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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Once again you are stuck on there being no self and that's it. There is something beyond that. You are the Self!!!! You are God.
  2. Where did you copy that from? Lol. It is a good explanation of formlessness. But it does not mean nothing matters. Do not confuse the Absolute with the relative. And if you say there is no relative then you are not grasping Truth yet. To say nothing matters is but your relative interpretation of Infinity. Infinity is nothing and everything. So if you choose to say nothing matters you are deciding this. You could also be conscious that everything matters. In the world of form it is relative. The formless is pure Infinity and pure Love.
  3. @VeganAwake you are not yet awake When you are truly awake you can teach others.
  4. Dude stop I love you but you have only scratched the surface. You are not yet awake.
  5. @Mu_ he is only awake to no self. He is trapped there. I love him to death but he has been listening to guys like Tony Parsons who have not had a mystical experience. It you ask him what mysticism is it won't compute.
  6. He is too consumed with public image from what I've seen. But i haven't studied him deeply.
  7. @pluto what planet are you dreaming you are on?
  8. There are different awakenings one can have. Self inquiry is best for discovering that you are not the ego - for that matter you are not the body or the brain. You are Consciousness. And all of that is occurring within Consciousness. So self inquiry is what i would recommend you start with. Meditating such as the do nothing method is really the quieting of the mind as all thought is illusion (the world of form is imaginary). And a thought is form. That which contains all form - the formless - is actual nothing. The formless cannot be imagined - it is pure Being. Actual Being or Nothing cannot be imagined or conceived of. Because whatever you think Nothing is would be something. But if you become directly conscious that you are Consciousness itself Being is what remains.
  9. Yes true. I have found that Leo's video on facets of awakening is pretty accurate as is all of his enlightenment videos from way back when he first started making them. So to me awakening to any of the facets mentioned there is a miracle. He mentions a lot there but here are some of the biggies in my view and ones i have had. But a mystical state to begin with is HUGE even if there are no realizations but just an experience of the Absolute! 1. A state of samadhi in which you become conscious that the self never existed but is being imagined. 2. Becoming Conscious by a state of Samadhi or mystical state in which you realize that you are pure Consciousness directly. 3. Becoming conscious of how all of reality works. 4. Becoming infinity and realizing what Infinity means Similar to 2 in a sense but different. 5. Becoming conscious that you are alone as the Absolute and dreaming all of this. That is the one he called aloneness. I call it Oneness but aloneness also fits. 6. Becoming conscious that Infinity or the Absolute is Love (for me all of my mystical states were just pure bliss and love) So to me to awaken to any of these is a miracle in itself. Yes here i look at these stages as highly advanced and not necessary for God realization. What i mean is you can have direct interaction with God - which is amazing in itself - and realize that oh shit - spirituality is real - and still not realize its you. But then you can also realize that you are God and not call it God at first - maybe you call it Awareness or Consciousness and you realize you are that. To me that's still God realization. it may take time to integrate these realizations as they are massive. Now to be directly conscious of how you are creating reality (how i am creating every hair on my hand for example) and total omniscience is something i have not become conscious of yet - but i am not currently practicing because if i were i would be trying 5-MeO and making it my life purpose as Leo is doing. All of my realizations which I listed above were through meditation and self inquiry. So yes guys this stuff is real...but where Leo is at is extremely advanced. And is not necessary for you to experience God and realize that you are God either of which would be considered miraculous in my book.
  10. Hehe not even so sure about that I mean we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves and become indifferent to the magic, beauty and love in God realization. Most of the forum is doing the practices to reach enlightenment - and really shouldn't worry about where Leo is at in his path.
  11. I think you will be plenty happy with plain old God realization / awakening. Plain old awakening heheh. We talk as if God realization is so basic now. Like its no big deal. Lol. This forum is getting way too advanced. Its a miracle to even reach a state of satori - most of the population is nowhere near that.
  12. Yeah and you woke up to begin with by being selfless....
  13. I is inevitable. Worth a shot though. The only thing keeping it going is the survival instinct of the ego and its illusions. But when you become too conscious you can't even buy into the illusion anymore. That's when you are face to face with it.
  14. Stick around to teach yourself a bit longer will ya?
  15. The ultimate full circle is that you will do it all again, forever. Because God can't help itself and you have done it forever. You've awoken an infinite amount of times heheh.
  16. Of course the highest realization is that you are imagining Ken Wilbur. He is part of your dream so he is a projection of your mind. It takes a shift in consciousness to first buy into the illusion and then as part of the illusion imagine that he is not awake. Which of course is all imaginary That is why they say waking up is losing your mind as you knew it.
  17. Because you were levels of consciousness infinitely higher than what you are at now.
  18. @The Lucid Dreamer I am super glad you decided to join the forum.
  19. You are awake that you are God - yes - but when you try to push Truth on someone it backfires. It is intimate and honestly can't be taught. All teachings must be transcended. The map isn't the territory. And people often take the map as the territory when you throw the map in their face. They have to want Truth for themselves so badly they are willing to die for it - or they have suffered so much over many decades that it forces them to submit to Truth. So it has to happen for them on their own. All paths are unique but all paths ultimately lead to Truth!