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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Leo's room is in your imagination. Whatever you see in your direct experience is all that there is - period. Stop there. Everything beyond that is concept and imagination. Because you are God. God is right where it needs to be.
  2. Its absolutely marvelous when you get it. Its pure brilliance
  3. @Raptorsin7 you already know the fastest path relative to you
  4. @dvdas ? @LfcCharlie4 and well said yourself as always.
  5. @dvdas ARE Truth. But you have to become conscious that you are. And when you do it is the demise of the fantasy that was your small self. It is realized then that there never was a seeker. Because you are not a human and thus you were never born. So seeking actually pushes you farther away. Thats why self inquiry is so effective. Because it is not seeking. It is a peeling away of what you thought you were until awakening dawns. @Unemployed Once you are conscious that you are God you can explore yourself infinitely. There will always be uncharted grounds because reality is infinite. Consciousness - You - are Infinite.
  6. There is no subject / object in a non-dual state of consciousness. There is no subject to interpret the Absolute. The Absolute just is itself.
  7. Here's the challenge i offer you...Try and see if you can be conscious that it is a void right now. Nothing needs to happen. And i don't mean void as in a vacuum. I mean absolutely nothing
  8. Inspect this concept deeply. Is this perhaps just something you took for granted based on your culture?
  9. @TheAvatarState i think you summed up Oneness perfectly. Maybe you can stick around and start a thread to help others. Because i can clearly see that you are enlightened. Of course paradoxically there is no such thing. Yes I'm truly glad you started the thread. It was a great discussion.
  10. One must one day ultimately transcend this place. Well done. And Godspeed.
  11. Before we could go further , we have to first assume the Absolute is objective. Otherwise the whole conversation is void. Agreed? So let's make sure we clarify that - the Absolute is the Absolute because it is not the relative. Now, that being said - Leo and the mods definitely make a subjective call to lock threads or ban users. As for the locking of threads - it is a subjective call based on the post. The title of a post such as God is not the Absolute is clearly not what is the Absolute - as the Absolute is Infinity and God is Infinity. This is something one can become directly conscious of and it is not subjective. Mystical states of consciousness are not subjective. This is something that can't be proven because Truth is prior to proof.
  12. The best way i can explain it is that the Truth goes full circle into objectivity. Formed reality is completely relative and subjective. In other words reality is an absolute relativity. It is so relative that it goes full circle into the Absolute. (The formless)
  13. So i guess we should just toss out all the videos and the books on the booklist? Understanding the difference between actuality and concept didn't help you with becoming actuality? That's all i meant by framework. I am not suggesting such framework is outside or greater than the Absolute, more metaphysically fundamental, or that it replaces the Absolute. But you can use a subset of the Absolute to help along the path. The key is that the subset won't GET you to the Absolute, as we both know.
  14. Excellent points. You really hit it on the head. From my POV he seriously answers them and then advises one to use the practices and tools available to discover for themselves. A conceptual framework was good in helping me - ie the videos. So the forum is kind of like a supplement to the teachings in the videos. Why answer them at all? Well why make the videos at all? For a base framework. That said i totally get what your saying. We are in a bind because ultimately the Absolute cannot be spoken so thus it cannot be taught.
  15. There isn't a lot of variation that i have found to the facets of awakening. Because awakening is not conceptual it is actual. It is the collapse all duality or a collapse of self and other. It is a non-dual state of consciousness. Not preaching, but a non-dual state is a mystical state in which you become pure Consciousness itself. That which you always were but were separated by the imaginary self. So In becoming it - you also instantaneously become conscious of various facets of what you are. This is because Consciousness is becoming conscious of itself - waking up to itself so to speak. And those realizations were provided in Leo's video on the facets of awakening. And during my awakenings i have directly validated all facets. And it feels like waking up from a dream. It's so freaking radical and hard to fathom that i can understand why there is so much criticism or demonization of Leo here. Because this stuff is soooo damn radical. We are talking about literally becoming God and becoming aware that you are God. And becoming conscious of the nature of how you work. There is nothing bigger and sometimes i myself cannot believe what i became conscious of. Its something that i feel whether you are meditating or taking psychedelics that it will only happen when you are already at a certain baseline of consciousness and not before. So with all of that being said when posts saying God is not the Absolute or Nothing Matters are spotted by guys like Leo what do you expect - these types of posts are either false or incomplete. But it can't be known until after awakening. Leo is working on streamlining his teachings and these types of messages in fact will only distract from that. Additionally, when users also come on and mock Leo in subtle ways that is also a huge distraction as well as being false. Again due to how radical this stuff is, i totally get it. But at the same time that is why radical open mindedness is required.
  16. First of all that is awesome that you are taking the time to meditate like this - i salute you! The do nothing method is also my favorite. Its all i do right now. Or I'll stare at a particular object or my hand and get in touch with actuality. In our daily lives (in duality) we move farther and farther away from actuality and the present moment. That is why meditating or resting in being is so great. Self inquiry was also great for me prior to awakening. I know you mentioned you aren't seeking anything and that's great but self inquiry is still a powerful practice to do.
  17. Thanks for the input. Truth is Truth. It isn't beliefs, opinions, or approaches. And it isn't mine, or Leo's, or anyone else's. It just is what it is. The goal is awakening. The shift is just a streamlining of the teaching of Truth. If someone doesn't wanna be here they don't have to be. No one is being told to take anything on as dogma or beliefs. In fact it is to the contrary.
  18. If you are asking this question then you still aren't awake. And the answer does not reside within the confines of language. Continue to do the work and stay open minded. You will know the answer when it happens.
  19. You have to have open mindedness that indeed their are awakened beings pointing you to awakening and there are ones that aren't there yet. It doesn't mean there is no compassion for them. Please understand that these teachings are out of Love and that sometimes if incomplete teachings are condoned then the full Truth may never be revealed. And it is out of Love that truly awakened beings such as Leo are doing what they are doing.
  20. There is a specific teaching here - and that is waking up to what you are. Becoming conscious of the ultimate Truth. The teachings are meant to point one in that direction and when bullshitters come onto the forum that are not awake and post misinformation it distracts others from this Truth. Ofcourse, you don't need this forum to wake up. Its an additional tool. You can awaken by just putting in the work and listening to the enlightenment videos. When the time is right awakening will happen. And the effort being put forth here will all make sense.
  21. You as God put yourself in finite form precisely to separate yourself from yourself. So that you would forget or delude yourself. It is the only way you could experience separation and then unity. As you are Infinte, there is nothing outside yourself so without an appearance of separation there is none. You as God are God, as well as all finite beings - simultaneously. It cannot be understood from finite form until awakening - which is a shift in consciousness to God's perspective.
  22. @Michael569 awesome share thanks!