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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Your mind is still creating a duality between imagination and reality. Collapse that duality.
  2. He isn't disagreeing. He is just saying that when in a particular dream that is what is real for you. (Imagination IS reality) Therefore there is no difference between the dreams you have at night or this waking dream. Am i a man dreaming i am the butterfly or am i the butterfly dreaming i am the man. Neither is less real than the other. Reality is groundless.
  3. You're egoless in my book i just figured they had WiFi at the monastery. ??
  4. Zero - I thought you were off enjoying Monkhood? :)? glad to see you, don't get me wrong...
  5. An evolved great ape ancestor is still God :)? and so is the big bang. Break outa the materialist paradigm my brother!
  6. @Johnny5 yeah for such a bright guy I kinda feel let down :)?
  7. You would feel the pain but only because you as God are imagining you would feel the pain. This is a dream. It's just consciousness. And what is consciousness? Nothing. Zilch.
  8. The entire planet is a rock. (Yeah a mix of rock and magma) but a rock. Is God experiencing itself as the earth - yeah in a way - its imagining it. So in that sense it is all alive and sentient as God. But is it imagining it is looking through the imaginary eyes of the earth - nah - or it would have eyes.
  9. Precisely...thus the question if a tree falls in the forest with no one around does it make a sound should bother you if there is any chance for you in this work. (Not you personally) It makes no sense according to the materialist paradigm. Yet if it is consciousness itself - if it exists for itself because it is itself - we are talking!
  10. There is only Being. Check out Leo's video "What is Perception" But it can be discovered directly by being Being. Or rather, becoming directly conscious that you are Being. (The two statements mean the same thing) That's when the real mindfuck happens.
  11. @LoveandPurpose i would recommend the booklist. As well as listen to Leo's videos. I also would recommend a company called the Great Courses where you can listen or watch college grade lectures on all of these topics (science being one of my favorites) from highly respected and very talented professors. I love their course selection. For spirituality and personal development you won't find anything deeper than Leo's material. Even the great courses don't have courses that go that deep into consciousness as the nature of reality. But their philosophical courses are really good nonetheless and sometimes point at consciousness being the nature of reality though most professors stay away from it as they are in the materialist paradigm. Hope that helps!
  12. @Johnny5 It collapses into.... Somewhere where words cannot go.. Isness might be a good word. It just IS. I AM. But that's still a pointer. It isn't IT. Do i get it now?
  13. What you are saying is that from the Absolute this right here is nothing. Nothing is happening here. But what is this? Its nothing. But then what is this? Its nothing. But then what is this? See the loop? God has nowhere to go. It has to go somewhere so it goes no where.
  14. God / Consciousness wakes up to itself.
  15. Actually due to Oneness he is...(i don't even know who they are but..theyre me) Just how you wanna look at is relative.
  16. Reality is a strange loop paradox. Everthing is nothing and nothing is everything. There is no ground.