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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @LfcCharlie4 Awesome post btw and I'm really happy for ya on your awakenings - have a great new year my friend!!
  2. @V-8I don't think anyone is bothered by your quotes - i think the issue is that you have been asked as to whether you have had mystical, frozen, divine, non-dual states of consciousness in which your sentient being collapses into the Absolute and the you dissolves, and you have either dodged the question or said that you had not had such an awakening. Thus, as others here have pointed out - when you quote others and then also put their quotes into your own words, it is a clear display that you have taken on the Absolute as a belief, or dogma. And this is a trap which will keep you from ever reaching mystical states of consciousness and grasping Truth directly via Being. Also, by taking the words of the awakened as Truth, without your own direct experience of Truth, your posts of direct quotes come off as very ambiguous, obscure, and open to interpretation - because of your inability to add proper context due to lack of direct experience. So pointing these items out it is for the benefit of both you and others on the path who may not be at a level of consciousness necessary to properly interpret the quotes. Hope that helps. Hope you have a happy new year as well ?
  3. Yes non-duality contains duality within it. Duality and non-duality is itself a duality that must collapse. So if he stated that, it is inaccurate. Just like what he said about meditation. You are right in being wary of someone who had admitted he is not awake regurgitating quotes of others. Inaccuracies , even with the best of intentions, do need to be pointed out when spotted, for the benefit of all. It seemed to me his quote non-duality is not enlightenment (i don't remember if it was a direct quote from someone) was talking with abstract wording of the relative vs the Absolute but who knows. Ultimately they are one though.
  4. He's just parroting others. But basically to me it means that an understanding of non-duality is still concept, not actuality. And actuality / Being is the Absolute.
  5. Haha..nice. I'm trying the eggnog and whiskey. I know you said southern comfort but i had to deal with what i had. And i gotta say...hits the spot.
  6. We love you. Well at least i do. Is the eggnog in hand?
  7. Consciousness is infinite. It is Infinity. It expands and contracts in infinite directions. Intelligence is a facet of consciousness.
  8. It can be if you take it on as a belief without a direct experience of Truth. (A mystical experience)
  9. Exactly. Their words, including yours and mine, will be relative. They are form. Form is limited, relative and partial. It is part of the Absolute. The Absolute can never be captured via its part. You can't capture yourself with your own hands because your hands are already yourself. You just ARE yourself.
  10. Yes basically one will have non-dual awareness but they should emrace the character that they find themselves in. Just be conscious about it. Be the selfless self. There is no need to be on autopilot. What you are doing there is ego is sneaking in the back door and trying to act like its formless when it's still form. I believe @purerogue spoke of it earlier. An experience of samadhi is mystical - it is becoming being or the formless. Once this happens enough times (dying before you die) you have non-dual awareness. But you still embrace the imaginary self that you currently are (or appear to be). Because that's what it means to be form.
  11. I wanna chime in here with some thoughts..lots of wisdom in the video but I didn't personally learn anything from it I didn't already know. God can play as form - that's actually what it's doing. Now once you experience Samadhi you experience your true nature is God. Form is but a character it plays to experience what's its like to play that role. Its not your true nature. That said, as it says in the video, one can play in this role (play in duality) if one wishes and develop the character. For remember as form they are taking the perspective of the character. That's the point of being form. God wears the mask of the character simply to be the character. God creates all of reality simply to marvel at its creation and experience its own creation. Unfortunately the cost is that this character is a self - it is selfish. In its goal for survival it will pleasure, seek materials, seek approval. All of this directly contradicts Gods true nature - which is a selflessness and egoless nature. Now once one becomes the selfless one (samadhi) they do ultimately return to the self. That is, until "physical death". Until the physical death of the character. But now, conscious of their true nature (awakened), they no longer identify as the character - yet they also are still in the form of the character. They see through the lens of the character. But they are conscious the character is imaginary. Its paradoxical. As it should be. So what now? Well, they can then choose to play in duality as the video states. They can choose to develop the fictional character and enjoy duality for that is the point of imagination and creation. But in doing so the character, should he be conscious, should become a selfless self. They must become the paradox. To exist as a self but still be selfless. I call it the selfless self. This is the conscious aspect of the self as stated in the video. Filter out the selfish aspects of the ego. But we have a problem. A direct contradiction. When you drill down to the heart of the matter, and come face to face with it - to survive as a self is a direct contradiction to selflessness. To survive at all is still to seek in some way. Example - maybe before awakening you went to the gym to seek big muscles. Or maybe you sought to impress girls. But what if you stopped seeking anything and just went to the gym for yourself - to be healthy so you don't fall over and die from a heart attack. Notice i said for yourself - because being healthy is STILL seeking. Your seeking to survive!!! You see - to forgoe the character completely is literally to die as a self. You cannot escape it. To be a self is a direct contradiction to your true nature. But perhaps that's a feature and not random? Anyway thats why the video ends asking what do you have left? There needs to be a give and take here or you might as well lay down and die as a self. This is not what God had in mind when it decided to experience itself as form - although it is fine with either. Nay, i say to rather strive, as this character you are playing, to be the selfless self. There will always be some form of survival here but one can do it as consciously as possible. Duality is part of being God. That's why in the video it talks about a conscious world and what the world would be like if all were awoke. For example, going back to the fitness example, as my characters perspective (which i am in) i still enjoy going to the gym now - but it is not to seek big muscles. It is not to seek to have a certain look to impress or to attract girls. It is simply to be healthy and feel healthy and happy as the self. That is still a form of seeking - again to survive period is - but it is conscious seeking. That is how it should be approached in all aspects of reality.
  12. For this it is feasible to know but you really need an awakening or a mystical experience into Infinity. The realization that reality or God is infinity by becoming Infinity. It can't be grasped with the mind really. Thats because infinity is already nothing. It has nowhere to go to escape itself. It's unlimited. We can't really grasp what it means for something to be unlimited because we ourselves (more accurately the characters that are being played) are limited form. The finger can't point back at the finger. But when you experience samadhi or the formless the realization will come but as Infinity itself. Being
  13. Yes that's correct. There really is just pure consciousness and you're true nature is that you ARE consciousness itself. There is just the appearance of a perceiver (a sectioned out space of consciousness that then believes it is conscious hehe) that is created by consciousness. It is consciousness imagining there is a perceiver so that it can perceive itself from that "perspective" which it has created. Reality is just a collection of these perspectives. But as this perceiver you can notice the clue that there is just consciousness because everything is held there before it can exist.
  14. Love. Infinity is so singular and fundamental that it doesn't even have a way to know itself without creating separation - because it is fundamentally prior to knowing. Thus, to know itself and realize itself is to fall in love with itself. So ultimately, Love.
  15. One should take care not to confuse this with not existing or non-existance. That could lead to a lack of embrace. Rather it exists as imaginary. Just like it also exists as formlessness - nothing. (It's ultimately One of course) Of course the topic of acceptance is for another talk, but I am pointing out that one can realize it for what it is and then embrace it for what it is. One can choose not to embrace it if one chooses, but that shouldn't come from lack of understanding of Truth.
  16. @zeroISinfinity indeed. Evil and suffering are illusory and imaginary, as is all form. Its why there is much damn evil in this world.
  17. God separates itself in order to re-realize itself. It starts out as separate as possible and then moves closer to reuniting. The farther it is from being one with itself the more evil it is and the more it suffers. Suffering is the separation. The more aligned, the less, until it ultimately becomes one with itself and all evil and suffering dissolve, revealing that it was just the illusion of separation.
  18. Now go ride that Ox! :)??
  19. We've hit the limitations of language and of the mind. There is only consciousness or Infinity. But it is actual nothing. Actual nothing is not anything you can think of with the mind, for that is still something. It still exists, but it is actual nothing. You can not conceive of it because you ARE it.
  20. That sounds like Absolute Love. I will try it ! )❤?