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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Well - they would also have to be or become anti-semitic...what's interesting about Hitler is that i don't believe he was anti-semitic from the beginning. I think something changed in him possibly while in Vienna before his time in politics or when he first got into politics- influenced by the political parties of that time. He then began to formulate his ideas of a master race. And the eradication of the Jews. Which he put into his auto-biography. But there was a lot of anti-semitism towards Jews from certain groups in the early 1900's in Vienna and i think he was influenced by that. But even then Jews didn't have it bad and he even associated with some Jews as a young man. So this anti-semitic conponent along with the strong, hypnotizing rhetoric and public speaking not only fired his followers up, but also himself,and he fell further and further into this deluded mindset. So while there isn't something special about him, we aren't likely to see something like Nazi Germany for a long, long time, hopefully never.
  2. Did you read Mein Kampf? I am not debating who is a better person. I think the better question is who is more deluded. Hitler would have the upper hand here, it remains to be seen about Netanyahu. But I doubt he would reach that level of delusion.
  3. No just a guy who sits at the Passover seder each year to talk about how Egypt enslaved us and we got out. So for once we are on the offensive. Why not?
  4. Silly. I get your point about some of things happening in Gaza and there is corruption - but you will find that on all sides. But to compare this to Hitler is silly IMO.
  5. @Raze dude- we are talking about Hitler ordering the extinction of the entire jewish people - leaving to the death of six million Jews. How can you compare this to one family being killed here?
  6. Degrees. Exactly. And Israel's leadership is no where near that degree. At least not yet. When Israel tells their occupied countries' women and children that they are going for a train ride only to line thém up for a firing squad then I think you can start to talk about this. But Israel right now is simply trying to subdue it's foes and declare dominance in the region because it's tired of the constant threat of attack on their homeland and civilians. It's a far cry from Nazi Germany. Ethnic cleansing isn't even on the table yet.
  7. Jesus are you guys really comparing this guy to Hitler? Fuck it. All bets are off I guess. I think its nuts that you guys would even entertain that .
  8. I can tell you one way they aren't similar. I don't think Netanyahu is going to be ordering Jews to gas camps in fact if he ordered any race to gas camps i would see your point of view. But he's not a sick monster. Yeah maybe he's aggressive but he's not looking to erase all gentiles. So please - shelve the Hitler comparisons.
  9. Don't let him deter you from the facts that you stated. Hezbollah or should i say Hellzbollah, is responsible for the destruction of many cities and has massacred many. They deserve what Israel is giving them.
  10. That is why Israel is doing this so im glad it is appreciated. Stay tuned for more.
  11. Lol. So Israel finally does something and everyone wants to cry about it.
  12. Ask yourself why is it wrong? One God or One Singular Conscious entity dreaming up this whole thing. Dreaming up self and other ..dreaming up everything. Why couldn't that be possible? turns out that not only is it possible but it IS reality. Very funny thing
  13. Isn't this subjective though? This is your take of reality. I hope you see the vicious strange loop - forcing one back to relativity. Even my comments now are not objective. It was true whomever said the only objectivity is subjectivity.
  14. All that stuff to me shows either: 1. He's completely awake and just wants to deceive everyone in his dream to make more money for himself in his own dream. 2. He's not awake and caught up in the the whole idea of there being one objective reality with one objective outcome and this is how it is. In Truth if he really wanted to be honest he would tell his students that everything is subjective and everyone is God creating their own reality on the fly. This however, can be very damaging to his career and identity so he dare not go there.
  15. The US had a lot of sympathy for Israel establishing a Jewish homeland in 1948. A lot of this was due to the holocaust. There was a religious and biblical connection that was made with Israel being able to return to their homeland. The concept of Israel as a democratic state aligned with American values. The Zionist movement in the US and the large population of Jews in the US. Jewish organizations lobbying which has been stated already. Israel was viewed as a possible ally against Russia post Cold War.
  16. Wanna know the Truth? Yeah - your life experiences build up to that - but really only deep suffering is what is channeled into Truth or awakening. It is the discovery of what we call "no self" (in Buddhism) that ultimately leads to awakening. After that you can have a series of awakenings but, at least for me no self was the beginning of the event you are describing - concluding with total Oneness (otherwise known as Absolute Solipsism) watch out for that one.
  17. Yeah but what if you once made millions, let's say developing a new innovative web site and product during the .com boom- but now you are bankrupt working at walmart because you lost everything. Would you suffer then? It's very different from working at Walmart when that's all you knew.
  18. @Breakingthewall One thing i do want to add is that there may have been times where he witnessed or even performed miracles via mysticism but that is only a temporary state of Consciousness while he is still in finite form. So his behavior now doesn't mean he didnt walk on water and now turned it into some sort of twisted wealth building scheme to feed his work addiction.
  19. Wisdom is attained through life experience not awakening. I hate to use the Mario metaphor but inside the video game Mario can still gain a lot of wisdom through his experiences in the game. But one day he breaks completely out of the game into a whole other reality. That changes his perspective on the game now. He knows it's just a game.
  20. Yeah all that crap would be some type of God complex or like you said part of his addiction to work, wealth, and power. I don't disagree. If he truly had mystical insights into the nature of reality but then fell subject to the traps of being in the human mind and body ~ well then I'd say he's human.
  21. Have you ever seen a dog throw itself off a bridge? Have you ever seen a cat slit it's wrists or call into the suicide hotline? ..well...the reason is they don't have the capacity to self reflect. Yes - they can feel sadness and even depression. But they aren't able to step outside themselves and become self aware that they are depressed. But yes I think it's relative to what your definition of suffering is. But I would say keep it simple. Pain is pain and suffering is suffering. Ask yourself why you are suffering? Maybe you can't prevent your hand from hurting if you stick it on a hot stove, but you might be able to prevent the suffering from it. If your definition of suffering is the screaming in anguish then yes you are correct that is a form of suffering if looked at in that context. But real suffering to me is when the human mind self reflects and inflicts mental torture on itself - thinking and creating a personal hell for itself because it doesn't have a perfect world of pleasure.
  22. I would say make it a priority above all else..above investing - above building wealth - to be at the gym 4-5 days a week. But to muddy the waters further sometimes our job (survival needs) might not afford us the time to care for our physical (and mental) health. Is it fair that our health must suffer in exchange for putting food on the table? Someone like Sadhguru has no excuse to make time for fitness. But for many it's not so easy.