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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. There is an Absolute awakening. Call it God mode or whatever you want. You can't recreate it. You can't wish it into Being. It just happens when it happens. When God is ready to wake up.
  2. I didnt inspect a lot of his posts but he clearly had some anger issues he needs to work through. As @Anna1 stated, if he was able to follow the guidelines he would still be here. But there was a lot of rage in him.
  3. nice! Infinity/God/Love/Consciousness/Isness/Being is also all of those - it is the what, who, how, and why
  4. @TheUniverseIsLove sweet.
  5. The collective growth of mankind is a slow process. Its like an inchworm inching forward. Every once in a while it might make a jump forward and then slow down so much that it falls behind. Mankind's evolution up the spiral is a slow one. But its happening constantly. Its not like it stops for two years and then something like this happens. Its always inching forward.
  6. Thats what i thought Thanks for clarifying...
  7. I don't wanna hijack his thread but self inquiry was very fundamental in my awakenings so ill PM you and we can discuss it there.
  8. ?❤ that made me smile Haha was just the song i was thinking of.
  9. You can actually discover it for yourself if you want the Truth badly enough to die for it. If someone here tells you one way or the other it will still be concept and you will turn it into a belief You can discover for yourself through the methods provided (meditation, self inquiry, psychedelics). Its better that you discover the Truth directly.
  10. @VeganAwake ill be honest that is one of my favorites as well. I always think of it when saying open your mind hehe. But he was full of wisdom
  11. Love is in the air..... And the air is Love
  12. Thats right...Pretty sure Cusack stole it from Socrates and not vice versa
  13. Great quote by John Cusack just can't remember the movie.
  14. @Mosess you ARE this! You ARE Absolute Infinity. This is Infinity - as others have pointed out it is everything and nothing. Everything IS nothing. Appearance without substance. Mind. There cannot be anything outside of THIS. That makes it One thing. So you are IT. There is no where to go. It just must be realized that you ARE yourself because there is nothing outside yourself for to be a reference point or a ground. You just are yourself!! All separation is illusory. Through meditation and or psychedelics you can collapse the imaginary idea which is you into pure Being. Pure Being is Infinity or this present moment of now. In a state of Divine Infinite Mind you will become directly conscious of the nature of reality instantaneously. And this will no longer be a concept or something that you wonder about or worry about. You can know. That is an Absolute realization. So get to work!
  15. Youre late but now it's a party I love you too but there is more to go my man. If you opened your mind all the way God may reveal itself. Writing God/Infinite Mind off as ego is actually the biggest trap there is not the other way around. Take a look at @WaveInTheOceans post.
  16. Can you elaborate? It seems either you mean that he is conflating Absolute with the relative or that the entire concept of Absolute/Relative is a fallacy. The latter would be a fallacy in itself. Ultimately the relative collapses into the Absolute as One. But it also divides again. Division to Unity and back to Division.
  17. Welcome home. That's the way it is. Thats why its pointless to lament over things like "will i suffer rape and torture" as another POV. Because its just imaginary. Now expand on this and realize its the same for external reality. That will put Materialism to bed (not that you haven't already)
  18. Infiniy IS Absolute Love! It's the same thing! How could it be anything else! You have to die to understand Or i should say people are dyin' to understand...
  19. Thats relative love. Yes as Leo pointed out it is pretty much impossible for a finite being to have unconditional love. We all have some type of bias or we would be dead. But Infinity is Infinite.