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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Whats interesting is this. You can fool the ego into dying once. But fooling it into dying again is a totally different thing.
  2. @TDW1995 not overthinking it is best. As soon as you start to over analyze Being then you move farther away from it. Fear vs fearless is a duality and to reach non-duality you really gotta be as close to no mind as possible because it is the collapse of all duality.
  3. Thats how it happened for me as well. And i was doing meditation but it was kind of like just applying the finishing touches on something that was already in the making. But it seems like it can happen either way. Path or no path. Case in point Leo who had a passion for finding Truth and found it by any means possible.
  4. @Endangered-EGO i think there is still more to go if you are still asking the question on whether the formless or pure void is God. There are still more realizations to be had through collapse of the ego. And one is not better than the other - form or formless. It is but the dance of Consciousness. Love your name @Endangered-EGO though - sounds like it sure is in danger hehe.
  5. Sweet..Pi is the "infinite decimal".never was very good at math
  6. This in itself may have helped. These things can sometimes run deep in the subconscious mind and eventually after beating it to death with, for example CBT like they use to treat OCD (just an example) the mind gets tired of it and realizes it has to let it going through it experientially can in itself can be a healing process..
  7. God creates through form and loves form. He has made himself forget what he is so that he can experience remembering who he is through form. That is his greatest gift to himself. If you walked off a cliff you would be pure Infinity and everthing and nothing all at once. But you wouldn't be able to experience yourself and know yourself through a linear fashion or experientially. I use "him" loosely as God is all things and language is limited. So when you die before you die (ego death) you discover that you are God in form and can live as that - embody it.
  8. @AlphaAbundance this has been asked a few times in the past..but why does it matter? Even if you had a spreadsheet listing these down...what good what that do you on your own path? It's not like Truth can be proven in any way because proof is something Truth actually imagines. So it would just be a piece of paper with some stats on it. On who is more awake than another..seems like it might defeat the purpose of what is being taught here?
  9. @Arzack thanks for the pychoanalysis i will contemplate this deeply.
  10. Why so hostile? Its mysticsm. It happened to me during meditation. No one is asking you to believe us. Its very hard to believe because its actually not a belief. But because 99.9 percent of the population hasn't awoken yet or had a mystical experiences - then of course its going to seem crazy. Those of us that have been the Absolute and know the Truth will be demonized as crazy or insane. One just can't be locked into the materialist paradigm - and do the work - which is so rare. And why so few have awoken. I was a materialist at one time. Hope I wasn't getting off main topic of thread
  11. ARE reality. And you can know this directly by fucking being the damn thing.
  12. There's no going back when you wake up to this reality being a dream. But you are so much more conscious than before that looking at your life before is a friggin joke.
  13. It's selfishness. Lose the self and lose suffering. The fear of death evaporates because there is no one to die.
  14. I concur with all that you have said. I would just add that all beings are God (enlightened) but not all beings are conscious that they are God. God is indeed pure Being. Becoming conscious that they are God is when consciousness becomes conscious that it is consciousness and a mystical oneness occurs. Thus being and knowing are paradoxically entangled due to oneness. It cannot escape its own Infinity.
  15. It comes down to this. Meaning is relative from the Absolute perspective. But there are Absolutes. Absolute Love and Goodness. Once one becomes conscious of the Absolute the Absolute will guide them in the domain of the relative. The Absolute lives through the relative.
  16. Shift your consciousness - being you is Infinity doing Infinity! This is Infinity right here! Someone HAS to be you..and its you! You can know - its waking up. In which you do collapse one possibility (your finitude) into the superposition (infinity)
  17. You can discover that time is being imagined by Infinite Consciousness aka God. So it exists in the relative domain. The Absolute is just nowness, isness, the present moment. So time exists within the Absolute as something it is imagining. Infinity or the Absolute is a shapeshifter so fundamentally it is nothing. Of course as always don't take anyone's word or take this as a belief. Discover whats True for yourself. The ultimate is to discover you are the whole thing.
  18. @Raw Nature nice words. Its like God. God has nowhere to go because it's already everywhere. It has to create the illusion of going somewhere by forgetting it is everywhere.
  19. @Anton Rogachevski you can't grasp the infinite from the finite. But as infinity you make the finite.
  20. @Llight When you realize the very top is have hit the very top. Or have you? At that juncture the very top becomes meaningless. But that is from the Absolute POV. We must create our meaning based on consensus since formed reality is absolutely relative. And my vote is my man @Serotoninluv is a solid turquoise...heed his words carefully ❤??
  21. Hehe..nothing... can't keep me from a good steak ??
  22. @Red-White-Light Yeah when I had my awakening experiences I knew instantaneously that it was the same thing - i was like holy fuck this is Depersonalization! however i believe it is lacking the Bliss and the Love and the realizations that come with enlightenment and the elevated consciousness levels. Shinzen Young calls it enlightenment's evil twin because it's like only half the story.