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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Very astute observation. And notice an observation requires an observer! So this is still conceptual. You totally grasp it in the conceptual level but as you said..there is still one who grasps it. The subject/object duality has not collapsed. A mystical state or awakening will be pure actuality. Observer and observed fuse into one. Pure consciousness. Being Truth is actual and divine - no more doubts.
  2. @Stakres check out "Einstein's Relativity and the Quantum Revolution" by Dr. Richard Wolfson - its a course available from the Teaching Company (The Great Courses). He is a solar physicist and he mentions this very thing. Ill find the exact lecture later and send it to you. So that's coming from a highly respected physicist and professor.
  3. Because the Truth is too radical. That's why most physicists today do not wanna face the epistemological and philosophical ramifications of quantum physics - which debunked materialism long ago. So they choose to look the other way.
  4. @Flowerfaeiry enjoyed the video and congrats on the experience and realization. Seems like you got a good glimpse..keep it up! ❤?
  5. @Raptorsin7 There is something crucial though - in a non-dual state where one's self or ego dissolves and they are Infinite, once the immense bliss, tears, etc subside, to where You can speak, you can continue to communicate through the avatar or form You are in. But it is God speaking through the form..Believe it or not one of my earlier awakenings happened just like that while on this forum and the words flowing from my fingers were not mine. @Serotoninluv It was during one of my conversations with @David Hammond. I hit a mystical state right there and was still communicating. But the words were not of the avatar. @Raptorsin7 So don't be so quick to doubt Leo's awakening. (If you are) From your perspective you can't tell and i think he mentions that.
  6. Indeed i have never taken pychedelics. It was probably a lifetime in the making though...nothing to be impressed about but thanks :)? as Leo said there is very rarely just a spontaneous awakening there is a lot that goes on prior. Nonetheless it was a miracle.
  7. I am in finite form and in duality right now otherwise i wouldn't be on this forum i would be blissing out somewhere (and nowhere) in a mystical state of consciousness completely infinite and formless. Pure consciousness. But yes after enlightenment the identification with the Avatar (as Leo calls it) falls away. If i want to play in the story of @inlytened1 the avatar i do. But i am aware that it is imaginary - that this avatar is imaginary and fundamentally it is nothing. Yes my thoughts of the Absolute right this moment are just that - thoughts because as i said i am in finite form playing the role of the avatar which has separated itself from Itself for that very purpose. To create relativity. Not sure if that answers your question.
  8. Being conscious of it does not come and go. Coming and going is relative. Being conscious of the Absolute is well, Absolute hehe. It matters not whether God appears as form or is pure formlessness. That is what it means to be immortal. It's working out just fine ??
  9. Truth is Being itself. Its rockbottom and prior to thought. You ARE It. You are Consciousness yourself you just have to become conscious of it. When you become conscious that you are consciousness the two fuse into One. Game over. No further questions or doubts because that is all second order and Truth / Being is first order. The ego is second order and will attempt to deceive you though, so watch out.
  10. @Stakres Well what is your current paradigm? Do you believe that reality is physical, made of matter, and objective? In other words that there is a you over here that is physical and real and then there is everything else out there somewhere? And that consciousness is happening inside the brain? If you do then really what is being said isn't going to make much sense to you coming from that paradigm. You would really need a direct realization via a mystical state of consciousness that would shatter this paradigm before any of this could make sense to you. At that point the question itself would dissolve and there would not even be a need to ask this.
  11. Except You as God love yourself regardless. So You as God will never deny yourself no matter what. The only one that denies itself is the ego lol.
  12. Its all Truth actually. Its One. But in a mystical non-dual state the self and other duality collapses and all separation (duality) collapses and thus is seen through as imaginary/illusion. It is pure Divinity, and it is realized that the small self is imaginary/illusion and in fact there is only One. (Infinite Mind or Consciousness) But that through illusion/imagination a "physical" reality is created. There are many spiritual teachers out there that do not embrace duality because it isnt "real" and therefore doesn't "exist". ..But what they miss is that it exists as imagination. All there is to formed reality is imagination - so there is no difference between real and imaginary. So it should be embraced. It is how the One that is formless and is everything simultaneously can know itself by experiencing itself in a "linear" (time) fashion.
  13. No - it's your own mind telling you its in your own mind because it doesn't wanna die! You are reality! It's Truth, but your ego doesn't wanna accept it and why would it? It would mean its demise. I have become directly conscious of Truth multiple times without pyschedelics so I can tell you it's not drugs deceiving you. And before i discovered Truth i would have thought it was crazy too. I was an atheist and materialist prior. Of course i am not asking you to believe me - just to see for yourself. Meditation and self inquiry (turning within) is what worked for me and believe me i was stunned. In a complete non-dual state of consciousness there is no I or sense of self of course. It was God, a total miracle, awakening to it itself. But as duality returned i experienced the backlash.
  14. User @Kushu2000 has been banned for continually spreading misinformation and splintering the community.
  15. You stated in another post that you did self inquiry to realize that there is no you. That the you is merely an idea but there is nothing there. That is what we mean. And in doing this you experienced an awakening - but of course it wasn't the illusory self that experienced it. Because it doesn't exist. What realized it was experience itself. Or, AKA Consciousness. Or AKA God. Because the you is an illusion which collapsed upon the realization... So who else is there to realize it? You had to realize it Yourself not through someone telling you that it is the case. Thus all we can do is point at it with these teachings. Now of course, all is relative, so if you don't consider that a practice (which i believe you stated you don't) that's fine. But most of us consider this a practice.
  16. Indeed, question everything including your own current paradigm that you identify with - i.e your own identity. But be careful not to conflate questioning with shutting out - because you won't know unless you have an open mind, and explore it fully and completely by not only reading the literature and listening to the teachings, but by doing the practices. And the practices must be done with a complete lack of bias otherwise Truth will not reveal itself. Absolute Truth is known experientially not through concept. It is prior to concept. It is Being.
  17. When God appears as form, it must become finite. The reason It appears as a particular form is to experience itself, out of love for itself, but in doing so it must become the opposite of it's true nature. It must forget what it is and become a devil. Something finite has to survive as a self. It has to be selfish. God (You) provisioned the ego with a mechanical, robotic aspect of this finite form in order to ensure its survival. If it didn't it would die very fast. Thus there are certain survival mechanisms of the ego which are really selfish and devilish such as the need for more and more, and more - it can never have enough out of fear of death. It has a built in sex drive and a built in desire for pleasure - all of which can spiral out of control. Again it was programmed this way by God so that it could survive long enough to know itself. But once God awakens to itself it becomes conscious of this. God realizes its God appearing as form. It is conscious that it can still experience itself as form without isolating itself completely from itself. It can still survive as form without such things as dishonesty, selfishness, and never being satisfied. (Seeking outside itself) It does need a certain level of selfishness simply to survive but it can be possible to be a healthy level..( a healthy level relative to its alignment with its true nature) It can exist as form and be hyper conscious of the toxic tendencies of the ego and still experience itself and embrace itself as form Because if it did not do this, and it simply denied form altogether, while that would be one way of experiencing itself, knowing itself, and loving itself, it ultimately would be incomplete. After an infinite number of incarnations God must ultimately come to the realization of accepting itself and loving itself as form because that is also a type of experiencing and knowing itself. So in the end God is impartial. It loves itself in all of its forms. But it needs to forget this in order to learn it.
  18. @Canyon more or less is a duality and thus relative. So from the Absolute perspective it doesnt matter. What is more or less important is what is relative to you. You're the one giving it meaning. Meaning lives through you.
  19. @MAYA EL for once we agree @student A teacher or a guru can only point in the direction of the Absolute. Because in truth it is just You trying to wake Yourself up. This path must be walked alone because alone You are. It can only be You that awakens to You. You are the only thing in existence so anyone You rely on for help is You. But it is only after You awake that You become conscious of total Oneness.
  20. Seeing the issue IS dying. The direct insight is a state of samadhi. Becoming directly conscious of it IS Pure Consciousness. That is a mystical, non-dual state. Knowing it conceptually is still ego. He may not have had the direct insight yet.