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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. An illusion is not an illusion until it is not an illusion.
  2. As i said - i know the feeling exactly
  3. The Absolute trumps relativity. Thats why its Absolute! ❤
  4. @Forrest Adkins try to stay mindful enough that if you are in that situation you have the consciousness to say no. You will feel a lot better about yourself after. And if you give in and say yes really contemplate why you said yes. You might have the realizaton that is isn't worth it going forward.
  5. @Nak Khid you aren't going to grasp that you are God with language. You are gonna to have to transcend that with a mystical experience. Have you started doing the practices yet?
  6. He's not. Duality = non-duality. You are duality. God is non-duality You = God. Oneness.
  7. ❤ indeed. I will also add for anyone who wondered - how can you have a realization during an experience of actuality/Being or aka God of there if there is no self to have it? Well it is instantaneous realization. There is no finite thought involved. Its pure magic.
  8. Just the feeling or experience of Divine bliss and Love :)❤?. And paradoxically a realizaton or two. As God. One of those can be that you ARE God! But i knew what you meant by your post. Don't wanna mislead newcomers though with the title.
  9. Actually, actuality itself is just God. You and i just collapse as there is no notion of self and other.
  10. Reality is an Infinite Mind. You are a finite mind. I am a finite mind. We are finitudes of Infinity. But simultaneously we are Infinity. Infinity = God.
  11. Relatively speaking the chair is not the table That is a duality. It is created so there can be such a thing as a chair and a table. But duality is created within non-duality. Form within formlessness. So from the Absolute perspective all must collapse into One. So yes duality is ultimately identical to and IS non-duality. I think we are saying the same thing no? Therefore God is splintering itself. The parts are still God but simultaneously creating the illusion that it can be something other than God. But that is simultaneously still God. In that very illusion though, it IS something other than God or it wouldn't be an illusion. But the illusion can be shattered. You can't escape that! If you say you can escape that then you are stopping halfway around the circle.
  12. In this dream we find ourselves in the illusion is that consciousness exists in the brain and our culture ate up the illusion. The Truth is that the brain is within consciousness
  13. But the chair IS the table. It is a strange loop, or paradox because of the self reference problem. There is no where to go. Duality into non-duality into duality into non-duality forever. Forever. To Infinity. There is only One.
  14. @TrynaBeTurquoise sweet. Thanks for the share.
  15. Yes studies show that they can help addiction, depression, etc...excellent input.
  16. @Arcangelo nice job on 8 yrs man congrats. I don't like the term alcoholic the way they use it in AA because it tends to have the connotation of the person being broken. These are addictive substances. But yeah - the longer you stay away from it the less you obsess about it. When you stop caring or thinking about it then it has no meaning. @Forrest Adkins it seems in your case you seem to be around it on weekends and then you are like fuck is fun and feels euphoric. I don't get the impression you obsess about it during the week. But yet in that moment when you are presented the opportunity - you stop thinking about the potential ramifications or the guilt you will feel afterwards. You are feeling good in the moment so you aren't able to see it. So for now as @Nak Khid stated - stay away from these situations until you really have no desire for it anymore to the point where if you got into those situations you could easily say no thanks.
  17. I think it's a great metaphor. All of reality can be found by simply looking at your hand. Reality, from a relative, formed perspective, is merely a shift in perspectives. All there really is are perspectives. One can observe the finger and see it from the perspective of a finger, and then one can shift perspectives and see it as the whole hand. The is still the world of form. The Absolute is the absence of perspective - it is pure isness or pure potential. Beyond the grasp of the mind.
  18. @Forrest Adkins i know this feeling exactly. It is like a tug of war between two parts of yourself and it is pure suffering. Ultimately you will need to reach a point where the negative ramifications of your drug use will become so strong within you that the side of you that wishes to align with Truth and purify your defilements will win out. The devilry side will merge into this and fade but it will not die easily. That is purification. Good luck my friend. Tools for this are to become content in just Being. Go meta and realize that materials and substances are hollow and imaginary. They are providing an illusion of happiness when in fact it is just an illusion. They aren't even real. You can be happy just Being. This is easier said than done. I still struggle with this even though i am conscious that it isn't real. Become conscious of triggers. Realize when triggers arise and trigger your desire for this hollow egoic stuff and try to go meta and let the good side of you talk yourself out of it. Look at long term rather than the short term hollow high drugs would provide. Keep drilling this into your mind. Keep yourself away from potential triggers. Perhaps find friends that stay sober. Also it does get easier the longer you can go without substances. Cravings diminish. Good luck again.
  19. @Nickyy agreed @sumire i think if you contemplate enough you will see that maybe you identified duality as something negative and associated it with the devilry of the ego. Perhaps because you were so focused on the first half of the circle - non-duality, that maybe you then created this identification or association in your mind.
  20. @sumire welcome to the forum and great question - I'm sure you will get a lot of replies! The way i see it is that you need to be able to seamlessly shift between duality and non-duality because ultimately they are One. And i do not consider an intimate connection with another ego inflation or an ego defilement. Just because from the Absolute perspective it is One does not mean you can't have meaningful relationships in the realm of the relative. Both duality and non-duality can be embraced Ultimately it's up to you - there is nothing wrong with being by yourself either.