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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. There are some good books on the booklist on evolution. Are you open to the possibility that Darwin's theory of Evolution by natural selection might not be the case?
  2. @MusicalPotato you could be experiencing ego backlash. Often times after a realization or awakening where things open up and dawn for you, they will close back up again afterwards. Do not doubt what you experienced. You are just returning to normal levels of consciousness. That is the ego trying to trick you. The last thing it wants to do is die.
  3. I'm not 100% sure but i do not believe Einstein ever went as far as becoming enlightened. Which is a shame. That doesn't take away from his brilliance of course. Of course you are just imagining him - which is the highest realizaton
  4. @Pouya in other words - just be present. Be in the present moment. BE the present moment! Because that is really what you are.
  5. @VeganAwake yup non-duality is the collapse of the perceiver or observer. There remains just isness. Perception is an illusion. God be izzin'!! ?❤ But God/You is/are still using little you as a puppet to explore itself/yourself in form.....
  6. These are the limitations of language. Language is dualistic.
  7. This is completely relative because the content within reality is completely relative. From the Absolute perspective reality is perfect. Good and bad are dualities that collapse into Absolute Good. So you are creating duality when you decide this reality is the "bad" reality, etc. You are relatively interpreting it as bad. A lack of consciousness creates devilry. In reality there is only Absolute Goodness. The devil is an unconscious God.
  8. Its possible even while it's still there. Since this was posted a while ago how is the path coming along for you?
  9. @coconutwater Yes winning the life lottery is exactly what this miracle of awakening feels like. Welcome to the forum. ❤?
  10. @Nate0068 you can get a phone call in your dreams can't you?
  11. Well said sir ?❤ God has the amazing ability to not only trick itself but to fall for its own trick! That's infinite intelligence for ya.
  12. Ok...i see what your intentions with the post are now..interesting insight! But I'm not sure it holds water with Truth. In other words, its possible for someone to not do any theory about Absolute Love - but then pop some DMT and have a mystical experience of Divine Love. In this case, they bypassed theory altogether. I totally see where the WHY comes in for building airplanes - and i see where it could definitely play its Role in Life purpose and even realization of God - but again - is it ultimately necessary for the realization of God - perhaps not? i don't think that was the WHY behind it. Perhaps more of the WHY is so that it could explore itself but not so much that it could self realize itself. But you could probably make the argument either way.
  13. @mandyjwYes we are using concept and theory right now to study the nature of reality. (I added that to my original post) @electroBeam so you can leverage it for more than just content...and that works great for most things..But, that being said, for grasping the nature of Truth you will hit a wall or a limit where theory can no longer go..that wall can only be surpassed with mysticsm.
  14. @electroBeam it is what it is. From my own direct experience i became conscious of the limitations of theory. I didn't rely on anyone else. But i see how you can see it that way.
  15. @electroBeam what you are eluding to here can also be perceived as concept VS actuality. Concept and theory are great for learning about the content within reality. But to grasp the structure of reality ultimately you will need to transcend concept/theory/ideas. Grasping reality is Actuality or becoming the present moment. (Direct experience) I used the structure analogy because it just came up in Leo's last video so i thought it was fitting. Here is some interesting food for thought...YOU are a concept! But for figuring out everything within reality theory is great.
  16. Gandalf the Grey returned as Gandalf the White after he died and was reborn
  17. Haha that's a bit extreme LOL but yes that's the idea .❤?
  18. Once one becomes conscious of Truth, it would actually be a disservice to teach anything else as Truth. Have you ever considered this perspective? Also, as far as open mindedness, one can conversely make the argument that the student is not being open minded if they do not explore the possibility of what is being said here. I'm not stating you are not being open minded, just stating that true open mindedness should be free of any preconceived notions or bias about what is being taught. Complete detachment so they can discover for themselves if it can lead them to Truth.
  19. I understand that there are an infinite number perspectives. But Infinity cannot be beyond itself. As we both agree it expands to include whatever is beyond it. Also infinity in its Absolute form is pure Being / formless. All perspectives collapsed into nothing.
  20. I call that God's Infinite perspective in form. Infinite imagination. I have experienced it as the Godhead in form. And within the One mind imagining all of Infinity - it is simultaneously experiencing or exploring itself as an infinite amount of finite perspectives.
  21. @VeganAwake i believe he is speaking from a dualistic or relative POV. Relatively speaking, since everything is imaginary - whatever you imagine is real becomes real for you.
  22. @VeganAwake interestingly enough by making it up in the mind - its there just not what it appears to be. One can see it from that perspective too.
  23. Yes that is why the Absolute Truth cannot be spoken. All we can do is point at it but our words aren't Truth itself (although in a way they are lol relatively) ..but I'm sure you probably know that.