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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Whether i do or not is irrelevant if we are talking about speculation vs evidence of anything. That was the point i was making.
  2. Guys i read through the entire thread and i don't see any evidence here. This is all speculation. I'm in the IT field and i see bugs in systems developed from billion dollar companies all the time. The statements provided as evidence are just other people stating their opinions. To be completely unbiased is to really not make any judgements at this time. It doesn't even matter what the DNC did or didn't do in the past.
  3. Death is imaginary so it is really just a shift in consciousness from form to formless. So i mean a mystical non-dual state of consciousness is God mode. There is only the Self so the avatar (finite form) is dead. But when consciousness shifts back to the avatar it is like being reborn again - yes. That's why there is ego backlash and the like. Leo has hit these states so many times there is probably no backlash for him at this point.
  4. @whoareyou we are talking about newcomers to spirituality. I can't speak for Leo but it seems fairly evident to me that he has died many times. For him its not about awakening. Far beyond. Its about exploration - as a scientist would explore the universe and find endless new things because its infinite. There is infinite exploration into consciousness available. So lets make sure we are all on the same page here. These are two different things. And of course one can have relative opinions on Consciousness exploration. If you are awake and done - hey that's great. But being awake myself i see no problem with someone continuing Consciousness exploration and being a Consciousness pioneer heheh. Very few on the planet are awake right now relatively speaking, so this is new territory.
  5. Yep - Notice how if you aren't thinking about something it literally ceases to exist for you...notice i said for you...don't fall into the solipsism trap... but this a finite taste of what Infinite Mind is. If Infinite Mind isn't imagining it , it exists only as pure potential. But your mind is finite. You're a finitude of Infinity
  6. Your intuition and direct experiences are showing you Truth. There is only Consciousness. Reality is a Mind. And it has partitioned itself. All of physical reality is held within consciousness. There is only consciousness. It is a massive mindfuck when one has this realization for the first time and the materialist paradigm shatters and melts away. Be prepared for a whole lot more mindfucks too.
  7. Go with your heart brother - afterall you are Love :)❤
  8. "I'm not doing the 'work' because decades ago I have awakened to the realization there is nothing to do, no work, no accomplishment to achieve and no truth to attain." Dude this topic is so old already. One has to die before they as God realize that which died was an idea in the Mind of God. But telling a newbie they are an idea and that they are God without them dying first isn't helping anyone. This is like beating a dead horse with you guys proclaiming there is nothing to die. There is nothing to die after it dies. Reality is a strange loop and a paradox as it must be because it is One. So there is an idea that has to die. You said it yourself in another thread. The ego exists but it exists as imagination. Spontaneous awakenings or deaths dont just happen unless one is crazy gifted and even then they probably endured a lot of suffering and selfishness and were on the brink of death anyway before it happened. Others did contemplation or meditation. Don't tell me you just realized it and that was that. If you are awake that means your avatar has died and you are directly conscious that you are God. That's fine. But don't tell me it just happened out of nowhere one day. Contemplation is considered practice. I meditated for about a week before it happened on no pyschedelics but I'm a freak apparently. And i have OCD and suffered greatly thru my own selfishness.
  9. @Deezeetho we aren't disregarding those less conscious. It is those less conscious spreading dogma or their own self deception that could imprint others less conscious and thus steer them away from Truth or drive them into deeper self deception.
  10. @Matt23 elaborate?
  11. This really gets to the heart of the matter. If we ban someone it is really because we hoped we were wrong about the individual and have given them chances to see if we are wrong. What we really long for here is to awaken others. That's why i took this job. That's why i asked to work alongside Leo and the other wise mods here - to try and pass on as much wisdom as i possibly could. To point you guys in the direction of Truth with the hopes that one day you find it. The last thing we wanna be doing is kicking people off of the forum. Yet some individuals are so set in their beliefs that there is no room in their minds for anything else. They sadly, as much as we would prefer, are unable, at least in their present state of growth, to open their minds. People who are banned pretty much force our hands and are individuals that really don't wanna be here (aren't ready to be here) anyway.
  12. Exactly. Saying anything is going too far if you really wanna split hairs. But yet we still teach it...we still have this forum...and thus to say to someone there is no need to do practices but just hey - your enlightened - that doesn't hold water. Because Being is prior to knowledge. And to collapse the relative into the Absolute you gotta do the work. It's great and preferable if you stumble on it with no expectations but it is still practices. (Meditation, pyschedelics, yoga, etc)
  13. Its paradoxical as it must be, as language cannot capture Truth and turns in on itself. Completely being at peace within the present moment is both seeking and not seeking. Did a teacher tell them this? If so they have purpose behind it. If they didn't and it just happened spontaneously - it negates the above teachings as they weren't said or never existed for them.
  14. this isn't a religious forum and continually spreading religious dogma is against forum guidelines, especially after she ignored a previous warning about that. It was obvious she wasn't very open minded.
  15. it is a miracle. So wonderful to hear the news. That makes everything we do here worthwhile. To hear this from even one person is beautiful. Oh and by the way - how crazy is it that you imagined Einstein? The greatest scientist of all time?
  16. Sounds like you were there in my experience since you are so sure, but i don't recall seeing you there ?
  17. Gotchya :)? but you were also saying it wasn't and stating it as an absolute. Yes you experienced it - as it is the fabric. I am sure your experiences were pure bliss.
  18. And there are many who have. It's just not a facet you have become conscious of yet. Love is synonymous with the Absolute.
  19. @Angelite has been banned for not being here to learn and be open minded - as well as the spread of misinformation regarding pyschedelics. She also has a history of spreading religious dogma.
  20. @Red-White-Light The thing about Truth is, there is no one to share it with but yourself. It is as it must be. Because you are Truth. So how can explanation capture that which is prior to it? Appreciate the magnificence and beauty of this.
  21. Be careful. Spreading misinformation will get you kicked outa here.
  22. When you become conscious of total Oneness you become conscious that You imagined pyschedelics into existence to discover yourself with. Truth is much more radical than you think. There is a grand design at play. It's not to say that you can't discover Yourself without pyschedelics - many have. But they are a means to an end, just like meditation.
  23. @Leo Gura lmao - is that a space kangaroo? ?
  24. @Raptorsin7 with regards to your question or concern about falling into a lifetime cycle of using pyschedelics to achieve insights or awakenings - do not worry....there are only a handful of key realizations or facets of awakening. And by awake i mean awake as God. The avatar does not embody them - rather there is an expansion of Consciousness in the form of the avatar. These realizations are in no particular order: 1. The direct realization that the fabric of reality is Consciousness and not made of matter. Bye bye materialist paradigm. All matter and all things are held within consciousness. Once that is realized directly via Being, it cannot be undone - you have seen reality to be a Mind. It is a dream and you have awoken from the dream. 2. That you are not the avatar - but that the avatar is an idea within consciousness...this can lead to a dark night because it can also accompany the "oh fuck" realization that you are nothingness. Everyone and everything is an idea within consciousness. The squirrel that got squashed on the road was an idea in the mind of God. 3. That you ARE Consciousness / infinity / reality / God. 4. A realization of Infinity - which is total Oneness. There is nothing outside of infinity. Infinity is everything and nothing. It is nothing and everything. And this can also lead to a dark night because it can accompany the direct "oh shit" realization that you are all alone - one giant mind imagining it all - and everything and everyone is you. 5. That you are pure Love and pure Divinity. God in its pure formless form is pure Love and Bliss, frozen and divine. Once you are conscious of these realizations directly, by the death of the avatar and thus being pure Truth directly, it cannot be undone. Further non-dual or mystical states would not be necessary for God to be awake. God has enlightened itself through your particular form. If the avatar is seeking more mystical states imo then it is purely for exploration purposes of consciousness as Infinity, not for waking up. God is exploring itself through form...which is what it is doing at all times anyway...