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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @r0ckyreed nicely said. Another way to say it is it is exactly like a dream. All others, everything in the dream Is being held within your Consciousness. This can be directly realized by waking up. Now - stating this, and becoming directly conscious of it, are two very very different things. When you actually become conscious of this it will really drop you to your fucking knees. Not saying you haven't - but damn its one hell of a realization.
  2. @r0ckyreed Young jedi - sit cross legged. Pull out your hand. Notice Actuality. Stare at one of the fingers. Then shift perspective to the whole hand, becoming conscious that the finger is and was always the hand - but thinking it is a finger. Shift back and forth. Finger - Hand - Finger - Hand.. Feel Being becoming stronger and stronger until you and Being become one!
  3. Not necessarily. One can become Pure Awareness and then the finite ego returns and has a memory of it. The memory, of course, isn't IT. But ultimately due to Oneness there is only one thing here all the time. There is only Awareness and all there ever was was Awareness. It just tricks itself into thinking it is the ego, only to wake up to itself, then back into the trick but now different because it remembers what it is. Its just a game God plays with itself.
  4. Depersonalization can be a consequence. In my case i experienced it but it was not permament. This is serious stuff.
  5. You can - actually. I've never touched them and i had miraculous awakenings via self inquiry and concentration/do nothing techniques. Not saying this would happen for the average person though. I can only tell you from my own POV that it is possible.
  6. I like the quotes because that's exactly right. There is no more "I"
  7. Correct that is Infinity. But have you become directly conscious of Infinity by becoming Pure Infinity of Pure Actuality?
  8. Because you are God. Have you become conscious of Infinity?
  9. Ive seen your recent posts and you get it. You have Actuality and Pure Being down and have transcended materialism. That's awesome.. What i am saying is that there are other facets of the Absolute that you can become conscious of. There is more to go.
  10. Shakespeare wasn't enlightened. Do not underestimate Inifnity. That duality collapses into the Absolute.
  11. Yes there is and its a great question and one that probably isn't touched on enough here. But Goodness with a capital G is an Absolute. This is synonmous with Absolute Love. For example all evil is simply an unconscious form of Goodness. Just as hate is a finite form of Love. It's still Love in the Absolute sense but it is unconscious of what it truly is. This is a result of Oneness.
  12. @VeganAwake Absolute Truth is not a belief. God / infinite Mind / Infinite Love is not a belief. Your awakening is yet to be complete.
  13. This is the whole key right here. Embracing your ego while at the same time becoming more and more conscious of the deceptions of your mind so that you can elude self deception. This is a work in progress but the more conscious you become of your own self deceptions the better off you will be. Again you must strike a balance. Anything i have ever accomplished in life took me becoming obsessed with it and going all the way. Do or die. That is what it takes. Yet simultaneously you do need to relax and not be so hard on yourself. Your awakening should tell you that in the end its all just for fun so relax and enjoy. Failures will come and thats OK. That's how you grow. Take the negative with the positive. Finding balance is an ongoing process.
  14. Go meta, realize the craving is hitting - and find the will to put your attention on something else!! Once attention is diverted it will pass.
  15. Man that is all some deep truths there my man. And your awakening sounds a lot like mine. That's awesome. And i totally get the paradoxical nature - i have felt all the same feelings. All of them. Actually after my awakenings i was afraid of going insane for a while - with ego death and losing the sense of self..(and due to the seeming contradiction between ego and God).so i actually put the focus back on the ego for a while. See the thing is - i came to grasp That's its OK to embrace the imaginary ego as well as your True self. Just in a much more conscious way. And i know you have probably heard this before around here but think of it as a video game - when you play a video game you know the game isn't real - but yet you still enjoy the game and try to do the best you can in the game. Why? Just for the sake of the game. The fact that is a game in that case makes it even more glorious. That's kinda how reality works. Its OK to embrace the ego - its the only way you will really be able to enjoy this life. At the same time you can still minimize selfishness and show compassion for others. And you can still bask in the Truth as well, as it is always present but you need passion and drive in this life to put you into a position where you can enjoy just sitting and basking in the present moment. I would try to steer away from seeking another mystical experience though - it will just happen on its own like it did before. And if it doesn't that's OK. All is still divine. I know that's easier said then done - when you realize that God exists it is quite a thing. Just my take of course.
  16. Are you referring to a why for self actualizing (personal development) or for spirituality (to discover Absolute Truth)? I know in the end they come together (self actualizing becomes Self Actualizing hehe) but what is your current focus?
  17. Perhaps some self inquiry is in order? What you actually are is not localized in any way its omnipresent. Everywhere and nowhere. Hence pure Actuality!
  18. Ofcourse- regardless of your level of consciousness you are always creating..and when you realize the Absolute you will dissolve into Absolute Love and Goodness. Which is not a finite thought or logical label. It simply IS. So yeah i wouldn't worry too much about the stages or take them on as dogma as they are just models - continue the work and find out for yourself. And as you mentioned take a meta POV on how you are currently viewing meaninglessness and realize that that is still applying a meaning to something. Just like non-existence is a thought within existence. (All there is is existence)
  19. @Intraplanetary you are the Creator of meaning. And of meaninglessness.
  20. @Javfly33 i think you will find stress in most jobs. Stress is a part of life. The key is how you respond to stress. Its vital to find a healthy release valve. For me that release valve is the gym. I do a run, lift some weights, and sit in the sauna. Afterwards i have this amazing feeling of well being where i can just sit and meditate for an hour or so. So that's a much healthier alternative than turning to let's say drugs or alcohol which are horrible on the body. (Besides all the other potentially negative affects they can have on your life) Just some thoughts my brother! Stay the course and much love
  21. Maybe you will become conscious that we are you, and all in your Mind
  22. Then by this point you are blind. Idiot is a lack of compassion. Unconscious is a better description.