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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Indeed. And there is no difference between that dream and this dream. Because this one feels so "real"... That is the mindfuck. Its all one dream.
  2. @BETGR164128 He was echoing other teachers indeed. I hope he discovers Truth for himself.
  3. @Gili Trawangan well said. Terrible teaching indeed. We were trying to point him to a higher truth.
  4. LOL it is what it is. Ok bud seems early PST time but Ok.
  5. In finite form i can do what is finite That's the purpose of being finite. But God is a shapeshifter.
  6. This says be free of others so we can be selfish? Look dude I'm going to spell it out to you. Read it real slow. YOU....ARE....GOD!!!
  7. @VeganAwake There was no big bang. There is no earth. There is no sun. There are no planets. There is no you. There is no body. There is only THIS. This is Consciousness. This is Infinity. This is God. This is you. This is Mind. Infinity makes it a mind because it is everything and nothing. And it is You!. So guess what? You imagined the big bang. You imagined the sun and the planets. And you imagined your birth. You imagined that there is a @VeganAwake so that you could experience what it would be like! To know yourself as God! There is no human. There is no brain. There is no person to be afraid. Fear is an illusion. The fear of death is an illusion because it requires a self to fear it. And there is no self. There is only God imagining it is a self. This self that fears death wants desperately to survive to keep the illusion alive! But guess what? It's God dreaming it is a human in order to experience fear, and pain, and suffering. You are imagining all of it! Welcome home haha.
  8. Being Is prior to all teachings.....Being is God. You are God. You just aren't conscious of it. That is what we are pointing you towards my good man.
  9. All language is dualistic. Being God cannot be described.
  10. The circle of life. And some very powerful scenes. I cried like a baby. It was quite embarrassing actually in the theater this time around
  11. @SOUL perhaps you are being a little hard on him? We cannot know if he had a genuine awakening. What he described to me in PM seemed to indicate it was genuine. Either way we cannot know only "he" knows for the Truth is intimate as you know.
  12. @SoonHei one if my favorite movies of all time. Absolute Love. Lots of tears lol.
  13. Indeed. The devil is an unconscious God.
  14. @SOUL well said. i didn't see his post either. We wouldn't want someone to confuse inner peace with nihilism. If its not properly broken down it could lead to that. On another more metaphysical note i noticed something interesting about the statement "Nothing Matters" if taken literally. If taken literally it is kind of like the paradox "I am lying" or "This statement is a lie". I'm sure you guys have heard of the above lie paradox which basically means if the liar is indeed lying, then the liar is telling the truth, in which case the liar just lied. A paradox if you will Well metaphysically i would say the same exists for the statement "Nothing Matters" if nothing matters literally, then the statement "Nothing Matters" also does not matter, paradoxocally making it matter. In other words the very act of disregarding the statement would matter. He he just some thought fun. I know that is not what was meant by the thread.
  15. It will not matter. There won't be a you in a non-dual state as you will be pure Consciousness.
  16. @This Very suiting name you have there! It's THIS
  17. I'm not going to round and round on this. If you think that consciousness is happening inside the body - you're just wrong. I can't make you wake up to that. It will have to just happen. Doesn't mean i don't love you.
  18. Forget the no self for a sec - We are pointing to something metaphysical here. Truth. By saying the statement "nothing matters" you brought the statement into existence. Giving it meaning. Paradoxical? I think we are going deeper here .. I think in your mind meaning and matter might be two different things from the Absolute side - (how you wish to interpret it is relative) because maybe you haven't gotten to the root of reality yet. But for something to exist means it has meaning. So whether you needed to say or not or there was no self to say it doesn't matter. That is relative. It's existence by you thinking of it gave it meaning. I hope i'm not twisting your mind around! This is paradoxical stuff.
  19. After God is done dreaming this. Or after You are done dreaming this - you will wake up and it will be gone. And then you will dream something else. Like the child playing with the Etch A Sketch toy Build up - tear down