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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Cuz it never stopped being Nothing. The separation is imaginary. But notice the separation IS imaginary. Yes Pure Infinity is you reuniting with yourself.
  2. Correct from the Absolute POV. but in finite form or finite POV you are not conscious of your own infinity until you are. And then when you ARE - oh my fucking God. You tricked yourself and forgot - so that you could remember!
  3. Form and formless are One. Your body, this room, all of it is being imagined and willed into Being by You. @Red-White-Light is spot on. Love ya brother!?❤
  4. Nothing is everything. It must be empty to be able to take all forms. And it is Infinite in infinite dimensions. So it (you) have Infinite understanding and infinite creativity. And Infinite Love for yourself and your own Infinity. This can be directly confirmed by You as God.
  5. Oh no!!! Its not that at all. It is You becoming DIRECTLY conscious that you are Pure Consciousness. Which is what? BEING! And Being is Infinite Love. So you explode in Love and drown in it -- Infinite Love. The whole body will shake and spasm with Love!
  6. Yes yes!! And sorry i didnt chime in on your questions yesterday ❤
  7. I did. But not the "I" you are thinking about.
  8. There is no infinite consciousness for him. There is just no him.
  9. Nope. What we are telling you is the Absolute Truth. You are projecting that onto us. No one is judging. All is perfect - awakened or not. We just spit Truth here and call BS for the benefit of those who wish to know the highest Truths. Nothing better about being awoke - or special. But i can tell you it will change your entire outlook on reality - and also it feels like a metaphysical orgasm to infinity.
  10. There are Absolute Truths that can be realized. But at that point you are a mystic. So if i asked you if you are open minded to there being mystical states of consciousness what is your answer? Im sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable though.
  11. Yes when we say God we are speaking from the transrational stage not the prerational.
  12. Smartypants. Just because we cant communicate this stuff and can only provide pointers - doesn't mean you are not the Universe - that you are not Infinity. That you are not God. That you are not Love. That you aint Being. That you aint Izzness. And you can become conscious of that directly - by dying! He doesn't understand that yet. Because he never died. Because he believes there ain't no one to die. And there ain't - (after you die!l ). He quotes stuff like "die before you die" and videos on states of samadhi but then says samadhi doesn't exist? Come on.... Look i dont wanna kick him when he is down but the reality is he doesn't grasp what Being is yet. Or Isness. Because he ain't never izzed. If you aren't here to learn..i mean... Spoke to him last night on the phone and he could barely talk -was pretty lay down drunk while posting which explained why he exploded on me.....he'll be back and if he is open to learn its all good. He can preach no self but when you start saying stuff that is blatantly false i mean eventually it just won't hold up here.
  13. He is spreading misinformation and is close minded to anything other than his beliefs. He doesn't have his own POV because when pressed he will quote other teachers. Denouncing God or a higher state of consciousness other than his current because he has never been in any other state of consciousness - meaning mystical experiences or states - would be spreading disinformation to potential newcomers to spirituality. This aint his first rodeo. He has had plenty of leeway.
  14. Yeah what happened to being open minded. Take the spanking i just gave ya. See ya in a few weeks.
  15. Vegan - if you continue to state that God does not exist i will be forced to ban you for spreading misinformation.
  16. Wow man you seem to be becoming undone. We will leave it here.
  17. I didn't say issues. I said Oneness. Who sees through the separate self? You will say nothing right? Well that nothing is God!
  18. Correct. Subject/object must collapse. Where we differ is you think there is no collapse. But there is - relative to you. But not you as what you thought you were. There is a mystical shift in Consciousness. Thats how it was for me. We will run into strange loops here because of Oneness.