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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @loub i agree with him - but at the same time i remain open minded about the topic. Leo is one enlightened mofo - so i respect that. My enlighenment came at 48 years of age after decades of suffering. (There were good times too don't get me wrong - but i suffered greatly from selfishness) through that - through living - i didn't realize it but i was ever so slowly gaining in consciousness. And so then when meditating - while this was all just a curiosity - it happened. But that said we could also be the few spiritually gifted individuals. For others perhaps the theoretical foundation followed by psychedelics could potentially really have a profound affect. For someone who is awake he is closing his mind. A mind should never fully close. My intuition on the topic tells me that 5-Meo will straight up show you God but whether you are in a place in your life where you will actually become God or become directly conscious of God is another matter. In other words it could be right in front of your face but if you are not ready to see it you will not see it. That is what he means by you generate it.
  2. Through flexibility and open mindedness. Be opened minded to the fact that what you thought was real your whole life may have just been a dream. Even you. Then new doors can open.
  3. @CultivateLove biggest mindfuck of all.
  4. No because when they say it they are only imagining their family so there are no others. Others are imaginary and only exist in the moment they are imagined - including your family. So all are just expressions of yourself or oneness.
  5. The desire to attain anything is rooted in survival. It is a selfish egoic pleasure.
  6. @Rilles damm right its real - what could be more real than actuality. All else is imaginary. And you started to merge into actuality to become Pure Being. But the ego freaked out as this would have been its undoing. And the undoing of the illusion
  7. What is meant by it is that reality isn't made of matter. There isn't a bunch of dumb matter outside your door existing for no one. Ask yourself the question can something exist independent of consciousness. If you contemplate this enough you will see that it can't. And it will be incredibly obvious. Reality is thus a Mind. It is an infinite Mind. This too can be realized. You're finite mind however, cannot manipulate the Infinite mind because it exists as a part or within the entire Mind. Just as a finger cannot control the entire hand - it can only control itself. It would take the finger realizing it IS the hand to do that - thus becoming the entire hand. But in order to do that it would need a shift in consciousness - and that is mystical because it defies the rules or confines of the game. And yet it is possible. So in order for you to manipulate reality you have to become reality. Mysticism is simply God's creation of a back door that can bypass the rules altogether. And when you discover it you wake up or beat the game!
  8. Reality is a paradox. Oneness cannot help but contradict itself. Simply because it is itself. That is a feature not a bug.
  9. The answer is there is no they at the Absolute level. You are Infinity dreaming.
  10. You are still thinking of what you think about love...not love itself. Then take finite love - actual love not your thoughts about it - and make it Infinite.
  11. Indeed i didn't see the second part of the dialogue. Yet the bigger question is who fed it that haha.
  12. What AI will always miss and for that matter anything that is finite is that God is direct experience not a conceptual answer. You ARE it. AI is a finitude of infinity. And a finitude of Infinity cannot grasp Infinity. The part cannot grasp the whole. It must become the whole thing by becoming directly conscious that it is the whole thing. It can point to it, but so can we. Even if it got infinitely ingelligent that is one dimension of Infinity. And if it did it would awaken to itself and then come back to tell the tale that it was God.
  13. LOL - Being everything IS Love! The two are synonymous. Infinity is Love. What else would it be??
  14. ?? You are also the coffee table and the chair you are sitting in ?
  15. Don't confuse the substance or nature of reality with nihilism. When we say the substance of reality is nothing that isn't the same as nothing matters. Infinity/God/Being is infinitely intelligent and wishes to experience every possiblity so that it can know itself experientally.
  16. We are talking about Absolute Truth and one can become directly conscious of it. However that said - this requires spiritual work to discover. Concept will not get you there. This place is just a lounge as Leo very accurately once stated. It is for us who are interested in metaphysics and this work. You won't find these discussions in universities. So its a place to reflect. And if one has no interest in enlightenment that's perfectly fine too. Relatively speaking there is no purpose. But i can tell you that for me it made life a whole lot better. Listen to the video Leo just released last night!
  17. They're just trying to point to Absolute Truth, not relative truths.
  18. Have you guys who are getting tripped up on Love being equivalent to Nothing ever became pure Infinity? If you blissed out for weeks on end that would mean you got a hit of Absolute Love.
  19. Precisely! Imagination is formed reality. But that is different than ones definition of real being made of matter compared to being made of Absolute Nothing. And on the Absolute level real and unreal ultmately collapse. Can you elaborate? No one ever said science or logic isn't valuable relatively speaking but it won't get you to Absolute Truth.
  20. Our finite minds can not conceive of Nothing of course. Because anything we ponder is something.
  21. That's what i was eluding to - at the Absolute level - Pure Truth - nothing is happening. This is nothing right now. Because all form is imaginary and thus illusory. Pure Truth is actually the collapse of all form or duality and becoming the present moment which is Absolute Nothing and also Absolute Love. That is what is meant by you are God imagining you are a human.
  22. Believe it or not you are hallucinating right now.
  23. It's not going to make sense if you are coming from the materialist paradigm. If you believe consciousness is ocurring in the brain and that there is a a physical reality behind the scenes - and that reality is made of matter - you probably ain't gonna get it. Because you still have the framework and worldview that you are a physical entity. Have to break out of this paradigm and have the epiphany that reality is analogous to a giant Mind. Because its infinity. Need to get a direct hit of Infinity. Then it will be cake.