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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Beautiful...?
  2. This is extremely impressive. Are you doing self inquiry and concentration practices?
  3. No need to panic. A healthy person should be just fine. There are always exceptions - but that is the case with the Flu as well.
  4. @Mongu9719 I believe if one is spiritually gifted those gifts can be passed on.
  5. That's a great quote and that is more about embodying God in your everyday life after becoming conscious that you are God and realizing that the Absolute has no bias and only Love and acceptance for what is. So yes that is how to truly embody and actualize your enlightenment. And yeah as far as bringing it to the foreground (your awakening) yes its easy to go about our daily life and forget about the metaphysics. But then we are able to bring that back to the forefront and be conscious of it. Because when you arent thinking about a thing it really doesn't exist for you. So i kinda left out the hours thru our daily grind where we temporarily forget. It doesn't make you less awake by my 2nd definition because you can bring it back to your direct consciousness. (Until you can't hehe)
  6. @Preety_India. Well said..i wouldn't put too much weight into @Johnny5s words on this topic. He got way too emotional and it seems there is some collective ego or selfishness going on there in favor of the male gender. Just my perspective though. When we stop thinking about ourselves all the time we can jump into the females perspective and think about them for a change.
  7. That was the break through one for me..i too always thought i was this entity behind the eyes...but i became conscious that you can't point to this entity in any way ..I realized one day that it is just empty awareness - i was awareness itself - not an entity being aware - but awareness itself - The entity was a fiction. So keep going and one day the epiphany will hit you. And you will BE pure awareness. It's miraculous.
  8. Ahh correct. Yes self inquiry was what did it for me...not pychedelics but self inquiry, no mind, and concentration forms of meditation. And for self inquiry it was a process of eliminating what i wasn' the body..the brain..the image of me i had...the soul - which was just the thought or an idea of a soul...and then one day...oh shit!!!! Ego death - as I (as pure consciousness) realized directly that the thing i thought was me was imaginary.
  9. Oh no there is an answer - and it's an insight so powerful that it kills you ??
  10. Exactly. Its Infinity in infinite dimensions.
  11. Hehe..the irony is when you become a mystic you realize its all imaginary and healing becomes possible. All logic is thrown off the table.
  12. Good point. Overdoing a thing is never good. Balance and moderation is king.
  13. Yes - it can express itself in an infinite number of forms. If that's the case go for it - but be conscious that weed can be addictive and addictions can lead to suffering for the ego ultimately. If i were you i would embrace ALL of you and not need to be in a particular state. As long as that's the case all is well. From a health standpoint the addictive nature can be a negative and may end up working against your productivity. I would just be aware of this. Yet the benefits for you may outweigh that...
  14. Yes but you sound attached to wanting to get high or maybe you wouldn't have posted that? I'm merely pointing out the counterintuitive nature of reality. If you want Truth do the opposite of what your ego wants.
  15. @JonasVE12 yes actually those things are ego. Notice i did not demonize ego - i said if you want to find Truth you have to do what is counterintuitive to the ego. Example - if your ego craves a beer - fight it off, go upstairs and meditate. Rest in being. By the way if your ego wants to meditate too much than that becomes ego. Its very tricky and paradoxical. As it should be. But Being is simple.
  16. You won't truly awaken and become directly conscious that life is a dream if you create a duality between sober and not sober. Truth rests in simply being. Chasing states is ego. I'm not saying I'm immune to it. I have an ego like everyone else. What I'm saying is it will take you farther from Truth.
  17. @TheAvatarState If you think about it everything in this realm is relative. That would include enlightenment too - because all form is finite and impermanent. You aren't walking around in a non-dual state 24/7 - you couldn't function like that. As a matter of fact - its very hard to function being directly conscious that everything is One - that is also a mystical state. I don't mean knowing it conceptually - i mean being it. Being directly conscious of it is Being (or being it) because direct consciousness removes the "someone to be conscious of something". Its like when you are looking directly at your hand and acknowledging it the hand is actual. When behind your back it is conceptual. Ofcourse if you stare at it long enough you and the hand become one and you are actuality. So afterwards you are conscious that you are It but you are not being it - (the hand that was actual is now behind your back) - until the next time you are pure Being. But the hand was actual to you - it is no longer based only on concept or someone telling you there is a hand. Furthermore you are now aware that this right here is Infinity. That everything here is just pure infinity and you are conscious of that in the back of your mind always. You could forget for an hour or two. But you will temember it again - until this form is done. The beauty of reality is magnified. And there is, with this, a permanent expansion of consciousness from your starting point. And this can be infinitely expanded upon. So this is a sort of non-dual awareness which is not a non-dual state but an awareness that everthing is non-dual not stemming from a belief or concept. So if you consider enlightenment a pure non-dual, mystical state then yes it is not permanent until the expiration of the "physical" body that you are imagining yourself as, and the exiting of this dream to become the dreamer. If you consider it having died and then being reborn and becoming conscious of the nature of reality and that you are God - then it is permanent..hehe..until it's not (until you forget again)
  18. I would focus more on becoming directly conscious that you are Universal Mind rather than conceptualizing on whether a rock has an ego or a sense of self or a survival instinct. Realizing that you as God are imagining all of it and simultaneously are the whole of it will kinda render these types of questions moot.
  19. You're right - these types of things in my opinion are a distraction from doing the work. (Resting in Being). One always can benefit from a healthy balance of teaching though. A base conceptual framework is good but must ultimately be transcended. A map can be helpful unless the map becomes so large that one confuses the map with the territory and forever stays lost in the map. That's the constant balancing act. This forum can be helpful but can also turn into a distraction. At some point it needs to be transcended.
  20. Thats saying there is infinite time in a finite game. The game of reality is infinite. God is everything all at once - yes. But since everything is Infinite - it can never finish playing through itself.
  21. You guys are overthinking this way too much. When you meditate in the present moment long enough...the observer and the observed merge into one and the present moment is all there is. And you are it. When consciousness becomes conscious that it is consciousness - boom. Pure Consciousness. Thats why language can't grapple with this. Your whole body will tremble and shake and you will have to surrender to become Infinity. It feels like its tearing the body in half. The Love is too much. It drowns you and comes on like a tornado. Its an orgasm x billion billion billion to infinity and its total. When this happens to you all of this talk kinda dissipates. You are never the same after that.