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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Well i took my matzah ball soup more seriously than i ever took you. What was the big pronlem with that dialogue that Hitler was being compared to Netanyahu? Even Leo retracted his comments because it was insensitive but you jumped on the bandwagon on how any old leader could be compared to Hitler. When you didn't even read his auto-biography.
  2. Proper English please. The US enforces sanctions on those that cannot use proper grammar.
  3. Oh God man will you stop crying about the US's getting so tiresome. Stop hating the player and hate the game
  4. That's because you are the people, not him. So you would know personally. As opposed to him who isn't the people. Who reads stuff off the internet.
  5. Interesting. You elaborated splendidly I think from one aspect it is good but enforcing a particular religion or belief is problematic for reasons i won't go into here. So right there this is a problem Yet the purpose from which it sources seems to be of good intent and high wisdom. But ultimately i think the current regime fails to strike a natural balance between the individuals needs (capitalism) and the society's needs (socialism) and uses religion as a mechanism to control. So while it's purpose might be pure it doesn't realize that it forces it's people into a partlicular belief but not only that it uses it as a building structure for it's government which is altogether wrong. So no i would say the US isn't worse. The problem with the US it sees too far to the capitalist side and fails to rein the ego in which ultimately leads to corruption and chaos. There's plenty of room for free thought and developing one's own wealth but the problem is this ultimately comes with a cost. The ego is allowed to run wild and infringe on others just the same as the Iranian government infringes on others with its forced approach to Islam.
  6. takes decades to save for a 20k down payment on a house with a normal job.
  7. I would agree based on current stability but number of enemies really isn't logical.
  8. They did it because a nation should have their own control. If they want to build nukes they should be able to. For their own defense. If a civil war took place and the nukes fell into the wrong hands how would you know? You can't know until certain behavior is expressed. Can a nation just out of the blue just launch a nuclear attack? Yes but it is that probable? No but this can happen now so it's not anything that isn't a current threat now
  9. So what's the biggest issue the people have with the current regime? I'm glad religion keeps them from certain evils but what evils are they doing that seems to evade Islam or that they remain blinded to and refuse to apply Islam to?
  10. This is the kind of fear mongering that led to our going into Iraq and removing Hussein. So be careful with that. Could end up a mistake.
  11. Correct that's why I said it's not fair to tell him to fix his country. What via coup? Come on.
  12. That's really not fair because it is a very limited democracy there with strong authoritarian qualities. It really is a dictatorship masked as a democracy. So to say to the civilians fix their country is laughable when you have a rigged system.
  13. Are you kidding they love him heheh. But seriously I think that's a long way away. Israel didn't attack Iran, Iran attacked Israel so let's not jump the gun. If it became a wider struggle i think the move of removing the current regime would be more of an endgame than an up front strategy like it was with Iraq.
  14. l There will be pros and cons to weigh. Iraq is it's own situation. And there you have the false intelligence of WMD tainting the US' decision. But what if that intelligence had been correct. Also you end, in that case, a brutal dicatorship responsible for human rights abuses and a force in the region that caused destabilization. Yes it could give rise to groups like ISIS and internal turmoil leading to loss of life. At the end of the day did removing him from power make things better? Well, what would you do about Trump if he got in power? Your views on Trump are no different than @Atb210201 are only he's living it.
  15. Its him trying to play Nostradamus. Funny thing about Nostradamus is he predicted WWIIi would start by an emboldened leader in the Middle East. Ironic if it ended up being Netanyahu Everyone thought it was going to be Hussein.
  16. When you awaken one of the realizations will be that you are completely and utterly alone as a God. This is more shocking to God than it is terrifying. But it is both. God isn't lonely - it just terrifies God in finite form to realize that God is alone imagining all beings. And that all Beings are itself. It terrifies God because it is a massive recontextualizaton of everything it has ever known and now it has to live in that same reality that has been recontextualized by awakening. So it has no other choice but to go back to sleep for the sake of the dream. There is a lucidity there but it's not the same as knowing it Absolutely and directly.
  17. @AlienGeometry are you just wanting drama? Leo's views are changing on the regular. And hopefully we all are evolving the same way. Plus he hasn't done psychedelics in a while 😉 In the Absolute sense @Someone here is correct. When you awaken for yourself you won't be able to prove this to anyone. That's probably the hardest part but it also makes the most sense. If everyone is you then there isn't anyone to convince.
  18. @Heaven You are buying way too much into right wing propaganda my friend. If you believe that there wouldn't be war had Republicans stayed in office. It was just how time unfolded. You could just as easily say that Trump's presidency had no wars because of the previous administration.
  19. Well stand by because WWIII is a lot closer than it was even a few months ago. But alas, this attack from Iran was foiled by the Israeli's defenses with the help of it's's the US is supporting Israel but does not support further proactive aggression. They do not support a counter strike on Iran now. However I think the chips are already on the table - the sides have been chosen and for good reason. This is so obvious i can't believe i have to say this but the US is not simply going to drop Israel as an ally. If it did that it would be perceived as supporting Iran and it doesn’t for reasons it has already expressed. So ultimately it will come down to Iran backing down or a more wider struggle. So as far as criticizing the US i think you can't because they are Israel's ally - they can't force Israel's hand in this even Vance said that in the debate for you right wingers. And there are allies on both sides so I'm sure Iran would do whatever if it had a superpower behind them. God knows what. So why don't they? Don't hate the player hate the game.
  20. Agreed. Israel has stated it simply wants to change the balance of power. We will see if this turns into a wider war but overall i think it was a good move on their part. Now it puts the pressure back on Iran.