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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. What was he addressing? Chasing states? He addressed that. It is research into God The danger in this is falling into the trap of desiring as a finite being to become full on God. That's a danger he has acknowledged and avoided.
  2. The telepathy aspect of his latest video was awesome. I think that humanity is still centuries away from things like this. But they exist. That is why Leo's research is so priceless in today's time. He is one of the most conscious human beings on the planet. You guys found a special place here.
  3. @Meta-Man take the fact that God has divided itself and cut off access to other sections of itself. Now become directly conscious that it is all One. Because it is One you are literally me. You are so me that the distinction between your perspective and mine collapses. It is illusion.
  4. Quite the realization ?❤
  5. @Pookie God or conciousness is a shapeshifter. It is dreaming its finite and therefore it is finite. It is in a finite, limited state of consciousness. When you hit divine mystical states there is a mystical shift in consciousness and Infinity is tapped. It depends on the degree but in such a state God (You) may reveal certain realizations. There is no sense of self or linear time and space in such divine states.
  6. He wants to explore as deeply as possible. And he realized there is no end to Infinite Love. There isn't. Infinite Love will blow the doors off a finite being. That much love will literally cause you to implode. He's there, maybe he wanted to make sure he was. Infinity is a beast. There is no end. Nor is there a beginning for that matter.
  7. No its all actual. But pure actuality - pure infinity (melting into and merging with the present moment) aka a non-dual state cannot be sustained. There is ego death in these expanded states of consciousness and then there is a return to duality - the dream - second order - whatever you wish to call it. You will completely experience death or the illusion of death One can be in such expanded states sober or with psychedelics and they are no different. The point is these levels of Consciousness, however profound, do not need to be chased. When you try to seek or force things it will backfire. In these states of Absolute infinity one can have complete understanding of all of reality. It is remarkable. As Leo said it will bring you to your knees weeping. It will leave you reeling and drowning in pure bliss. So it is easy to fall into the trap of wanting to be in these states. I have felt the loss of what Leo is saying when you are no longer in these states of consciousness. But at the same time one has to realize that its always here. Its always here once it has become actual for you. You do not need to chase these states. This is infinity right now, albeit a finite slither but it is Infinity. One can be at peace and happy in any state of consciousness.
  8. @The observer if what you are pointing to is that all words about the Absolute will fall short because they are dualistic then you are correct. All descriptions fall short. The Absolute is isness. Isness is Love. We are just pointing to it with our words - you cannot grasp isness from second order. First order is Being. Its just.... To say anything is to go too far. If that's what you are pointing to then you are correct my friend.
  9. You are probably not gonna awaken to begin with if you are out there killing people. Honesty is also very much key. The devil is an unconscious God.
  10. You will typically have some of your greatest insights right as you wake up, sleeping, or while half asleep. You can also figure out a lot of shit in these states.
  11. Yes - self inquiry, do nothing, and concentration practices.
  12. You can still enjoy it - so you are right. I do everyday. I'm just saying that you do get robbed of there being self and other. How you interpret that is up to you.
  13. Personally i prefer the word imaginary. It's not a trap it is what is. Thats what Oneness is. It is a hallucination. And you are alone. This is radical stuff. If you haven't had this awakening yet than do not take it on as dogma. Keep your personal view and be skeptical of what i am saying. But if you pursue Truth at the highest level your ego won't like what its going to find. But God will.
  14. Imagine it like this. Imagine you are dreaming at night, and in your dream you are a spiritual teacher standing in front of a bunch of students. After your lecture all of the students tell you how much your teachings have helped them - and how they have experienced awakenings because of the teachings, and how their lives got changed. It really brings you a sense of joy. Then suddenly you wake up. You realize it was just a dream, and that all of the students you thought were real were just part of your dream, in your mind. Then later you learn to lucid dream, and you start dreaming the same dream again. Being lucid, would you feel the same way again about teaching your students? It wouldn't be that easy anymore. You would now to have "play" along with it, but now conscious of the truth. The trick would be up.
  15. The mindfuck of it is you were actually teaching yourself the whole time.
  16. All my awakenings happened a few weeks into meditation and then a month or so after that. Nowadays I don't meditate much anymore but i need to get back to it. Leo's correct in that for most people mystical states will be very hard to reach without psychedelics. But if its the right time for you and you are spiritually gifted it could definitely happen and also be extremely powerful. I was fortunate as everything clicked at once within a few months time. And i wasn't seeking anything. It was kind of like a once in a lifetime thing. Though not to say it couldn't happen again with more meditation.. As for my concentration levels - they are really good.. I can block out a tornado if i wanted to lol. A blessing and a curse
  17. Awesome very nice. You can hit divine mystical states sober. All of my awakenings have been via meditation. As far as permanent non-dual states, that would only happen when you're dead. Dead dead - not ego death which is a non-dual state but then a return to duality or this dream you are dreaming. Dead dead is permanent awakening. So you are back in duality now, and while yes its true that duality it is a part of non-duality it is not the whole. It's like you are taking the perspective of the finger and not the whole hand. So as the finger, while you are also still the hand, you're perspective is just the finger. But as Consciousness with a mystical experience you shift to the hand. (Aka the Godhead).
  18. Well that sucks. I kind of liked you And well, i did actually hit a non-dual state while on the forum before, a year or so ago. But i could barely type at the time as i was drifting between duality and non-duality / state of pure Being. So i guess it's possible. But don't be that guy who just knows it in concept and then walks around saying he's in permanent non-duality. If you have had serious awakenings than you won't mind talking about them right?
  19. I was humoring him on the embodiment that's a choice after awakening. Yes formless equals form. But no you are not in a non-dual mystical state of consciousness now. You would know that if you were ever in a state of samadhi.
  20. Embodiment is one thing - a permanent non-dual state is another. That's what he is speaking of with mahasamadhi. One will not be in a permanent non-dual state of Consciousnes in finite form no matter how much they embody it. I'm not saying embodying God in finite form is not great, it is. And you are God regardless. But i think what he is chasing is a permanent state of Samadhi right now. It's not necessary. That's why he backed off.