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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @SgtPepper well said. Everything is an illusion in the sense that it is mindstuff and appears physical and has a ground. But physical is within mind stuff. Mind stuff is all there is - so illusion IS reality. Then you have the illusion of the ego. You can become conscious that your true nature is consciousness imagining you are ego. This allows you to see through the ego and accept what is instead of resisting Truth all the time which is what the ego always wants to do. Because it is a self. It is selfish. Consciousness is selfless. In that way you accept everything - and suffering diminishes. Does it vanish completely? Probably not. Because while the story of the self exists it has to survive. And survival is suffering. But we can still tame the ego through wisdom and acceptance of what is and through that attain liberation.
  2. Oh ok - then disregard my post on the other thread. I didn't realize you already meditated. Perhaps it can help someone though ??
  3. The path to Absolute Truth begins with meditation, contemplation, concentration and self inquiry techniques. Do you practice meditation yet? Self inquiry?
  4. A wise man realizes that there is no difference. . Once this is realized interacting in the world with others is effortless.
  5. No need to live in a cave hitting non-dual states constantly unless you want to. Once you die a few times you realize the separation was imaginary the whole time and that you are the whole thing right now. Its this right here! There is nowhere to go. This is it. As you guys were saying earlier. But in regards to your own path it sounds like you still have to die once
  6. The self or ego will come back - until the physical body which you are imagining yourself to be expires. Then you will be pure Infinity eternally. Until you decide to do it all over again ??
  7. That is what we call death, but death is just imagined. It is actually God - Formlessness - infinity - Love - Consciousness
  8. It means not two essentially. A duality is distinction, creating separation. So you can think of it as non-distinction. Interestingly enough negative is the opposite of positive so even that is a duality that collapses. Also note that language is inherently dualistic so you can't get to total non-duality with words. Non-duality and duality is a duality that must collapse.
  9. Of course because part of the self's survival technique is to seek happiness/pleasure out there somewhere, which counterintuitively leads to suffering. The ego's survival techniques kick in as if on autopilot so you have to always stay mindful of it and rest in being.
  10. Sounds like the consensus is that you would need to grow the beard out first.
  11. @Spiral Wizard remember that the ultimate goal in this work is to discover you are God and that you are your own authority. Teachers are here to guide you but at some point you have to outgrow the need to place authority in someone else and realize that you are it. And always think for yourself first and foremost.
  12. @Highest nice to see you back bud.
  13. @StephenK nice! Yes Infinity / You are quite the force. Welcome home!?❤
  14. In essence a mystical experience is a non-dual state - the dissolution of the self. As the self / other is a duality which collapses. So it is a form of ego backlash after the non-dual state of consciousness in which the ego, upon return, tries to deceive itself for its own survival. Because if it knows the Truth it ceases to be. And the last thing the ego wants to do is die. .
  15. He said God is in charge, and some...not God is in charge of some.
  16. That's precisely correct. And that's awesome if you are conscious of this without ever going full circle - meaning go from division to unity and then back to division. You did it without the round trip and that's great. (Or maybe you took the round trip, i don't know) but most people here that are wanting to grasp reality and themselves as God - it you tell them this it makes no sense to them. Rather if they were to die before they die so to speak and are then reborn they grasp it immediately as they have tapped into mysticism and infinite intelligence.
  17. Yes the term enlightenment is in itself a relative term. But there is something mystical that can happen when you dissolve the self other duality. It is a mystical experience. It's not just dropping a belief its Being itself.
  18. @assx95 thought/concept is form. To be formless is to become directly conscious that you are the present moment and collapse the self and other duality into isness. (Non-duality) Pull out your hand and look at it. Acknowledge it - that is actuality - right now. The present moment. If you stare at it long enough, the perceiver and the perceived collapse and you become your true nature - actuality itself. You and the hand become one. It happens when it happens but the longer you meditate the greater the chances.
  19. @GoatBeard do these chills feel blissful? It sounds like an experience of Being/Love...which also can be described as a dissolving/melting feeling. That's really good. Don't get depressed it means that you are starting to open up. It's great and you could be spiritually gifted. Keep going!
  20. For me it is a dissolving/melting feeling of pure bliss. It feels literally like i am dissolving into Infinity. (Because that's what's happening) Its wonderful. I have never tried heroin but i imagine it couldn't even hold a candle.
  21. There isn't. Something is nothing. Nothing is something. Infinity.