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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Bernie ain't intimated by no man. He's cool as ice. He's so much more conscious than Trump that for those of us that can see it, it will be crystal clear that its a grown man debating a child. Despite the childish insults Trump will no doubt toss his way.
  2. @Preety_India take out your hand and stare at it. Acknowledge its presence. That right there. That's Truth. Truth is actual. And you can mystically become it. You are it now, but its becoming directly conscious of it that is Being. Pure Being is mystical. Its Truth. Enlightenment.
  3. I don't think it will happen either. I hope I'm wrong though.
  4. Yah why do you think we have been telling you guys this forever! ?? All of reality is right in your hand.
  5. There's only one thing here buddy. You with a capital Y. From the Absolute perspective, from Infinity's perspective - you are talking to Yourself. From God's POV division is an illusion. God is all perspectives simultaneously. Total Oneness. Infinity divides itself to appear separate. So from your finite perspective your mother is separate from you in the sense that she is another finite mind split from the same Infinite Mind. So she's you and not you simultaneously, because you don't have access from your finite perspective to access hers. But as God you are the whole deal simultaneously. Mind blown
  6. My point was this happened already, so good luck preventing it. All we can do now in this specific situation is look at the facts without bias. Just because someone did something four years ago doesn't necessarily mean you automatically run off and say without any doubt they did it today. That's not how it works or we would be in real trouble. That's what court systems are for. And thats exactly what your pal @Bnowould have said had this been about Trump and Russiagate. Innocent until proven guilty. That's how our court systems work and how they have to work for society to maintain order. As i said - at this point it really doesn't appear to be cheating on the DNC side. I'm providing you my POV on it with the information i have. The race is too close for me to believe the app was tampered with without more evidence coming forward. If they had rigged it it wouldn't have been close. To spend that much time on a plan to break an app with all that risk makes no sense to me. And sorry but other people's opinions being provided as evidence when they themselves are biased doesn't cut it for me. It's too early with the info we have to be stating the DNC did anything illegal. Never in this thread did i say not to be conscious of devilry. No one is denying corruption exists in politics. Working towards eliminating corruption to purify our political system going forward is a different thing than assessing a situation that already occurred. And my assessment is there is not enough to bring charges against the DNC. Apparently no one else is bringing charges up against them either. And if you make the counter argument that its because everyone in the entire political system is corrupt and that's why no charges are being brought up- well i think that's a real stretch. And regarding assessing this specific scenario if you are coming from a place of fear, paranoia, or self bias it will warp your thought process and you will not be able to review the facts clearly.
  7. They all point to the same thing. A non-dual state. The duality of subject and object collapse into One. Total Oneness. Being. A great video is Leos video on what is perception. When you experience Being you will know it because the you will collapse into Infinity and you ARE infinity. It is divine and outside of time and space. You ARE pure Consciousnes. You IS. Which is prior to knowing. You know without knowing.
  8. @Emerald if you look deep enough and open your mind you will see the truth in what he is saying. This is deep stuff and takes a lot of unraveling of the self to see it.
  9. That has nothing to do with the present. That's what got him into trouble jumping to conclusions.....there is zero evidence of a conspiracy here. The stuff he was sending me were from people talking from a place of their OWN political bias. But he was sure all over that. When I'm sure if we provided the equal type of stuff on Russiagate he would have balked at it. Do you sense a political agenda here?
  10. @whoareyou i think he was spreading ideology because he flipped flopped. When it came to Russiagate he was anti-conspiracy, but when it came to the DNC he was all over a conspiracy without giving things enough time. So it brought to light that he had a political agenda on here. At first it seemed he was being unbiased about Russiagate but now i am rethinking that he was not seeing Russiagate thru an unbiased lens based on how fast he flip flopped. Its not an easy job to police on here, and judgement calls are made. But i wouldn't underestimate Leo's ability to see this stuff. He saw it before i did. And you still don't see it.
  11. @remember this is a perfect example of the point i was trying to make. Now you have stuff coming out about a Trump conspiracy. It's total chaos being stirred up purely through peoples political bias. I wouldn't get caught up in more conspiracy theory at this point - whether its Trump or the DNC...simply let things unfold, as we have been saying.
  12. @Bno the fact is...even though personally i feel there is no validity to Russiagate - that doesn't mean that both of US aren't wrong. So i don't see this urgency for him to come out and state he is wrong that you are seeing. It seems like you are specifically targeting him for your own bias reasons not for his credibility. Let him worry about his credibility.
  13. Ok - lets clear up this confusion right here then - i don't agree that there is any validity to Russiagate. Does that make you feel better? I've known you from the forum for a while now - it seems you are hellbent on pointing out Leo's faults... Leo is a human being like the rest of us. He has admitted before that he has his own biases that he is working through. He aint perfect. None of us are. You guys shouldn't put him on a pedestal to begin with.
  14. @Bno i just don't see enough here. I looked at the nikola thread and yeah, if the app was malfunctioning early on then there would have been issues. But those were corrected and if you noticed the voting became deadlocked. I think if there was malicious intent we wouldn't have seen a basic tie. I think it was 3 votes off at one point? Do they even know who won? It just seems if they put that much time into planning this that they would not have made it so close - that wouldn't be worth the risk - would take too much effort, and honestly i think it would be giving them way too much credit. But ill continue to follow along.
  15. I can see where it would appear that way but I'm saying just slow down before jumping to conclusions and that's all Leo said too. No one said it isn't possible. As far as Russiagate i was actually with you in terms of wanting evidence. Thats why i never got involved in those threads. I just observed and at the time i thought you were spot on in not having bias there.... I don't identify with any party. I am odd in that i have no political identity whatsoever. I think that's a good thing because i don't have any bias. I just am now seeing bias in you towards Trump because of how you are behaving on this thread - so it's making me rethink that you were seeing Russiagate through an unbiased lens. And so far i cant make that same conclusion on evidence here that you are making. I'm gonna take more time to look at it and we have to see how things play out.
  16. Once someone hits stage turquoise (even if its just spirituality) they're a mystic. They realize they are there own authority. So they aren't really gonna need spiritual teachings from another mystic. They will do their own spiritual exploration. (I'm talking only in a spiritual context now)
  17. @Bno seems like you have your panties in a wad over your own ego being bruised dude. You are sooo anti-conspiracy when it comes to Russiagate stating you want solid proof and a full investigation -on and on and on - yet you will just jump off and get on the bandwagon of a conspiracy theory here over something that just happened?? LOL. I think its you that has to come clean that maybe your just on here to stir up a bunch of conspiracy crap with no proof and proclaiming its the absolute truth - then on Trump who you clearly closet support (deep down) you completely do a 180 and play the opposite role. No, i don't think Leo has to admit anything here. I think the hypocrisy stinks from your direction.
  18. I read it but it was nothing new. It was already stated here in this thread that there were possible financial ties between the company that made the app and Buttigieg's campaign. It doesn't prove anything. Its one thing to say that and its another to say Seth set it all up and conspired with Shadow to purposely rig the app. You said more evidence was emerging but that would take some real time if there is even going to be an investigation. For something like this i don't think there is gonna be. It doesn't seem like it would even warrant one once they verify the voting results are valid - as they normally do.
  19. How is this evidence? The democratic party chairman stated he was having cybersecurity looking into the failed app but that no details were yet available. So this is just more conspiracy theory.
  20. Well you kinda did put it out there - just indirectly. If there weren't doubts in your mind you probably wouldn't have posted it at all. It was the concern for the fact that the Buttigieg camp had a vested interest in the company that put out the app. So that and other things stimulated your speculation and hence your post. Those are valid concerns. But i digress because to your point you did mention that it was just speculation at this juncture and that it could indeed be coincidental.. And as i said i agree it is wise to contemplate all possibilities and be vigilant. Whether it is a conspiracy theory though, is valid here as it is relative - Because it is a theory that a certain group of people are conspiring and masterminding an intricate plan to rig voting, when its more probable that in this case it was just a bug. Since there is no real evidence yet - saying it was a bug can be considered more probable here than a a group of people masterminding a plan for political motivation... Note - it can be considered more probable at this time. Its relative. Therefore to call it a conspiracy theory is valid.
  21. Really?! So now you are able to read minds too? ❤?
  22. Just be wary not to blur the line between thinking its possible and thinking its actual without substantial evidence.
  23. There is nothing wrong with speculation...i don't think anyone here is close minded to the possibility of corruption. So i agree its important to contemplate either possibility. It simply seemed the tone of the thread was leaning towards corruption being an absolute in this case and that just can't be stated at this time. So jumping to conclusions would be premature.
  24. @Bno or someone jumping to conclusions and seeing what they wanna see........