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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Agreed but you'll still come full circle back to who is good. For example, I hope now you at least realize and recognize that Hitler was the devil. You did for Bin Laden.
  2. Ok but I think it's comparing apples to oranges. The whole region is in uproar - far different from 1930s europe. So comparing the two seems silly. I don't think they are bullying but rather just making sure what's there's is there's.
  3. If you're trying to define a set line between good and evil here you aren't going to find it. It's survival, period. Where good comes in is whether or not you move on to kill for no reason but power, greed and delusion. And I don't think they are doing that here.
  4. Israel's agenda isn't world domination. I think we can all agree on that.
  5. No now you should see why they need to defend themselves. The problem with war is at what cost.
  6. Where was the sympathy Oct. 7th? I didn't see any. Maybe I missed it though 😀 All i saw on this forum was hatred for Israel's retaliation. And no not pawns. Pawns are used in Chess as an attack method, in some cases even to gain a Queen. And certainly innocents aren't part of the game. But unfortunately it happens. But it happens on both sides.
  7. This was Israel thinking like a terrorist to kill a terrorist. It's genius. Don't listen to the naysayers. While it's not a good look on the outside - it's brilliant. And they don't care what anyone else thinks of them...
  8. I have to admit this isn't a good look for Istael. More fuel for the fire. Jeesh. They're just becoming cutthroat. I guess to catch a serial killer you have to become one. Or get in the mind of one.
  9. It's a metapjysical term to describe the substance of reality. The substance of reality is nothingness. There is nothing outside of your own consciousness. That is what a dream is. But there can be extreme detail and conplexity within the dream. And it is Real. If a dream is reality than reality and a dream mean the same thing. There is nothing outside of it to which to compare real vs unreal.
  10. Exactly. But he also had awakening via psychedelics But if you could ask him if he would trade the same realizations for a kundalini awakening via mediation he would do it in a minute. Borrowed Truth must be paid back.
  11. @Jodistrict Leo is kind of a weird issue. He's not awake by traditional standards. And he is not that famous or really has a goal of money or fame.
  12. Well..personally i doubt it. Awakened beings aren't typically famous. Most actually stick to themselves and are weird like that and don't go in for business. If they do it's usually after. So it's possible but honestly don't hold your breaths. And honestly it doesn't matter
  13. Possibly. You can also make that argument about OCD and other genetic alterations to natural brain chemistry. What we call imbalances to the brain are actually enhancements in terms of Consciousness and Truth.
  14. Proclaiming i am God to a bunch of dream characters is like the developer of the video game going into his own game and then telling everyone it's a game. For him, it's unnecessary unless he has nothing else to do. For the rest, most will be taking it in as a belief which could have very negative consequences. But not all will do thIs. And for the one who has actually realized it, it is a deep dilemma. Not only because it's could misslead others but also because it does nothing for his own growth. Yet, he must teach on. Because if he can awaken even one person, even within the confines of the dream, then he has managed to break them away from what society has attempted to mold them into - and that is a product of their society.
  15. I'd say It's someone who experiences mysticism...and thus experiences ego death and the lack of all duality. All separation between self and other dissolved. One who exoeriences God and the mystical nature of God, but also one who has had a total kundalini awakening and becomes Infinite Consciousness. Becoming conscious of No self, Infinity, Love, Nothingness and Oneness. All of which are but facets of fhe same One Truth. If you havent spent hours rolling on the floor writhing in Love and Divine ecstasy then you ain't awake. If you havent experienced not only ecstasy but also the terror of Oneness or Aloneness then you're not awake. The enlightened being is not transformed overnight but via a series of mystical awakenings.
  16. The point is why hate on religion period...and if you are at least pick one that isn't pretty darn close to encapsulating Truth. Buddhism is the closest. I guess that's why he picked it. But i would go with something else.
  17. 😀 our biases are developed by our experiences. @zurew do you see his point on bias and neutrality now?
  18. No..there was something specifcally with you and Buddhism. It doesn't matter. Was just wondering.
  19. True. Where . anyway don't wanna divert the thread...about Lex..I guess the discussion on Lexs' persona should take precedent. Someone who is a projection of one's own mind...but we have a full discussion on it here on a high consciousness forum.
  20. But really answer the question. Why hate so much on Buddhism? It comes the closest to actual awakening than any other religion. It at least speaks of no self. And it incorporates mediation. Both of which actually lead you there. Christianity and Judaism simply appeal to a bearded man in the clouds. If you wanna hate on something maybe pick one of those.