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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Indeed - perhaps its the experience of the cycle itself! And the prize is discovering you ARE the cycle. (Or that's desert) Afterall - Reality is its own meaning it is whatever you make it.
  2. Everything IS Nothing. Remember all dualities and distinctions collapse.
  3. It is Absolute. Beliefs are shattered. You will know when you know. But not as your self or any form.
  4. @An young being from the Absolute POV yeah You are designing it all so that it unfolds perfectly into discovering you are Infinite Love. In your Infinite Intelligence you had to forget you were infinite in order to experience it and know that you are Infinite experientially. So You designed and created all of this. Time, evolution - the advancement of humanity - even alien beings far more advanced than humans. If you knew up front that it was being designed and imagined by You it would probably take all the realness away. Like spoiling the end of a good movie. So relatively speaking, yes, the evolution of time is moving us towards a higher state of consciousness. A more advanced society. Ultimately a society of mystics that can access multiple dimensions. That can communicate telepathically. That grasps that Love is the essence of their being - and goodness must prevail. That is what You are dreaming up as Infinite Mind and that is ultimately what is destined to come to pass. Ta da!
  5. @Gneh Onebar talking to someone who has no clue about Truth is like talking to a wall. (Unless they are completely open minded which is possible but i have found that the majority aren't) I give him a lot of credit for the patience to sit through it and answer her questions. It probably amused him because he knew she was clueless and thought he was mentally ill haha.
  6. @tuckerwphotography God created God. Infinity is the impossible. That's why its Infinite. Trying to grasp it with our finite minds is like grasping for straws. Takes awakening.
  7. @JayG84 yes you were not broken you were spiritually gifted. I always had a very elastic identity as well. Like a shapeshifter.
  8. @Sandy6 the key to overcoming Pure OCD is consciousness. You're ability to go meta on an OCD thought - also known in OCD circles as a synthetic thought. As soon as an OCD thought arises you go meta on it and become directly aware that it is OCD. This tales the wind out of the OCD sails so to speak. Because the guilt associated with it and the anxiety has no meaning anymore. The thoughts are not you and are no longer identified with you. The fact that even you (the self or ego) is an illusion and all thoughts coming from the ego are as well is a topic for another day. But enlightenment will really help things. Right now we are concerened with OCD. So the more you go meta the more it realizes it can no longer fool ya. And it becomes milder and milder until there will be mostly times of remission. Most of your life will be remission with perhaps a few little relapses here and there. Anxiety is the trigger so minimize anxiety wherever possible. But your key is consciousness. The OCD sufferer is caught in the OCD web and doesn't realize it. If they did they would be on the other side of it.
  9. @rlc i doubt he deleted anything. Do you remember what it was called?
  10. The dream of you being a finite human wouldn't seem very real if you didn't have to take a shit. God (You) fooled the crap outa yourself
  11. @bennett oppel No i am talking about Absolute Infinity and you are discussing the infinity of numbers which is one aspect of Absolute Infinity.
  12. Take this unlimited quality. It can have nothing outside of it which to limit it right? That means it has nothing outside of it to ground it or reference itself from. And so since it is everything it cancels itself out. Infinity diving itself is still Infinity. The parts withiin it are finite.
  13. Which is equal to nothing and everything or the Unlimited.
  14. Wise words. You are IT. So there is no where to go but to find Yourself
  15. That is just it. This is duality. But all dualities collapse in God mode. It cannot be grasped here. God or you are creating all of this - including the difference between duality and non-duality.
  16. can fall back into duality. Because of the state of consciousness. You will fall back into a lower state of consciousness in which separation appears real. That is a state of consciousness. That does not mean that there are much higher states of consciousness. But first one must transcend the materialist paradigm. I'm thinking you have. Then it becomes apparent that reality is states of consciousness. That doesn't mean it is not One. It just means that there are degrees of consciousness.
  17. You can awaken to the Absolute but then you will fall back into dualify. Only with Mahasamadhi will you be God in its purest state (pure Infinity) forever. But that does not come from selfishness. That comes from pure selflessness.
  18. There will be paradoxes and you have very diligently pointed one out. That said there are Absolutes which are objective. That's why they are Absolutes. And they are realized in a pure non-dual state or an Absolute state. These states of consciousness are once in a life time unless you are Leo. I have hit them in a series over a 2 month period. Now, i would need DMT to overwhelm the ego because it doesnt want to die again and ego death prior was via meditation