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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. The analogy of a virtual partition in consciousness is a good one. Consciousness partitions itself. But the separation is virtual. Within your partition, you feel separate. As you should be. From your partition or perspective, you are. That is the whole point of partitioning in the first place. That's a feature. But it is possible as you know, to hack your own partition (mysticism) and access the whole hard drive. And then you realize its all one drive. For the partition who hasn't done this yet, he has no idea that the partitions are virtual.
  2. This very question really bothered me ever since i was a kid. It was only after i found spirituality that the question could finally be answered. You see, if you are coming from the materialist paradigm, then this question should bother you. If it doesn't you are probably never gonna have a chance at ever awakening. Because if there was an objective, physical reality, then how could something exist if no one is there to be conscious of it? The materialist would chalk it up to "oh well, its just beyond our understanding. Its happening without anyone seeing it and that's that. God sees it from the clouds. Etc etc." But when you discover that reality is a mind - it is consciousness - then it all makes sense. And the tree and the sound exist as pure consciousness - pure potentiality. It only collapses into a tree when being observed. A subject / object duality is created What's really going on is pure being. The raw data, sights and sounds are there when not being "perceived" or "heard", existing as Being. Leo's video on what is perception can really help clear this up for you. Quantum mechanics revealed this as well. That is why if you are actually able to collapse yourself into Being, you will literally cease to exist as you. You will be Being! You've collapsed the subject/object duality.
  3. There is no need to resort to name calling. Please keep the posts free of personal attacks.
  4. Of course it has no need to care. It is prior to caring. Only the illusion of one to care can care. But that small self that can care, when it discovers it's true nature - it discovers that to resist itself as a self is just interrupting the process so to speak lol. So wisely it steps out of the way. It goes meta. Like you said, it is designed to be seen through.
  5. Or you can say an illusion only becomes illusion after it is revealed. In other words, when you are in it, it is not an illusion, to you. The illusion here is in regards to one's purest nature as consciousness, which is total selflessness, not a self. In truth, consciousness is imagining it is a self. But what is not explored by those simply dismissing the self as an illusion is the question of why. After all, this is not the matrix. When you wake up, there isn't another realm to wake up to. There is only isnesss or awareness itself. Isness or Being/awareness cannot know itself because it is prior to knowing. It deeply desires to know itself. In order to do this, it must create the illusion of a knower. Thus, It experiences itself through this illusion, because that is all it can do. But note, it is still awareness - its just that rather than being formless it is shapeshifting into a particular form. Therefore to deny illusion, or to deny form, is to deny yourself. The point of the post, i deem, is not to dispute illusion. Not really. The point of the post is to accept the imaginary self, and embrace it. You must embrace.
  6. You know not what you speak. You are confusing what you have heard (concept) for actuality - and that is dogma. it is clear from this, and the time you spend quoting others, that you still have a long way to go for your own awakening. You can realize one day that you no longer need to quote others because there will be no others.
  7. Yes. And you will notice that nothing bothers you anymore. If a truck cuts you off on the highway, nearly killing you, you will experience it. You will accept it. And you will move on. The egos desire to lash out at the truck driver has dissolved. Nothing phases you anymore. There is only Love and compassion.
  8. @Adodd what type of meditation are you doing? Remember, self inquiry is a type of meditation. So is the do nothing, no thought. So is contemplation. So is concentration - which in a way merges with do nothing, but here you are focusing in on one thing in your direct experience. If you are only doing one particular type, then i suggest to switch it up. Work your way to at least 30 min as well.
  9. @TheAvatarState yeah...i have to go back and watch that again. But yeah, the word that came to mind over and over again when i had my awakenings was simply - its a miracle. Its a miracle on so many levels. And you are the miracle.
  10. Indeed it does. What is presently actual for you is what is true for you. That is the distinction between actuality and concept. The words anyone speaks to you (including me) are concepts. It is second order. Actuality is first order. Do not mistake concept for actuality. Doing so turns it into dogma. Be open minded that concept may or may not be pointing to something that can become actual for you. But the only way for anything to become actual for you is to actualize it in your direct experience. Meditation can be key here because it connects you directly with what is actual.
  11. @assx95 that's because you have yet to realize your truest nature. You're purest form - the formless. As formlessness, pure being - you are unable to know yourself because you are prior to knowing. You must create a separate "knower" first. You are the infinite shapeshifter. Shapeshifting into a form to experience yourself through that form. Thus, experience is its own meaning. So, quite simply, just experience.
  12. Reality has no ground. Any ground is being imagined. We have to imagine there is a ground to ground ourselves in order to even have this conversation. The illusion is that there is some tangible ground to reality. It is infinite.
  13. Thats the same as saying if reality is one singularity then it has to include everything. There is nothing outside of it. If there is nothing outside of it then it has to include the property of nothing. Nothing cancels out everything. That is what reality is - it is groundless. A hallucination. That means it isnt real or unreal - it just IS. It has no way to reference itself because everything is itself. So it just IS. If reality is made out of consciousness, which is nothing - guess what that makes you - you are an idea within consciousness. And you are also consciousness itself - because again reality is one infinite singularity. It's simply a shift in consciousness.
  14. I'm not discouraging meditation at all - by no means. But for me personally it happened via meditation within days. And i see a lot of people on here having meditated for years and haven't had an awakening. They might understand everything conceptually - but they haven't had mystical experiences. If you are getting into years then if it were me i would start leveraging any and all tools i had at my disposal.
  15. @Consept most spiritual teachers who are awakened are spiritually gifted. So meditation didn't take them long at all - and some may have had spontaneous mystical experiences without doing anything. Just sitting there. So they would never look into them. But this isn't the norm for the average Joe from what we can gather.
  16. There are different levels of consciousness. A non-dual state of consciousness is a different level. It is pure Being - mystical, divine, infinite and blissful. It is also frozen as it outside time and space. Time and space are imaginary. Your finite mind collapses into Universal Mind. The finger becomes the hand. The finger is the hand, but it awakens to being the hand. And yes it is often accomplished via stillness of the mind.
  17. You don't know that. He is asking existential questions. Yes, ultimately you must transcend concept - but there is nothing wrong with grasping it conceptually. For some that is all they will ever hit.
  18. It is nothing. This is it right here. You're in it. This is nothing. Not only are you in it you are it.