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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. You can!! Stop thinking reality is fundamentally logical. It's not! You will never be able to rationalize reality away.
  2. @28 cm unbuffed i know you individually have not asked this. It's just we are pounded with this because materialists are still trying to equate reality with solipism. Materialism will decipher reality after being explained it as solipsism because they have the P0V that reality is objective. Its not personal against a materialist it just stems from that POV. Its all wrong and it is deeply ingrained in this culture. Ultimately you are gonna have to get off this forum to discover what's true. Words tend to confuse. This goes for all those concerned with the concept of solipsism.
  3. God experiences suffering via the ego. Via form or limitation. Form or limitation is selfish.
  4. Yeah man i know exactly what you mean! I had smaller awakenings on the forum just talking about it while my consciousness levels were out the roof.....drifting into non-dual mystical states...its just mind blowing - no pun intended! God wants to scream to the heavens how much Love it has for itself! Meditation works depending on where God is as a finite being.........hope that answers the question.
  5. I love you but if you haven't realized Leo is a projection of your mind than yes hes still more enlightened LOL i know you did though:) just playin around. @traveler haha...i kinda stopped reading too but i love this dude...heck when i awoke i was rolling around on the floor in tears of bliss for hours. It wasn't the little me either
  6. But you still think death is real. Therein lies the issue. The ego is the thing that has a problem with death or impermanence, not God.
  7. Yes and self inquiry. Only after a week or so. He never said it wasn't possible - just not probable.
  8. Reality can't really be captured with words. Words just end up going in circles chasing their tail as noted by you above. It's just this. Look at what is actual. All else is imagination.
  9. You could do that but remember that is just You imagining all of that. Leo is in your mind So it would just be you smoking with yourself and giving yourself the answers to reality/yourself.
  10. @Someone here who knows perhaps fred may be using reverse psychology or counterintuitiveness to awaken his students. Because awakening needs to come not from a place of the ego. It has to catch an ego by surprise. Ever notice things fall into place when you don't try too hard? That is why it is said awakening is found not by seeking. But psychedelics can apparently just completely overwhelm the ego.
  11. This is false. God or Consciousness can become directly conscious of itself. This will be the total annihilation of all differences. The unawakened God is IT now but the problem is God is not directly conscious of itself. Its paradoxical because of Oneness. But the direct realization of Oneness is awakening.
  12. That's a nifty analogy
  13. @Shakazulu have to agree with the above. Some of the most enlightened beings on the planet are just normal folks. You would never know they were mystics unless you talked with them. They are just ordinary people with ordinary lives.
  14. @traveler you do realize that even saying its THIS goes too far right? Because all language is dualistic. So truly its not even THIS. Its....OOPS..i went too far. You know all we do on the forum is for entertainment. I mean the teachings are available and useful up until awakening. But they are just pointers. THIS is a pointer. It isn't IT
  15. @Arcangelo congrats. Yes a more peaceful existence dawns. Fear of death diminishes because you died and realized immortality. The ego came back - and it still wants to fear - but you no longer identify with it. It has been seen through.
  16. It can feel like you will implode from Infinite Love. The human body cannot contain that much Love. It cannot contain Infinity It is extraordinary. Maybe you have experienced this in some of your meditation sessions.
  17. ??Awakening is the ultimate miracle.
  18. Yep. There are dangers to this work. Basically your life is on the line
  19. If you actually knew the Truth you probably could barely function in duality. It freaked me out so much that for a few days - maybe a week, while my consciousness levels were so elevated, i couldn't. I remember the day i had my awakening to the Godhead and realized i was imagining all of this. I think i posted it here before Leo actually talked about it. And then a few weeks later he had the same awakening. But basically it is exactly like a dream. You are God dreaming up this world and everything in it. Its all in your Mind. This is all yours.
  20. Oh God. Here we go again Its like the word solipism is taboo. I just opened the floodgates....