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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Ditto bud I'm really not pursuing anymore just helping to teach what can't be taught hahah.
  2. I am not saying i am special at all bud. Im really not - i'm just stating Truth. It doesn't make me better than you. This isnt even a me or a you there is just Consciousness imagining there is a me. No its not about identity. Just spitting Truth here
  3. Check my edit about duality. But if you haven't had a non-dual state of consciousness yet then yes you will think its just some weird thing. But it is actually a state of samadhi as in your samadhi video. It is the collapse of the subject object into total Oneness - what you and i call death.
  4. No i can describe it to you outside the forum but it probably won't do it justice. I have said that it is Divine, frozen - in that it is outside time and space (time and space happen within Infinity) and a feeling of Bliss and Love as if you melted into Absolute Love. Because that is what it is. What you and i call death is actually a melting into Absolute Infinity or Love. And realizations into the nature of reality, your true nature, that the self is illusory, all can happen instantaneously. You should get a hold of some psychedelics with all of what you know now and trip.
  5. @VeganAwake i know. I am not saying that saying that duality calling duality is an illusion is creating duality. I am saying you have to be in duality to even say it. When i spoke to your friend Eric on the forum about non-dual, mystical states of consciousness it's like it didn't register for him. I don't think he has had an actual awakening before but i don't know. Everything seemed to be coming from a place of concept for him . Again from the other post if one hasn't actually had a mystical experience they will really have no idea what I'm talking about but it's the real deal. You are in duality right now. But you won't know that until you collapse all duality. Or in other words "die"
  6. That's what you are missing - nothing is everything. In the realm you are in it just depends on how you look at it. What perspective you take - there are nothing but perspectives in the world of form. The thing is you haven't become the Absolute yet so you don't know what i am talking about yet. Don't feel bad it is rare but still very possible and i hope it happens. It just has to happen for you someday. But it will be what we call "death". Until then you will just respond to me and say there is no Absolute to become etc etc. It's like saying there is no such thing as the paranormal and then one day finding out there is. Oops!
  7. Precisely! - in fact you didn't even post this. What you posted is all imaginary and dualistic! You are still in the relative right now imagining the Absolute! But now - when you say there is no relative (only the Absolute) and the relative is an illusion - while that's true from the Absolute, simultaneously and ironically it is the relative or illusion saying its an illusion! Mindfuck. It is basically knowing it conceptually. Pure Being can't be grasped or thought as that is still the relative. So when you say there is no relative from the relative it is like chasing your tail. Its going around in circles. Mystical non-dual state of Being or Consciousness is it but by saying that I'm just using language to point to something which is Infinity or everything and nothing.
  8. @ivankiss nice i am sure it will raise your baseline.
  9. Yes and to even say anything is going too far when it comes to the Absolute/Pure Formlessness... it just just......... --- end all form and language now just pure bliss - not even pure bliss that is going too far ---- No teaching is the highest teaching because the highest teaching is the collapse of teaching. It is Being.
  10. Fantastic. Yes - i feel it now - Pure Being - as i read your post. It is something. I have had mystical experiences where God rushed through me like a tornado - an infinite gust of Eternal Wind too powerful for a mere mortal. When it comes on - God's presence - You will feel the cosmic force of God fill you so Infinitely that it cannot be contained.
  11. Yes You are tricking yourself right now
  12. You tricked God - darn you! He is always tricking himself and it works!
  13. Yeah i hear ya. Well i think what you are speaking of is more about embodying awakening or enlightenment and aligning with such levels of consciousness. Because God levels of consciousness are not sustained and you eventually come back to a human level of consciousness and then can work towards embodying that level and aligning with it. What you call experiences i call states of Consciousness thousands of times higher than human levels. Someone can be enlightened as fuck and then decide to say fuck it all and become a zen devil. That would be there choice or course - however this doesn't negate that they became directly conscious of Truth - what they do with it at the human level is up to them. Embodiment at the human level is relative as all form is relative. One will generally be more conscious though and then will naturally be inclined to purify oneself of addictions and things like that and generally not need external things for Happiness because they have it in Being. But if they decide not to i don't think it means they are any less enlightened as God.
  14. Just started reading this thread and thought I would chime in. As you know my awakenings were not using psychedelics. When i stumbled onto spirituality and began meditating it was Leo's enlightenment videos and epistemological and metaphysical videos that i listened to prior and sometimes during meditation - when it happened. By it i mean mysticism and the realizations that come with non-dual states of consciousness and complete ego death and the collapse of the self / other duality and all dualities. This is something actual - pure actuality or Truth as Being Truth. So what makes you think that psychedelics cannot also induce a mystical non-dual state and a God state just the same as meditation? Once the state is there then how it got there is irrelevant. I just don't think the teachings Leo has laid out for us would be so deep and so accurate that it helped me to Self realize and awaken if he weren't enlightened as fuck himself. I just don't think it would have happened. So i think its best to stay open minded on psychedelics. That's why i support the path fully. You are of course entitled to your opinions and we welcome diversity here but i am just laying out mine.
  15. @Anna1 Bless you for having the courage to be on the front lines saving so many lives. I hope things are manageable for you at the hospital right now and hope it stays this way. But you and the other health care professionals are the real heros in this war!
  16. Sorry for going off on you. I tend to get passionate about God and mysticism and the Absolute but it doesnt invalidate that you have had awakenings to no self. I was the biggest atheist and materialist ever prior to stumbling into spirituality. So there is a mystical component that is very real - and one should stay open minded about God. but i guess its feasible that one can have the insights into no self without the mystical non-dual states of consciousness - but the combination of both and the experience of God is something to behold. ?
  17. @Peter124 welcome back
  18. It sounds ridiculous until you have experienced God.