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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Right...the key thing to grasp is that reality itself has the self reference problem - it cannot reference itself because its one singularity. Therefore it cannot point at itself - anything it uses to point to itself with is still itself. It can't reference itself - it has nowhere to go. It just IS itself. Reality just has to discover that it IS itself. For someone to explain this is one thing - but when you become directly conscious of it - it is a mystical experience - For the first time you will be izzing ??
  2. They're identical. Imagination is form and Infinite Love is formlessness. Formlessness is all form.
  3. Yep that's it man :)?❤ Have you sighted the Ox?
  4. You can point at it meaning you can hint around at it. Yes, its the self reference problem. Reality is one singularity - thus everything it tries to point at itself with is already itself.... It just has to realize it IS itself. That moment of realization is enlightenment. That's Being.
  5. @Raptorsin7 oh man....i can't even describe it..but trust me, you'll know (paradoxically lol)
  6. @Raptorsin7 ? Well Truth is prior to thought or language - its rockbottom. You can only be it as Being is prior to knowing. Rockbottom is formless as it must be infinite to hold all form within it... its the fabric. And with reality the fabric is literally nothing. So when you think of Truth, that is a thought, which is form. The thought itself (form) is held within formlessness. So you can't get to formlessness with form..its already inside it. You have to have a mystical shift and become formlessness.
  7. Dont confuse what they are saying for Solipsism. People seem to get confused with that.
  8. When everything is One how can you not be? Some teachers just don't call it God - perhaps because they haven't experienced the Divinity and the Love aspect yet. Or maybe they have and they just don't use the word. But non-duality means not two.
  9. It isn't a problem. I was pointing out how we all can critique in a more conscious way if we can see the bias of our own perspectives and not accept our perspective as the absolute. This is the case for those at lower tier stages on the spiral. At a higher stage in the spiral one can see from the other perspective not just their own. It seems you are already conscious of this but others on the forum may not be yet. Ofcourse, in practice It is hard to actually take someone else's perspective because to truly do that we would have to get in their head. But we can do our best with the data we have. It is a practiced skill.
  10. @Limbo Nothing wrong with healthy discussion.
  11. are you trying to say I'm a moron for exposing your POV as completely relative.?
  12. @Limbo but what if that's not his perspective...see the problem here?
  13. But projection is to project your perspective onto someone else. That isn't necessarily his perspective. If you are saying that is what it appears to be from your perspective than that is one thing. But to say that is what he is doing is projection.
  14. @Limbo Valid point. That's what it means to say reality is an Absolute relativity.
  15. Once you become conscious of all of reality everything else pales in comparison. At first. But eventually you will come full circle. Meaning you will realize that everything is so One that even delving into a career that focuses on something very specific is still God. So try not to get discouraged along the path. If you do its normal.
  16. You are projecting here. If you can jump between perspectives you can in essence lose the sense of self and see things from multiple perspectives. From his perspective maybe that is just his teaching style. And it comes from a place of love.
  17. It matters more that in your own reality you discover that the fabric of reality is Love. Because ultimately he is you. All is One.
  18. @Leeeon Infinite intelligence and infinite imagination can dream anything into being. But that is infinite imagination. God is the infinite dreamer. When and if you can tap into God mode anything is possible - but under normal human levels of consciousness, you are not the infinite dreamer. You are a finite player within the dream. That said time travel is possible within the dream - as far as going into someone else's future. That's been proven with subatomic particles. (Relativity and time dilation)
  19. @Javfly33 its the radical implications of Oneness Halloween edition.
  20. Not to me it sounds like a lifetime in the making you don't always need years of spiritual work when you have been doing it all along and just didn't know it