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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. You don't find Truth in others. It is found within yourself.
  2. Which is exactly why God can't impose Absolute Love on Hitler or anyone else for that matter...only breadcrumbs can be dropped.... anything more would be selfish.
  3. I was giving ya props. But yes you are an awakened Being - and while awakened beings do often talk in riddles and have been known to go insane - you will want to hold yourself to a higher standard here as most have not had a mystical experience and will not know what the heck you are babbling about but honestly after experiencing God im surprised i myself didn't go into a perpetual rolling around the floor saying Oh My Fucking God -- forever. I did for a few weeks. And at the Absolute level you are in my imagination so I'm talking to a figment of my imagination. @VincentArogya back on track with your thread.
  4. @zeroISinfinity 10 points for the guy from Serbia. Love ya brother
  5. @VincentArogya try to respect his perspective. Leo's recent video on this is good. No two individuals are going to be at the same level of consciousness because it is completely relative. So the wisest thing to do is to respect their POV, and thus see it from their POV, and not try to change them or appear better or special because you have had an awakening or have reached a more advanced level of consciousness. Higher consciousness doesn't make one better of course because like spiral dynamics, you were once where they were. So It will only create more division between you and the individual. On the other hand, If your core values have become completely different and are beginning to become compromised it may be time to part ways as it begins to affect your life negatively - whether personal or business. That is a decision that ultimately you will have to make. And for that you may need to evaluate the friendship from a meta perspective. But you can't change someone and should never try. They will have to realize it themselves.
  6. Your awakenings are huge but still more to go.
  7. What is reality but pure magic? ? It has been my exp that one can somehow still journal realizations so they can be retained afterwards. After the backlash of "dying" heheh. Not sure about Hill but when tapping into Infinite intelligence my realizations were not ego based at all.
  8. Ok. Yeah for me that was a separate awakening or realization. Oneness. There are degrees to awakening. One may realize Infinity exists - then one may realize they and Infinity/Pure Awareness are one and the same. One may have just a realization of Infinity and or Pure Awareness and not both...etc.. And of course this usually follows the realization that there is no you as in what you thought you were (the ego)
  9. @J J you will tap into it when you have a radical shift in consciousness - lets say during meditation. A mystical shift. The mind completely opens up. The trade off is ego death. Because you will be tapping into Yourself, aka Infinity.
  10. @billiesimon As crazy as it sounds, God can be directly experienced via meditation. That's when you realize God exists. Oh shit.
  11. I think you are missing what he is saying. For something to be infinite means it has no beginning and no end - which is identical to saying it created itself. Infinity just IS itself. There ain't nothing outside of it. Its total.
  12. Yes - try doing self inquiry. Discover what you think you actually are first. The brain? The body? The soul? An entity behind the eyes?
  13. @Someone here there is no objective reality. Deal with it. Because i know you know.
  14. @Nak Khid Only two realms. Form and formless. And they are One.
  15. Agreed. It is paramount. If you wanna start one i will feature it. Ahh. Now you inch closer. This is the very question of if a tree falls in the forest with no one around does it make a sound. What if there were no perceivers? Well it turns out a perceiver isn't required because reality IS itself. Meaning absolute Oneness. So the better question is how the FUCK can it make a sound without a perceiver? Well because it didn't. It was imagined by consciousness because consciousness is itself. It is One and unlimited. You would have to have separation between consciousness and matter for it to exist with no One conscious of it. And matter is simply impossible without being imagined. That's just something you either get or you don't. And if you can't get that - you are lost in this work. A thing can't exist unless it is held within consciousness. Because Consciousness IS itself. It is One. It cannot have anything outside of it because it is Infinity.
  16. I tell you what its pure insanity. When you are detached completely its just pure emptiness. The backlash is after the ego teturns. But I'm not sure how this relates to Solipsism. There is no ego to feel alone and there is no one to identity with Consciousness or God. When the sense of self does return its fucking glad it has a sense of self - could give a fuck about others. Let me know the video if you can.
  17. Its free of suffering - yes - but there is also a realization or epiphany. Or multiple realizations. But you are spot on when it comes to mental "disorders" gotta put that in quotes because there is absolutely nothing wrong with you other than there is less of the ego than there should be - which allows one to see through the illusion easier. Problem is most people suffering from mental disorders don't know about spirituality.
  18. That is one of the biggest mindfucks you can have Agree with the others, you were close. Gotta catch the ego by surprise
  19. Sure go for it. Like i said its very vague.
  20. Hence my point - since it doesn't specify a paradigm in today's society sadly we default to materialism. That's what today's society believes is real. So much so than most people just mistake materialism as the truth.
  21. @Antor8188 And then its integration time. You probably had a glimpse may have hit a non-dual state in some capacity.