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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Bill W think of it like this. Direct experience is just a set of words we use to point to Being. It's not even Being because Being cannot be grasped with words. So you are misconstruing what Being is because no one can really explain it to you. This is how teachings of Truth can be misunderstood. The best way to describe Truth with language is to say... Being is just.... Throw up your hands and stop right there because anything else is going too far.....
  2. @Schahin i can tell you one thing - awakening is actuality - it is right now. It is becoming conscious that you are the now by being the now. And what you are doing is thinking. This is the problem! You are getting in your own way! Quiet the monkey mind! When you get glimpses don't get lost in trying to analyze everything - just bring yourself back to the present moment and keep it there... It happens when it happens Love you brother!
  3. You're still not getting it. Awakening is the collapse of the student / teacher duality. You are both the teacher and the student. You will no longer obsess (not you personally) about a particular teacher at that point and whether they are narcissistic or not. Who cares?
  4. Correct...belief is within Truth and is a part of it. Absolute Truth is prior to it. It is isness. Only a mystical state will reveal this. A belief is relative.
  5. You don't realize it but you are proving my point.
  6. Truth is Truth. It is not about one particular teacher. There have been many that teach Truth. Truth is Being. These guys, as you point out, have not had direct experience of Being before. They still think its a belief. It's a shame, frankly. They don't know what they are missing. Their close mindedness will trap them from ever experiencing pure Being. But it is what it is. Once I had direct experience of isness I realized its not about Leo, or any teacher.... It's actually about You. in Actuality there is no Leo, or Rupert Spira, or Eckhart Tolle, or the Buddha, Christ, or any of them. It's just You/God. They are projections of your own mind. This is something that these guys will never get close to grasping - in fact if you said it to them they would demonize you.
  7. @Preety_India thats right because you are attaching them to a particular identity. Aligning with Truth requires one to not cling tightly to any particular identity or perspective but rather to be able to jump between perspectives. That is how they can grow, change, and evolve. That said just because you label a person doesn't necessarily mean it will trap them but is indeed a low conscious act on your part and it could since the person may be fairly undeveloped and therfore vulnerable. As for what @Nickyy was saying - Reality (duality that is) as you guys know, is a absolutely relative. All there is are perspectives. It is completely subjective. And i think that's where he is going with this. But there is also Absolute Truth - and there is aligning with Truth. The more conscious one is, the more selfless they become - and the more aligned with the Truth they become. If someone wants a girl for their physical appearance only (i did for many of my early years) they are still very unconscious as it is purely about themselves at that point. But i think that's pretty obvious anyway. I see@Raptorsin7 point as well, which is that if we allowed those posts to go unchecked then people may see it and think its cool or wise to do that. At the same time i think these things should be pointed out before locking and if the individual becomes belligerent or the post has run its course and is serving only unhealthy purpose then it should be locked. So everyone makes good points.
  8. Congrats my man! ❤?
  9. @VeganAwake sounds like your ego has overwhelmed you......Oneness was never in question there was a different point i was trying to need for personal attacks.
  10. @VeganAwake hi bud. I love you but i think you might be missing what's being said.... do you truly grasp what duality is? Let me ask you this - can you go out into nature and enioy the sunset? Can you marvel at the tree outside your door and observe with amazement the beauty of its design and the color of its leaves? Can you gaze into the stars and fall in love with the moon? Do you smile at the magic of the very room around you? That is duality! If the answers were yes then it doesn't matter whether you say it exists or not. Language is limited anyway. It only matters if it becomes a trap to you -whereby you dismiss everything in the name of non-duality. Because every "thing' is duality. A "thing" is finite. No "thing" is infinite. When you dismiss 'everything" as an illusion - yes - its substance is nothing - but be careful not to rob yourself of your own creation because nothing is simultaneously everything. Collapse that final duality.
  11. @erik8lrl Absolute Love --- isness itself Need more awakenings around here to Absolute Love. When you actually become it (you already are of course but in it's purest form) you're body will shake and tremble with uncontrollable bliss and Love as the essence of your Being fills you completely to where you implode with Divine Love :❤
  12. @Raptorsin7 it requires a mystical non-dual state of pure Being. Isness. These words that we speak are going too far. These words create duality. Even to say that only non-duality exists is to go too far.
  13. Be careful not to get lost in concepts. What matters is right now - the present moment. You are interpreting your life as some type of prison when it doesn't have to be like that. You make your own reality.
  14. Experiencing your same life an infinite amount of times and not remembering is the same as living it once. Nothing is really happening at all, actually.
  15. Can you see that this and what is happening right now is indistinguishable. That's Infinity. @Mindfang413 As was mentioned earlier a few things. Talk to a therapist. Look into pyschedelics as a possible treatment option if you are feeling depression for long bouts it could be clinical depression and there is now medical treatment offered using pyschedelics.
  16. @Rasheed what worked for me is inquiring into what i was, actually. Realizing i wasn't the body or the brain. Realizing what i truly was i could not pin down in form anywhere. Just that i thought i was this entity behind the eyes. I recommend listening to Leo's enlightenment videos in order.
  17. @VeganAwake Something that is one thing can't point back at itself because the very thing that it is using to point back at itself is itself. The self reference problem. It just is itself. It has to realize it just is itself!
  18. Yes I've always said that it is God waking up to itself. ❤? Regardless we will run up against paradox here because of Oneness.
  19. Its really pretty simple. You are infinity. Infinity is everything and nothing. Nothing cancels everything out. So what you have is a hallucination. There is no difference therefore between real and hallucination. Hallucination is all there is. And hallucination is nothing. Everything is nothing means duality is non-duality.
  20. He is the beggar. He is the King. He is both. He is neither. He is everything. He is nothing. He Is.
  21. @actualizing25 yes you can. You can have a full blown mystical experience while just meditating.
  22. @Aaron p there are multiple ways to skin a cat. For me, asking the question "what am I, really?" Is what worked. One has to break through the illusion of seeing themselves as this entity behind the eyes. It is deeply ingrained in us.