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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I'm not sure about that being a sign of brainwashing but it could be the ego coming in. I agree that we need to be accepting of others regardless - because everyone is at different stages of development. This is part of moving up the spiral in SD - you incorporate the stages below once you reach yellow and beyond. You don't judge or criticize earlier stages as those stages are a part of you. There is a passion when someone awakens to teach and show the light to others but there is a fine line and a balance must be struck. One must realize you cannot enlighten someone else because they have to discover it for themselves. So all we can do is point at it for them if they want to hear it. @Deanna have you become directly conscious via mystical experience of the Absolute or is it concept that you resonate with and grasp at an intellectual level but have not had any awakenings per say? Because in this work you want to be careful not to take what is being pointed to as a belief.
  2. ?❤ Let your intuition guide you because ultimately to transcend the materialist paradigm you won't do it with logic or comprehension. You'll get a direct hit of isness one day and be like "holy fuck!"
  3. Hope i didn't put you on the spot..didn't mean to - maybe a simple answer is - yes it does - but it exists as Absolute Infinity - or pure potential, meaning every possibility that could possibly be. This is pure Being / Infinite Love, isness, Pure formlessness. Pure consciousness. Reality is an infinite mind :)?
  4. Before we go on...what is your current worldview? Is it the materialist paradigm? It's fine if it will just be hard to make sense of it if you subscribe to the materialist paradigm.
  5. I am speaking from the Absolute POV...there is only consciousness (You) and You are imagining that the small self is a conscious being and that a rock, for example, isn't.
  6. No thing is conscious or unconcious. Perception is an illusion. Consciousness is imagining it.
  7. A rock is consciousness and you are consciousness. You are a rock right now, not past tense.
  8. Until his wife and kid are shot dead in his front yard by the neighbor.
  9. @The Don Infinity ultimately leads to paradox. It must because it is one infinite singularity - meaning it is already everything and nothing. It's without limitation and groundless. It's sooo everything that it circles around to simultaneously being nothing. Everything and nothing become indistinguishable.
  10. seeking a mystical experience is kind of a trap in this work, which i myself sometimes fall into. Because once you become Infinite, and once you get past any backlash you might have, you want to become it again. The best thing i would say to do is continue your meditation practices, or yoga, etc. But do not go in seeking a mystical experience, simply do the practices and dwell in Being or the present moment. Because seeking or desiring a mystical experience is paradoxically moving you away from it because it is the ego co-opting it for itself. This work is very paradoxical and counter-intuitive. Ultimately you can discover that there is no difference between this (duality) and a mystical experience (non-duality). You are in bliss now, you just aren't conscious of it At that point there is no more need to seek anything.
  11. @Annoynymous A mystical experience, which is direct experience of pure Being / Infinite Love / Formlessness / Infnity, will remove all anxiety, worry, depression, suffering, etc and replace it with Divine Absolute Bliss - but alas, only for a time. Essentially you die before you die, and when you come back, you still flee this bliss but for a short period of time. However, as you integrate back into your ego, these things will slowly creep back into your life. That is why it is said that this is where the real work begins. Your level of consciousness as a result of the experience has gone up - and you now are armed with the realizations that you took away from the mystical experience. With these realizations you can begin the work of mastering your ego, through understanding yourself and reality better, and using the skill of going meta. For example, if you have the realization that death is infinite Love, then what is there really to be anxious about, or worry about, or fear? With this understanding you can slowly transcend fear itself, which is rooted in the fear of death - because you've already died! It is easier said than done because survival skills kick in and fear is necessary for the survival of the self. But ultimately the more awakenings you have and the deeper you go the easier it will be and the more conscious you become. This will result in less and less suffering. More consciousness = less suffering. So through integrating these realizations you will greatly reduce suffering in your life - because you are able to see through the root of suffering itself now. That is why it is said that liberation is ultimately the end of all suffering. Because you have become Infinite, but then returned to a finite form - though this time different - and able to see the illusion of form, and that in order for there to be form there must be deception. That is how it helps. But it is a process of integration and embodiment in your everyday life.
  12. Guys lets refrain from what gets into the territory of non-dual wars or who is more enlightened. Or what the deepest enlightenment is, etc.
  13. Exactly. As it must be. Because you cannot "know" the unknowable.?❤
  14. Precisely. The story is pointing back at itself.
  15. Indeed - there is no self to be enlightened. God simply awakens to itself. There is only a story of Osho being imagined by God - and God is fundamentally nothing. Yes the story of Osho is duality. So collapsing the story leaves only isness or Being. Being is true nature (formlessness). One can say there never was a story of Osho and that that is illusion. All form or imagination is illusion in the sense that it is intangible - you can't pin it down to anything. Its fundamentally nothing. All there is is imagination and imagination is nothing. Thereby - its just THIS! But note - it is through the story that God can know itself.
  16. @Javfly33 ive seen your previous post related to this subject and i think your question stems from wondering why you are this particular perspective and not some other. Its also the same type of question as to why reality is structured this way and not another way. This used to break my mind as well until i had some deep mystical experiences into Oneness and Infinity. The answer - Absolute Infinity. You see, you wonder why you are this perspective and not others? Well, you ARE. As infinity you are actually being all perspectives right now - including this one. And If you weren't all perspectives including this one - Infinity wouldn't be infinite. You are exploring and experiencing yourself in in order to know yourself through an infinite amount of perspectives. So rather than seeing it from your limited perspective, zoom out and shift perspective. It's almost as if you reverse your POV from your limited one to the wholeness of the Absolute. This, you, literally is infinity being infinity. You being your perspective is Infinity. You are infinity and infinity includes everything. It is the same with the second question. Why is reality this way and not another way? Well, it IS. It is an infinite number of ways including this one. Explaining Infinity with language does not do justice because language itself is finite - but this is the best i can do.
  17. Yes...You became Absolute Love ❤❤
  18. That "moment" happens when you become conscious that there is no you to get any final insight Reality is already complete. Yeah take a break, dive back into the story, and come back. That's all there is to do anyway
  19. Really there never was a physical self. That is just a story. An idea. You are an idea and every "thing" around you is an idea. It is a dream. Mind stuff. Consciousness. Consciousness is nothing. And it is also everthing. The final duality of everything and nothing - real and unreal - collapse into One. It is just this. This right here. This is pure consciousness. This is God. This is you. It is eternal. You are eternal. You are infinity. So once you as your truest nature becomes conscious of all of this - not as the story of @traveler , but as God - then as you fall back to the story you become conscious that by embracing the story of @traveler that you are embracing God's creation.
  20. Your wooshed and his wooshed makes a guy called cetusnahm. Welcome to the forum cetusnahm!
  21. Physical pain is not the same thing as interpreting something as miserable. Go back to the example of the guy with cancer - how do you know he was "miserable"? Isn't that something you are projecting onto him? How do you know he isn't completely happy and at peace from his perspective? Isnt that completely relative to him? Maybe to him he made peace with cancer and is happier than he has ever been? I'm just saying its completely relative.