. All else is relative.
  8. Just one that the last "bro"? Bro?
  9. Yes we see your point but what you are missing is the shifts in consciousness. From Shaun's perspective there are other people.. from Gods perspective its all in Gods mind. The Truth is very radical. It is hard to stomach, but beautiful at the same time. Once you awaken to Oneness and get through to the other side you will realize that you are only alone from Gods perspective. Yes this is the highest Truth - but remember form and formlessness are you can go on existing in a world of duality. Go back to being Shaun. All you have to do is imagine it. Imagine that there are other people and there are. If you can't stomach this work then it may be time to explore something else
  10. @Nate0068 there really was never a body that is just an illusion. What you really are as the ego is an idea. A possiblity if you will. So the cessation of you as an idea is what we call death. Your true nature is consciousness which can never die. So ego death is all there ever really was. This concept of death really just exists in our minds. There is no physical death.
  11. Can a person who is heavily chemically addicted to drugs or alcohol have an awakening? Probably not only because their addiction is consuming their consciousness to where they have tunnel vision on their addiction. Chances are they wouldn't be meditating at all if it was that bad. But addiction in itself wouldn't prevent you. It would depend on the degree. If their addiction was manageable and they spent time doing consciousness work they could.
  12. @King Merk this is natural my friend. This is because Truth transcends the ego. You still need to come full circle. Even when you are fully awake you will have the knowledge that you are God - transcending death. At that point what you do as the ego is completely up to you - because all form is relative.
  13. @Bobby Leo half assed the question dude. He is God being human. Cut him a break.
  14. @Temo the ego collapses during a mystical experience. There is no you to be deluded. It is pure actuality or infinite consciousness. There is no you to know the difference. That's how You know. You is capitalized because it is a Divine experience of God not the ego.
  15. It is a strange loop between form and formlessness. Nothing loops into everything then back to nothing then back into everything. Ultimately it is Infinity. Language cannot go there.
  16. @Enlightenment The difference is that you as God are imagjning everything.. But not you as the ego. The realization of Aloneness or Oneness comes with a collapse of the ego into Being - then a shift to God's perspective or God mode. God Mode is at a level of consciousness a thousand times higher than normal human consciousness. You can feel the fullness of it. You may have had a mystical experience but it may not have been the full realization of Oneness. There are many facets and degrees.
  17. @petar8p you are God imagining you are a human. Imagination is all there is.
  18. @oMarcos your conflating your finite consciousness to infinite consciousness or Infinite Mind. Infinite Mind has divided itself into partitions that you don't have access to as Marcos - By design. But through mysticism you can transport to the Infinite Mind if even for a few hrs and become directly conscious that you as Infinite mind are imagining or dreaming up this whole thing and that simultaneously you are playing all the parts.
  19. @aklacor727 When i had a mystical experience/direct consciousness of Oneness that was one of the hardest ones for my ego as well. It had the most severe ego backlash. Because basically it recontexualizes everything you thought you knew your entire life. The curtain is lifted over all of reality for the first time and it's hard to swallow that duality is actually non-duality in disguise. I was left sick for a week with this feeling of being alone and looking back at myself; felt like i was going crazy and had depression. But that was the bad part. The good part was first a feeling of absolute bliss, wonder and amazement that this whole thing was mine. It was very liberating. Once you get past the backlash and integrate the realization it is much better.
  20. @Thewritersunion you still have decades of life experience. Start doing the work seriously and you will see results.
  21. @Serotoninluv weird because i had just been listening to that video (the Lionel richie one -love my 80's)...think that's a sign of our Oneness?
  22. @florian_ Everywhere...what you think everywhere is - well that is a concept. It is held within consciousness. Grasp that and you will grasp omnipotence.
  23. @Thewritersunion you felt God - Being - Kundalini energy. What you felt was real but it was a glimpse. You aren't ready for the whole thing - death of the ego - mysticism. Though that was the tip of the iceberg. How old are you?