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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. He has not had direct experience of Truth- in other words he hasn't died yet. He has fallen into a belief and is now falsely teaching others and attempting to delude others.
  2. It is not the small self that becomes enlightened it is God. The spiritual path if followed will ultimately lead to the collapse of the subject/object duality into Pure Being (a mystical experience). God wakes up to itself and becomes conscious of one or many facets of itself. Such can be what its true nature is, or that the human form it is appearing as is but an illusion created by itself with which to experience itself. But there are many other realizations/facets of itself One can have. They can sprout later from the initial mystical experience or manifest from another mystical experience. The amount of mystical states One may have is not relevant. In duality the work really begins where one who has awakened then works towards embodying these truths. One then has no need to seek non-dual states because they realize their true nature transcends the duality of the form and the formless. The form and the formless are One.
  3. you as the small self are finite consciousness...a slither of Infinite Consciousness. The You is Infinite Consciousness with a capital C. So yes You have divided Yourself. So your consciousness expands to much higher levels - beyond normal human levels, during a mystical or non-dual state of consciousness. This is because the part collapses into the whole. When the ego returns, consciousness levels gradually return to the "normal" level but your consciousness has also shifted permanently in that it's still finite, but it is a notch higher than before. And you're right, direct experience is king. But that doesn't mean we need to forgo all concept either. We can still teach about this stuff in the relative but what is conceptual should always be prefaced with the fact that the map is not the territory and one should find the direct experience.
  4. To me the double slit experiment is analogous to the relative and the Absolute. The Absolute cannot be grasped by the relative. Light is both a wave and a particle but you can't catch it as both simultaneously. If you want to see if its a wave and leave both slits open it will act like a wave. If you want to see if its a particle and cover one slit it will oblige and act like a particle. Ya just can't catch it as both because the very act of performing the experiment forces it into one or the other. Or with quantum mechanics in general a wave/particle is in a superposition when unobserved. But as soon as you observe it the wave function collapses into a particular particle. You cannot capture the wave function in its super position because as soon as you try it collapses. So you can't get to the Absolute with science of course but you can glean stuff from it. Ya have to become a mystic and collapse yourself from the finite to the infinite
  5. Any predictions on what Iran will do next?
  6. Ok...continue to contemplate and meditate If you may discover something different. You stumbled on a very special place here.
  7. I'm not forgoing human essence - I'm just conscious of Truth. I'm conscious that i can take the form of a human - or a dog - or whatever form i shift into to experience myself as God. I do not judge. I only have love for myself. I'm even you. So how can i judge myself?
  8. You are lost. You need direct realization of your true nature - which is Infinity. You are not a human. Thats something you dreamed up.
  9. What can be outside of Infinity? Infinity includes everything. But i know what you are pointing to. Mind or knowing. But that is part of infintiy. Infinity is not physical so Consciousness with a capital C is used because reality is a Mind. It is not a physical objective reality. It is simply everthing. In which it must be nothing.
  10. Infinity and consciousness is the same thing. What you are describing is duality - distinction. This is still infinity. Pure infinity is the complete lack of distinction which is pure Love. But distinction is still infinity just in a particular finite form. Pure infinity is formless. Its nothing. But what is nothing is everything and can shapeshift into anything it wants.
  11. It is possible to become directly conscious of Truth. Of course - it is is similar to quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics, a "particle" is in a superposition until the wave function is collapsed. Thus you cannot determine both its position and velocity simultaneously. So if i say you can know, it is does not help you because you haven't collapsed the wave function Only with infinity it is collapsing it in reverse. From a particular possiblity to the superposition.
  12. An additional exercise you can do is to gaze at one of the fingers. Acknowledge it as the finger. Then shift your consciousness and see the finger as the entire hand. Notice how it is the finger and the hand simultaneously, and it is being one or the other relative to perspective. That shift in consciousness or perspective is the shift between the relative and the Absolute. All of reality is right there in your hand.
  13. Beautiful. This is the key that unlocks the highest wisdom.
  14. Careful here my man - non-duality is total Oneness..there is nothing outside of it. Fictitious beliefs created in the mind are still part of the Absolute. I don't doubt you might have had an awakening to no self but just a few weeks back you were dismissing Infinity. But do you see that something that is one singularity - which is non-duality (not two) must be infinite because there is nothing outside of it? Anything that you imagine is outside of it is actually part of it. All illusions, imagination, even the ego itself is a part of the Absolute. Even as a fiction it exists as a fiction.
  15. @Hermetics watch the personal attacks. You are entitled to your beliefs but demeaning others either directly or indirectly wont be tolerated here.
  16. Is that the Vegan man himself? (The illusion) ?
  17. @purerogue time and space are all imaginary (illusion) and you can have a realizaton of this during or after a state of samadhi in which all dualities collapse. Your true nature is omnipresent. It is not localized in a specific time or place. It is everywhere, and simultaneously nowhere.
  18. @zeroISinfinity indeed my man ❤? and i can intuit you have been to the other side as well.
  19. Maybe we are not all on the same page here. if you are talking about reading a book, a video, or learning on a forum about the self or the ego being a fiction and then believing it -then that's one thing. But the problem is that when you do that you are taking it on as a belief. That is a trap one can fall in and thus never discover Truth directly. Truth is known not by knowing but in Being or isness. Of course one is being/issing right now. You are Truth right now. Truth is THIS - BUT...and this is a huge but, (no pun intended) unless one has had a non-dual state (samadhi) in which they became conscious of that, then for them to say it would still be a belief. And they run the risk of self deception in which the ego is telling them there is no ego so that it keeps the ego from killing itself. Its a survival mechanism of the ego. So we are talking about transcending or getting underneath knowing and knowledge. This requires mystical states of consciousness. Death. A state of Samadhi. Non-dual states of consciousness in which the illusory self falls away and there is only the Absolute. It is only in this state of consciousnes that consciousness becomes conscious of its true nature. It is pure actuality laid bare. Now as far as getting back to the practicing question - when i first discovered spirituality i began self inquiry meditation and it was during that meditation that i reached states of samadhi. The first mystical state happened within a few days of switching between self inquiry and no mind meditation. During this time frame i experienced multiple non-dual states both during meditation and either just sitting in a chair afterwards or waking up from sleep, or just resting in bed. So i have had states of samadhi both during meditation and spontaneously (they happened in the first month of starting self inquiry.) I then integrated back into the ego/form (but now knowing that the form was actually the formless appearing as form). I then experienced a second set of non-dual states i believe it was a month or so after that - again some both spontaneously and some while meditating. These were even more powerful. I feel these completed my awakening. That's not to say that i will never die again / reach a mystical state but at this point, I'm there. So at present i do not feel the need to do any practices but at the same time i still enjoy sitting in silence and meditating - but just to be at this point. The reason i am saying all of this is because yes - it is possible to have spontaneous states of samadhi after just reading or learning about spirituality but i think that doing practices such as self inquiry can help induce non-dual states of consciousness as they seemingly did for me. If one is super gifted though, it could happen without any practices. For the average person though, i don't feel it works as simply as that. I feel that these tools can really help trigger mystical states. It's just tricky and paradoxical (of course) because i was not seeking anything when i did them. I honestly had no idea what i was getting into. I was an atheist and a rationalist/materialist my whole life. So I think if one tries too hard or they are not ready for Truth to reveal itself it will not happen. Yet if they are ready, the slightest trigger could potentially open the door to hitting a non-dual state..but that is just my take. As i have stated on this forum before i cannot speak directly on pyschedelics because i did not use them. But it does sound like they can be a tool if one is ready for Truth. As far as the realizations during these states, i can say from direct experience that becoming conscious that the self is an illusion is just one realization. During my states of samadhi i have had one where i have become directly conscious of the nature of reality instantaneously, what my truest nature is (awareness itself) and that there is no self. I have also had the realization of Oneness in which i became conscious that all perspectives were Me as God/Infinity. All realizations came with TOTAL and i mean TOTAL bliss that words cannot explain. To describe what the states themselves felt like words cannot do. But pure divinity is a good start. Death is bliss. I am interested in knowing your path to your state or states of samadhi? Did the falling away of the self happen for you spontaneously and what was it like? For me as i said it was death. The ego was completely killed off (no sex drive, absolutely no desires for anything, and just pure bliss. As form returned it followed with some ego backlash (the Oneness especially was tough to swallow) and the integration between duality and non-duality. This is how it must be. Now, you have said in the past that you had spent a lot of hours on spirituality - did you do self inquiry?