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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Semantics basically and the fact that we are trying to describe God or Infinity with language which is dualistic in nature and second order. As we are talking about Infinity, the better word is eternal. Time is imaginary. No beginning and no end. Only now. But even the word now almost carries in a hidden implication of a beginning and an end - which is why you can't accurately describe Infinity with language.
  2. They do but they are imaginary. You are friends with folks in your dream at night and you interact with them dont ya?
  3. Gotchya bud i didn't even realize it was you who asked i just responded
  4. Right now you are not conscious that you are doing it. That is what allows you to be a self and exist/enjoy the dream which is duality. As infinite Consciousness you are, but the trade off is at that point you are selfless and unconditional love so there are no selfish desires.
  5. @Oliver Saavedra selfishness of course
  6. All the fear of this dream is revealed to be an illusion. We are talking about becoming God here - there is nothing bigger! You will know bliss like never before.
  7. haha, funny thing is it is just pretending. @Shiva99 How long have you been meditating. Maybe it's time to up the weaponry. Or forget what it is you are trying to do- (which is virtually impossible now that you are trying) because while the ego is seeking you are going to be SOL.
  8. Hahah - one great actor
  9. Yes - you ARE the moment. And being directly conscious that you are the moment IS Being the Moment! And that is Infinite Love. When knowing and Being become One! Love isn't a thought - it is pure Being! And to grasp this is to ungrasp it! Tada....heheh Oh wait i think Solipism was the topic.
  10. Hence why language breaks down - as Truth is prior to it. However there is pure Nothingness or pure Infinity and then you have a finite piece of nothing or aka something. When the finite dissolves there is only the Absolute. As the Absolute you can and will have Absolute realizations - but they are not bound by finite thought - or time or space - or knowing. Knowing colllapses into Being and the two are One. I know you have had realizations as the Absolute - or you would be taking all of this as belief.
  11. Ok..i was just saying that form is formlessness. So a finite form - or something, for example - such as the idea of your finite self and finite mind - is still nothing. It is an imaginary section of nothing. If you had a 3 dimensional drawing you would be like a section of negative space hehe (i believe Leo talks about it in his what is perception episode
  12. We can toss the word salad all we want but we are all really saying the same stuff. But Mind and Nothing are the same thing. Infinity. Language breaks down. The substance of everything is nothing. And nothing is everything. All dualities ultimately collapse into Oneness which is why language fails us.
  13. Dude i wanted to shit my pants when i realized you were me
  14. Haha you ARE nothing right now! Try to find yourself anywhere thats not an idea or a concept, and what are those made of? Zilch!
  15. @James123 @zeroISinfinity Yes - pure formlessness or Pure Infinity is just that. It is pure Nothing or formlessness. Pure potential as you guys stated. It is a non-dual state of consciousness. A state of pure Being. Now the alone realization (i also refer to it as the Oneness realization) is what i call God's perspective in form - or Gods formed perspective. It is a mystical state of elevated consciousness (i still consider it a non-dual state of consciousness because there is only One - but it is form). It was in such a state that i became directly conscious that as God i am imagining all perspectives. It was the mindfuck of all mindfucks. Maybe only rivaled by the realization that i am nothing.
  16. There are many factors at play. If one is spiritually gifted they can awaken after a week of meditation or even awaken spontaneously. This doesn't appear to be the norm of course but what is the "norm" anyway? i don't think you can put set or absolute rules on what works. It is all relative.
  17. And you are still doing that with us as this is another dream
  18. @peachboy nice. Remove all distinctions and you get Pure Being. Now if only i could do that with Galaga
  19. @WaveInTheOcean newman isn't fully awake. But the video is funny.
  20. This is a true non-dual classic. Hilatious! Love ya brother. I knew you would pull it out at some point!
  21. To die before you die. There is nothing else for God to do after that but return to the dream. Consciousness is One. It splinters itself to share itself with itself only then to return to Oneness. The splintering is but an illusion as it is always One but it is only through illusion that it is able to share itself with itself!
  22. @James123 congratulations God for waking up to yourself!! It is indeed a miracle.