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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Regardless of approval, he is using his "conquest" of Covid as a ploy to ignite his followers. We will see ultimately if his followers are enough to win four more years. There is a really good chance of it unfortunately. I hope the nation can pull forward and advance past his regime - but i am not so sure that is where we are at collectively.
  2. Your soul is also a thought that appeared
  3. Or before. There is really no body or before. There is no one truly alive or dead, there is just God. But God can trick itself so it can discover itself again over and over. Awaken.
  4. Yes. It can because it is Infinite. Whatever perspective it takes is what it is. It is realizing that it is itself which is enlightenment.
  5. Their light does shine beautifully - the light of Love. But that needs no powers. And yes even an enlightened master still has some impurities. Otherwise he would have already dissolved into Infinity and be dead. And if any of them tell you different they aren't yet awake.
  6. Babies do not have a developed ego so they are free from devilry...but they are not yet conscious that they are God.
  7. Be careful of materialistic definitions. Remember science today does not yet grasp that Consciousness is fundamental and that brains exist within consciousness not vice versa. Science has yet to catch up. And it could be hundreds of years Next - Consciousness is Infinity. Meaning infinity is all possibilities - which means it ultimately negates itself. And you get a Mind for reality. So Infinity itself is not an illusion as it is unlimited and eternal. What appears within infinity - or the limited parts within infnity - is the illusion - or you could say - what is imagined by Inifnity. Waking up is when what is being imagined by Infinity realizes it is in fact the whole thing, and so it becomes the whole thing. You can see the twisted paradoxical nature here. The serpent eating its own tail.
  8. @Persipnei to grasp this you really have to break away from the materialist paradigm or the paradigm of physicalism - which suggests a physical and thus objective, reality. Think of reality rather as a giant Mind. Think of it as Infinity. Infinity and Consciousness are synonymous. You can think of it as a field, but it is not truly a field - truly it is absolutely nothing. Completely formless. This is because it is absolutely infinite. That's what Consciousness actually is. And thats what you are in your Absolute form - which is nothing. That is the Absolute. The relative, or finite, is when Infinity splinters itself into finite parts. The substance of these parts are still nothing, but they appear as a particular type of finite form. Each part has its own angle or POV of reality. Because it is a piece of reality. It is whatever piece or POV of reality that it is. And so there appears to be nothing but these finite pieces of reality. This is how reality experiences itself. Through these subjective, finite points of view it is able to explore itself. Or you can think of it as Infinity imagines itself as a limited form so that it can see itself through that lens. And reality is a collection of these lenses. And simultaneously it is completely One and unsplintered.
  9. Alone is still an accurate description of the realization of Oneness because God can feel. That is the part that can't be described.
  10. Well when God wakes up separation is shattered.
  11. You can get even deeper than that. There is no difference between anything. The ego and God are One. When you hit that the mind will go insane because it cannot grasp Truth which is Being.
  12. This is why Truth can never be described as much as we all want to. It can never be described. This forum will always fall.short and should never be mistaken for being able to give you Truth.
  13. Ok guys for egos not to exist we are sure getting hot.
  14. Yes it begins with embodying selflessness in your everyday life. Try to be a little less selfish each day.
  15. Slick move. Now all of a sudden you are worried about the collective members? Nah. I can see that an image has been shattered. Its all good. Locking because this is mental masturbation at this point. I hope you stick around but remember what i said earlier.
  16. That's correct and as pure unconditional love you could have no form because you could not have any bias which is survival - so you could not survive as any particular form.
  17. I think you are still missing the point. You seem to be a little too caught up in the idea of what you imagine Leo to be. Or an awakened being to be. Its like someone took a painting of your guru and shattered it across the floor. I'm sorry to be the one to "enlighten" you - but all gurus are imagined by you.
  18. As @Carl-Richard said Love is always present as it is what you are. It is simply that you are not conscious of it. Just as a devil is still God. If you ever became directly conscious of Absolute Love you would be dead.
  19. Aye, the finger is always the hand. But it is conscious of being the finger - until it becomes the hand.
  20. You are finite consciousness right now. Absolute Love is Absolute Infinity. You can experience finite love in finite form.