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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Well you can say if you say nothing matters than it matters that it doesn't matter. Otherwise there wouldn't be a need to say it. Aka Being. That which is fundamental
  2. @fridjonk you are spot on dude - just for the record. @LfcCharlie4. As always you make great points. That said reality is fundamentally mystical and infinite. Understanding it conceptually is not the same as Being. But i know you know that. I don't know if you have had a mystical experience or not but for those who can without pyschedelics it is rare. I seem to be one of them. But i also fully support Leo's exploration of Consciousness because it will ultimately push humanity forward as i have said before. I could be wrong but i think I've hit the limits of where i can go without pyschedelics. That is why i fully support him. I have directly confirmed everything he has claimed without pyschedelics - other than seeing myself create all the hairs on my hand. Total omniscience. And since i have directly confirmed everything else i have no reason to doubt him further. That may be somewhere only pyschedelics can take you.
  3. Then you will miss out on Being. (Something that you are, but are not conscious that you are) That's a trap. Let me explain. Being, or the Absolute, or God is Isness. It just Is. Absolute Love. Being. Infinity. Samadhi. There are many words for the Absolute. It is mystical because it totally transcends (or is prior to) all rationality. Now, Being or the Absolute is prior to saying something matters or doesn't matter. So to say the Absolute doesn't matter is like the analogy of a castle made of bricks and you are the castle. Then as the castle you say bricks don't matter. But what you can't see as the castle is that you are bricks! without bricks you couldn't even exist. So if you say Absolute Truth doesn't matter you are trying to talk about the whole from the part - it doesn't work - so keep that in mind. The Absolute can't be spoken. It can only be Be'd. And that can only be partially described as God miraculously awakening to itself. Again talking about it and saying it matters or doesn't matter cannot capture isness or Being.
  4. THIS - is Infinity. Infinity is Consciousness. Consciousness is God. Infinity is a singularity. All mean the same thing. Thus you are it. God isn't a person or a he or a she. Or a bearded guy in the clouds. God is simply everything that is. And it is both consciousness itself and Self-conscious. Its a Mind. An Infinite Mind. Yes i agree with @LfcCharlie4 there are certain enlightened teachers that have not yet awakened to all facets of Truth or may actually be somehow still stuck in some aspects of the materialist paradigm.
  5. It would take insane levels of consciousness (Godlike) to manipulate this dream. It would require much higher than normal human levels. Healing is something Leo is working on but to an awake person it is glaringly possible. As far as growing back limbs that might be even more difficult - but i refrain from saying anything is impossible.. healing various illnesses and ailments from within finite form however i am conscious is quite feasible.
  6. I don't disagree - because it is an open public forum. But yet shutting the subforum down might be adding too much restriction as in if one person awakens from it than it is was worth it. I'm saying if someone asked him he wouldn't be restricted to not answer. Other people may also answer - and ultimately the seeker needs to find his own way. But he would not push it on anyone - because nothing needs to be done.
  7. @TheAvatarState great post. I have contemplated this often. Too much talk even if its as deep as it can get on the nature of reality - can confuse new seekers more than help. Yet as you say - here we are - Ide say this - if the guy from the 10th ox herding pic were alive today and had access to the internet i think he would freely be speaking of Truth to those who listened. But also he would say that ultimately all words and concept must be transcended into Being/Actuality. Thus balance is everything. Knowing is second order to Being.
  8. @remember infinity has no beginning and no end. So everything is nothing and nothing is everything..
  9. You still have a duality between everything and nothing. Nothing is an extension of everthing as well. Infinity.
  10. We may be on different frequencies. Relatively yes that is how anything is created. One must create distinctions. It is an appearance of separation but there really is no separation from the Absolute perspective. Yet from the relative there is. I was speaking metaphysically.
  11. Everthing and nothing is what Consciousness is. Infinity IS Consciousness. To say its not the same makes no sense. It is like saying Consciousness isn't the same as itself.
  12. @The Lucid Dreamer indeed. The two are identical. Everything and nothing are literally identical.
  13. Eckhart Tolle had a lifetime of suffering. His path was not easy. Just because someone awakens spontaneously doesn't mean it wasn't a lifetime in the making.
  14. Infinity - some way or not is duality or separation. What makes you think its not all ways? God's gotya covered
  15. Yup its definitely a paradox. So there may be more truth to the past lives theory than most people give credit to.
  16. Yeah i got the feel that she was indeed awake. Just because a person falls back into duality doesn't make them assleep. The ego comes back until the body expires and God takes another form. She may just need to integrate her awakening further to attach less to her ego or be meta aware of it - but that could be pure speculation. Also when one actually experiences God directly its a hell of a thing. People who haven't just have no idea yet. That's why i said its harder imo for ego death to happen once the ego has died once. But yeah it's possible for you to awaken through seeking - anything is possible. It seems like you are on the right track
  17. Yes this is a Kundalini awakening and a mystical experience. A shifting between duality and non-duality. I have experienced it. It is awakening. It could last a few days. The materialist paradigm may shatter here it just depends on what you become conscious of. Your consciousness levels are probably elevated as well.
  18. I mean you are onto something from my own direct experiences. An overarching design is being imagined by Infinity (You). Infinite intelligence is deep at work. "God does not play dice" --Einstein
  19. I said the same thing when i had the epiphany Its beautiful