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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Well put. @Riya And would also add that with this proper identification - non-dual awareness - i would say - there isn't anything to fear as a self because the self is not your true nature. It can be tough though, when you have to go to work everyday and deal with the mundane. So it is good to have a regular meditation practice or something of the like.
  2. Exactly :?❤ And yeah i hear ya sometimes you gotta mix things up.
  3. Are you trying to get kicked outa here?
  4. I'm not taking a position - but look what happened to Martin Ball...didn't he get all messed up with Insomnia and stuff? Or was that something he already had and then all the tripping made things worse?
  5. @VincentArogya you can't wrap your head around it precisely because its Nothing. So don't try to. Yet we can do our best to describe it. Whatever we describe isn't it of course. So yeah the substance of Love is nothing. Here's the thing - you can't understand reality coming from the Materialist paradigm. If you can realize that reality is Infinity or a giant Mind - then it will start to come together. Think of something infinite (or try to) Something that is Infinite has no ground because it is everything - and everything also has to include nothing. Thus you get mind or hallucination - the substance of which is nothing. Since everything includes nothing, nothing permeates through everything, rendering it groundless. And pure Infinity or Nothing cannot be thought of with the mind - because anything you think Absolute Nothing or Infinity is turns out to have some type of form or shape. A thought is a form - it is limited and finite. So Nothing cannot be conceived of but rather it is Being itself.
  6. @sausagehead what was it like for Neo to break out of the Matrix? The difference is being in illusion and not knowing it to knowing it. This cannot be described with words. Because the folks you would be taking to are still in the Matrix!
  7. We all love sitting and chatting but that isn't gonna really get you anywhere in the end. Don't have a pity party have a curiosity party!!
  8. No worries I wouldn't be so caught up in this stuff right now if i were you. I would focus on discovering your true nature. Then by being your true nature you will provide your own answers. And you will be your own authority. No longer a need for other teachers. That may or may not be a long way away. You can wake up to your true nature at a certain degree and then have deeper awakenings later to further deepen your understanding.
  9. @Galyna Honestly at the end of the day awakening is what will be the ultimate. Anything we talk to you about could be turned into a belief or an idealogy. Thats why it is always said to do the work. I am not saying you aren't.
  10. namecalling is against forum guidelines - chill dude.
  11. GM happy 4th! Well Zero that's a mystery we can solve if you would like? ?? @Someone here regarding Solipsism what happened to - its just THIS. You are no closer to reality than looking at your hand. Why rack your brain over other perspectives happening simultaneously when you are just conceptualizing until the cows come home? Do you see how you will drive yourself crazy over it? There are absolute realizations though that can be realized as the Absolute. That reality is infinite is an Absolute that you can become conscious of. Within that you will realize you are all possibilities. That reality is an Absolute Relativity or Subjectivity is also an Absolute that you can realize. And from there you can start spinning a whole bunch of stories. So if i say that right now one day i will experience being @Someone here that is concept. Because absolutely speaking this is My dream and you are imaginary. That's how it is. I'm talking to myself. But that's too much for the ego. The ego needs a sense of duality and a sense of self and others. In fact without duality it would cease to exist as a self. The very meaning of a self implies separation. For there to be a self there must be others So thus it has the sense of others. It stays at a level of consciousness, a dual level of consciousness where there is separation. If you take the POV that there are other perspectives happening simultaneously than when you wake up from this dream, which you can, you would have to say that God has its own perspective - in which God is imagining all perspectives including your little one - on top of that God is simultaneously being them - looking through their eyes. Every ant, person, cow, even experiencing being a rock right? Maybe it has some level of awareness? And on top of that it has its own perspective where they are all in its Mind and all of them unite. Thats one way to see it. If you wanna get wrapped up. Or you can see that in fact you are God right now. This is your dream right now. And that's it. All and any separation was always imaginary. But don't take it on faith of course. Discover it directly. I know you won't of course - but for the general reader out there.
  12. @abrakamowse mine was a joke too btw.
  13. Are you admitting to breaking forum guidelines? Not very wise sir. No chat. Start a new thread and everyone will move to that one. Maybe If you are popular enough.
  14. Haha no problem. Yes it was glaringly obvious
  15. @traveler The ego is what i call the idea of the you. The imaginary entity behind the eyes that you thought actually existed in some objective physical form. Maybe you identified with the brain, or the soul, or the body. Because before awakening i was a materialist like most - and an atheist although born Jewish. I identified with the soul. I believed i was the soul. It was during self inquiry when i hit my first non-dual state and discovered what i was and what i was not. So thus it was discovered that the me i thought was real and tangible is just an idea in the mind of God. And that God or Reality is actually manifesting itself through that idea or POV when in limited form. And when there is a shift in consciousness, Reality takes the perspective of the whole Mind and the idea of you as an identity ceases to exist. So then the idea of you returns, but much more conscious then before of what is really happening with reality. The materialist paradigm is shattered. Its not like the idea of me never existed, it exists when it exists - as right now - the difference is i am aware that it is imaginary. It doesn't mean this idea can't be embraced. It is still God. To me people who think the ego is just a section of the mind that has egoic desires and then there is the physical body and a brain - and consciousness is held within the brain - still have not transcended the Materialist paradigm. All of that is imaginary and there is no physical or objective world out there. Vegan is still under the paradigm that there is something behind the scenes. I have talked with him before and he brushes it off. That's where i believe Vegan can deepen his understanding if his mind is open. Because transcending this paradigm can really deepen ones understanding of reality. But the nature of reality was revealed to me in one of my awakenings - in a mystical state. So an open mind is required to hit states of consciousness during meditation that will open up these realizations
  16. Hah you Zero are the silliest Master and mystic i know. Like the guy in the 10th ox herding pic perhaps?
  17. Ralston is great. He was foundational in my awakening as well.
  18. Eh i transcended the dating scene a while back
  19. Yes i agree that this IT. Its This. Right here. But i wasn't conscious of that until i was. Go back to zeros post - a conceptual awakening is not awakening. It is concept.