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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Those terms are used interchangeably. Think if it as unconditional Love. A complete lack of bias and acceptance of all of itself. And remember Infinity is not just emptiness. It is that but it also is total Love for itself.
  2. Sure join the fun I guess ultimately a good teacher will be one left with no students. This forum is definitely more advanced than it was when i joined so something right is happening
  3. Don't confuse a non-dual state as being within the dream. There are Absolutes One becomes conscious of when awoken from the dream (duality)
  4. ? good discussion. Its actually a very important distinction. But I'll leave it there.
  5. Dude. We are way past no self. You keep pushing that there is no self That is beginner stuff in terms of spiritual awakening. That's why i looked past it initially. Yes it is HUGE in waking up. But it is the tip of the iceberg.
  6. Actual nothing cannot be grasped. Actual nothing is what you are.
  7. Words can't grasp it of course. But I'm not talking about concepts. I'm talking about pure actuality. A mystical experience or a state of consciousness in which Consciousness becomes directly Conscious of itself and all collapses leaving Pure Consciousness. Death of the "self" That is synonymous with pure Love. You seem to think you can just listen to a bunch of concepts and get that its just THiS. Enlightenment is real. But not as the ego.. the ego dissolves. Only the Divine remains.
  8. God becomes itself. And in that it knows itself. It becomes conscious of itself.
  9. True isness cannot be grasped. You have to Be it. So yeah i understand. But you can understand THiS as THIS. Because you ARE THiS. I assume you BECAME THIS. From which you are making your claims. I have merged with THIS as well. And i know i IS/AM God.
  10. This is all just the no self. That is true. What i am pointing to is that is just one awakening that You as God can have. You can think and feel as pure Consciousness or God.
  11. Duality collapses. That is pure non-duality. You only realize or become directly conscious that duality is an illusion after it collapses.
  12. No what you are missing is that Consciousness can feel. That is what ultimately collapses into Absolute Love.
  13. It seems that you and Vegan have been brainwashed by the neo-advaita teachers out there. Infinite Mind is what is. Consciousness can think and it can feel.
  14. Of course bbecause it is One. That is the paradox of Oneness.
  15. You have yet to wake up. There are higher states of consciousness than this
  16. This is not it. Hit an infinite state and you will become conscious that you are finite.
  17. The word ignorance is created within duality or the finite. God is pure formlessness or pure potential. It is everything and nothing simultaneously without actualizing it. (Or playing it out). So it splinters itself into finite parts in order to actualize itself. That is how it actualizes itself or knows itself. Its all One in reality. God is already complete. But it can't accept itself. It is just God struggling with its own Infinity. Through Infinite Love for itself it will
  18. @James123 well said you have really come into your own. Must have had some big awakenings.
  19. I wanted to respond to this when you posted it but got distracted. This to me is an egoic agenda. You see, the ego is selfish and by its own selfish agenda it brings about its own suffering. For example if you desired to awaken to avoid suffering you will probably end up suffering as a result - counterintuitively. This is because you are seeking pleasure or the lack of suffering and this will ultimately result in suffering. As it is coming from a place of the ego. Yet even more counterintuitive is the fact that it will go full circle and bring you closer to Truth. Because You will be conscious of your own selfishness. And you will want to fix that to alleviate suffering but not for the ego. For Truths sake. Bottom line is you have to go through suffering to pass through to the other side from selfishness to selflessness. And the more selfless you are the more aligned with Truth will you be. Suffering is a part of the path. Because it makes you more conscious. It grows you through experience. And all experience has some degree of suffering. It moves you from a place of ego to a place of pure Consciousness.
  20. Was matching sarcasm with sarcasm.
  21. @Nak Khid that clears everything up
  22. Ya got it backwards....oh nvmd i saw you were joking...