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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. After you discover all of reality - what else is there to do?
  2. @josh jones don't aspire to be like him - seek Truth for yourself. You are your own authority. Be careful not to put too much weight in your gurus. Or to categorize an "awakened being" as being a particular way. All is relative.
  3. I never said you didn't. That's great. After awakening one doesn't really "need" to meditate. They are meditating 24/7 I assume Leo has to spend time running his business, just like the rest of us. So he spends time on it. Who cares?
  4. Dude, no one can describe awakening to you. That's the point. After you wake up you will know what life is after awakening. Right now you are asleep.
  5. Focus on the videos. Regarding metaphysics, epistemology, and spirituality, there is a plethora of brilliant material. The material is more advanced than where science is currently at today. Do the consciousness work. Use the forum as a lounge. Do the recommended practices in conjunction with the videos. You will not be disappointed - that i assure you. Now - be advised - there might not be a you left, afterwards....only a You.. Spirituality is serious business. Be careful what you wish for. But at the same time that's what you came here for. To understand all of reality. But to do that, you must become reality. Stephen Hawkin won't get you there. The Zen masters of old will. Can you put a price tag on God?
  6. Most likely It is getting in touch with Being. Pure Being is what remains when consciousness becomes directly conscious of itself - Self/other collapses and you and the present moment are one. Its God.
  7. Yes. I have actuallly had brain zaps spontaneously off and on throughout my life. Kinda just dismissed them as a chemical imbalance because i have suffered from OCD in the past. And when i exerienced awakening after meditation i felt them multiplied by 1000 but throughout my entire body. I call it Being actually - as you also referred to it. Brain zaps by themselves are like a strange tingling in the brain but when it was total awakening it was like a tingling, dissolving feeling across my whole body. So its funny that you mentioned Being too. Because that's what it is. It's pure Being. Cannot really be put into words when it becomes total.
  8. @Moksha Yes. God is a shapeshifter. Ultimately God has no form, but it takes any form. To awaken is to become the formless.
  9. When we refer to materialism here we are talking about realism. Ultimately they lead down the same road. In truth matter arises from mind so all is one Materialism asseses that mind arises from matter - hence separation. Realism may not specify that specifically in its definition of course but it may be limited in what it is defined as. It implicitly grounds itself in matter being the substance of reality. Extra sneaky
  10. Not quite. Yes it maintains the underlying substance is matter but that is not the same thing as Oneness metaphysically. It says there is an objective reality - in other words something behind the scenes. This means that the tree outside your door right now beyond your direct experience actually exists as a tree without anyone conscious of it. (Matter exists independent of Conscioisness) Its physically there and you are physically where you are. As you said mind is simply an emergent phenomenon of matter. Therefore physicality is real and so separation is real. And of course science will eventually have an explanation to how that can be. Notice if you say oh well the tree and you are still one because they are matter that this in fact is held within your consciousness or imagination.
  11. Materialism grounds itself in a physical objective reality separate from you. But when pressed a materialist cannot answer the question of where did physical reality come from. They will say the big bang, maybe. But cannot answer where the big bang came from. Their answer would be something like - "we will figure it out eventually". But they will just be pushing the question back a notch. Science (science as we know it today) will always have the infinite regress problem to deal with. Truth is prior to it. It doesn't mean someone who is conscious of Truth is special in any way - they are simply conscious of Absolute Truth. Anyone who has an open mind and not paradigm locked can discover Truth for themselves.
  12. The physical world, including you, are completely imaginary. But what is imagining it? Well then you have the infinite regress problem. But you can become conscious of Infinity. This ultimately means that reality is one and limitless. And since its One you are Infinity. There is no ground to Infinity and thus none to reality. Reality just is itself. So Infinity is Nothing. Ta Da! Your intuition at a young age, prior to any materialistic indoctrination, was correct. Now you need to become directly conscious of it via an awakening or enlightenment.
  13. Haha its just Being/God until God imagines it is something. And yeah you are Consciousness and Consciousness is God. So you are God. As am I. I am You. You are me. All differences are imaginary.
  14. Yup - and Quantum tunneling as well - most notably with photons from the sun.
  15. @Name Its been a while since i listened to that one but i went back to confirm what i thought the point of the video was about...the point of the video was to show that physical reproduction is not objective since there is no objective reality. It is relative. The universe (ultimately this is you) is reproducing itself in an infinite number of ways all the time. Its an illusion that physical reproduction is an Absolute. It is not about morals. But since its not an Absolute you don't have to feel less whole or imperfect if you for whatever reason don't want kids - contrary to what our predominantly materialistic society indoctrinates us into. The video is trying to show you a more meta or holistic POV. I for one have two kids and i wouldn't change a thing. So the message is not telling you that having kids is wrong - merely that it is relative. It's probably your own bias that triggered this response. We all have our own bias so i get that.
  16. Cuz there's nowhere to go. You are omnipresent
  17. This is normal after awakening but just keep in mind the more you neglect the body the more you will suffer for it in your current form. Despite being conscious that suffering is illusory. It's a catch-22. It's better to show the body Love.
  18. @PeaceOut96 so..when i became directly conscious that the self was an illusion and i was simply pure awareness was when i was innocently curious doing meditation and self inquiry - the ego was not aware of what it was getting itself into and thus defenses - fear - was non-existent. Since this seemly isn't feasible for you as you know too.much (i had stumbled on all of this late in life) - the whole point of a psychedelic is that it will seamlessly overwhelm the ego. So the ego doesn't have a say in the matter. At least that is the idea - from what i have seen Martin Ball and Leo discuss. I don't have direct experience that it overwhelms the ego and triggers non-dual states, since meditation worked for me. However if this is the case there isn't much to do but responsibly trip. No point in working yourself up over anything. Should trigger ego death at responsible doses. May take many trips before it happens.
  19. I am sure there are some who make these teachings into spiritual ego but i do not feel that is the case with most. And yes of course the Absolute transcends all models and pointers - but at the same time they can still be helpful until they are not. But we always say not to take anything on as dogma
  20. Not sure where authority or superiority comes in anywhere. Are you saying there is no benefit to the teachings? The old you are already enlightened and there is nothing to discover perspective? I would disagree there if that is the case.
  21. Relatively speaking a rock is a rock and not a kangaroo - but when we say it is One we aren't speaking of the number one (in the relative domain). What is being said is prior to that - a singularity prior to language. And a singularity must be unlimited, or Infinite. Which means all relative distinctions must collapse. Something and nothing are identical.
  22. Its a hard one for the ego to swallow We throw it around a lot in spiritual circles but becoming directly conscious of it is a whole other matter (no pun intended)