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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I knew the nothing matters guy was still here haha. Love is. ❤❤
  2. Duality or form is within non-duality or formlessness, but simultaneously it is the whole thing. Pull out your hand. Look at your finger. See it as the finger. Now see that the finger is simultaneously the whole hand. Become conscious of that. That's how God or reality is.
  3. You are. You just aren't conscious of it in your current state of consciousness or you would stop being a human and you would be a cell. Simultaneously you are everything right now but you need a radically higher mystical state of consciousness to become conscious of that.
  4. Formed reality as i call it is nothing but perspectives. Consciousness tricks itself into limitation via form
  5. Guys be careful not to put anyone else on a pedestal. You are God which you already know. So really the deeper levels are just Infinity no matter how incredibly deep they may feel in the present moment when that state of consciousness is actual. They will get infinitely deeper everytime that's fine relative to you. But eventually those states of consciousness fade into memory as you return to normal states of consciousness. Ofcourse memory itself is illusory - dissolving into a conplete state of mahasamadhi God would no longer be on the forum in the form of a human. Formlessness in its purest form. Total Oneness. Total Unity. A merging with the present moment eternally. Once you are directly conscious of this there is no reason to do it "intentionally" unless you want to. That's your choice as God. It does not make you any less God to remain as form. So i gotta say i do not see anything incorrect with what @Meta-Man is saying here. Leo got in a bit over his head. Its all good.
  6. He is talking to himself right now. As are you. Literally. God is mentally masturbating.
  7. @Leo Gura inifnity is spamming itself Lock this thread!
  8. It is fascinating that these ancient cultures had it right the whole time and modern religions got things so twisted hehe. Other cultures don't talk about things such as no self either - other than Buddhism and Hinduism These cultures are a lot closer to Truth than what we have here in America. I was amazed.
  9. Absolute Love = Infinity. Don't try to grasp it with your mind. It's like trying to grasp what nothing is. Anything you think nothing is is something. It is Being itself. It's the fabric.
  10. Indeed. It is pure Love. Way too powerful for a mere mortal
  11. Form and formlessness are absolutely identical. When you hold out your hand and are conscious that this is Infinity - well - lets just say it should give you chills.
  12. It is the false belief in the self that creates the suffering. Suffering is a consequence of selfishness. Liberation comes with selflessness as there is no small self only the Self. God. To align with Truth is to align with selflessness and Love. Peace is found here and now in this moment - this moment which is You. It is not found chasing pleasure externally - because in Truth there is no you and there is no external reality. There is only Being. There is only now which is God. And that is what you are. If you chase satisfaction externally you are chasing a ghost. It will cause you eternal suffering. Counterintuitively, decades of suffering can yield a massive awakening to Truth as the suffering may actually push you to become more conscious. Taking the long way isn't always a bad thing. Just ask the buddha.
  13. One of my favorite works. Yes he definitely got it.
  14. What does "I'm over here and the bad guys are out there somewhere" stink of? Low consciousness.
  15. It's not just that. He is probably getting lots of pressure to open - and it "appears" the hotspot states have plateaued...the deaths we are seeing now are from weeks ago. We have just seen 12k deaths in like 5 days as it is up to like 32k deaths right now. People are getting anxious. The curve has flattened. Yet to your point this monster is still out there. We need the antibody testing which we don't have and probably won't anytime soon. We need the regular testing and as of right now we don't have the volume of testing it would take to get things opened. We would need radical testing so that only people testing negative could enter public establishments - holding their test results with them. So without this we are really just gambling that it will spread again if we open it up too soon. Taking people's temps isn't a good solution as most are asymptomatic. Yet, as most crisis seem to reach a peak and then decline, perhaps the beast has lost some steam due to the social distancing. I tell you what, personally I'm on board with opening things back up May 1st in my state if we have some things in place to ensure shit doesn't hit the fan. But we don't have them yet.
  16. @SamueLSD haha never heard that term before i like it! Funny seeing this thread resurrected from the dead again, too.
  17. Much love Zero the enlightened one.
  18. Meaning a lot of people seem to think awakening on psychedelics is less valid than an awakening sober. They think it was just the psychedelics and not actual. I say awakening is awakening. Truth is Truth!
  19. Maybe that's because we are not taking into account suffering due to one's own selfishness. I had decades of it.
  20. This can't be echoed more. What is actual is Truth. Many mistake that here and choose to use psychedelics as the scapegoat (i have no idea why)
  21. @Preety_India Better not leave You are one of the reasons the forum is what it is... it can be frustrating at times but there are also a lot of good people like you here.
  22. @r0ckyreed practice self inquiry and in between doing that- practice do nothing meditation. Then go back to self inquiry. Right now do you believe you are an entity behind a pair of eyes? Answer honestly.
  23. You have and will. But you have also discovered yourself and will continue to do so
  24. This right here is it. If you need help with self inquiry tips listen to Leo's enlightenment videos in order.