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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Indeed. Thus this forum should be a lounge and all talk is finite and circular. Yet hopefully we can inspire others to become nothing . it could be via meditation where the mind is quieted. Or it could be where the mind inquires into what it is and discovers it is nothing directly and becomes nothing or it could be 5-MeO that shatters the finite leaving the Infinite. NOTHING
  2. @Uglyroach start a journal....
  3. You are imagining the whole world. But not as@Gesundheit. As God. And God has partitioned itself. When people think of solipsism they are talking mostly about they think their ego is all there is. So traditional solipism isn't it. But you stand alone as far as materialism if you are still clinging to thinking reality is dumb so be it..but thats just cuz you're still asleep. And even a materialist can be a solipsist simply by thinking other people are robots and that they alone have consciousness.
  4. Depends on the awakening. Exclaiming OMFG comes to mind. And/or Jaw may drop in awe and shock. Feelings of total Divine Bliss and Love that words will never do justice.
  5. Well that is still the case just in a far different way then someone who is still in the materialist paradigm
  6. No i understand exactly. (I.e See Leo's video on Self Deception) What happens is you can get lost in your own mind. You become so skeptical that you question your own mind. And rightly so at times as you are always attempting to deceive yourself. I think you mentioned in a recent post that you hit a point where you knew nothing. I have been there too. But yeah Absolute Truth is liberation from the suffering of the finite. And total skepticism even of your own mind can be a way to go full circle and trigger Oneness - so yes i see what you mean. It is paradoxical. I wouldn't count on it though - you're more likely to end up in the loony bin. Which i guess is fine by you
  7. That's what I'm trying to do but apparently with you its not working as you continue to try and strawman me. And we were having a discussion about the nature of reality and you seem to want to wander off in other directions. As far as awakening - maybe it's time to meditate my boy! I cannot help a devil realize he is God. Only the devil can do that.
  8. Yes i don't know if i would call it skepticism but i was just gonna say that too much of trying to contemplate the infinite with a finite mind can send you to the loony bin real fast. And you won't know what is true anymore... I have been there. Not to that extreme..but no fun. I prefer becoming the Absolute and realizing it directly
  9. I was talking about the structure of reality not the contents.
  10. Well i can tell you that you should be skeptical and even with mystical experiences you will not have all realizations at once. This is very advanced stuff as someone always the end these are all words and Truth can only be found directly. Until then the only thing we can do is try not to be too attached to a particular belief.
  11. Yes so you remain skeptical of both idealism vs materialism and solipsism vs (i guess non-solipsism?) Because they are two different things....
  12. @Someone here is solipsism what you were asking about or materialism? Are you more concerned with whether or not your experience is all there is or that there is dumb matter behind the scenes and consciousness happening in the brain? It seems the thread is all over the place but the question of whether there is a physical refrigerator behind the scenes was what you were asking about rather than POVs? There can be multiple finite experiences happening simultaneously and you as Consciousness cut yourself off from access beyond your finite consciousness - i.e Consciousness partitioned itself into a bunch of virtual partitions. But you can hack your own partition and access the whole drive. But this still doesn't mean there is a physical universe or a physical refrigerator independent of Consciousness. In other words NO solipsism but still reality is a Mind. Yes it is One so you could say its Solipism from God's perspective. But not from each finite POV. And still only the appearance of a fridge.
  13. Dont believe me find out for yourself What is something that is also nothing? A dream.
  14. I hope you and your robot are enjoying the day Or consider that this could be you imagining that the robot wouldn't know...and that you are imagining the robot and everything else. The robot is a projection of your mind You answered your own inquiry
  15. That's not true. The mechanisms within the pc are something you are imagining. If you open the PC you will see parts because You are imagning it. Just like if you opened your skull you would see a brain. There is only what appears in your direct experience. Appearance literally is existence because again - reality is completely hollow. That is a ramification of Infinity.
  16. Yah you can look at is awareness is exploring itself from an Infinite number of angles simultaneously - but the substance is nothing. Nothing permeates through everything, such that there is nothing happening right now.
  17. You are talking to someone who was the biggest athiest that ever lived my man - materialism bothered me since i was a kid but i was a total athiest. And i went with the materialist I was shocked when i discovered this stuff was the real deal. I would never have believed it if i didn't hit mystical states of consciousness in 2018 from Meditation / self inquiry.
  18. Yah or just do self inquiry. You aint awake. Sorry to pull a Leo but you ain't That doesn't make me better. Isness is isness.
  19. You are missing something very important here. Being! You see you can directly know the answer - but not via proof - by BEING reality itself! Absolute Truth is prior to proof. In a state of pure Being you can become directly Infinity itself - in which you become directly conscious of yourself. And in doing so you have the realization that infinity (you) are the collapse of all dualities - the collapse of everthing and nothing. Nothing is everything. Just pure infinity or pure Awareness. So what you get is a hologram for reality - or a mind - or consciousness - or this! The substance of which is nothing. And you realize that physical objects behind the scene are all imaginary and held within your consciousness. Proof is not needed nor could it ever grasp the Absolute - because you ARE it.
  20. There is a huge difference because the nature of reality - which is your true nature - is an Absolute - because you are the Absolute.. We are trying to guide you towards awakening to the Absolute but the work has to be done by you. That said i know you already are know this are already planning a retreat so i know you are on the path so just keep the mind open
  21. There is the appearance of consistency - it seems like this is the part that is tripping you mentioned it in a few other posts. Such as when you look away from the moon and then look back it is still in the same spot. But don't let that trip ya up into thinking there is a physical layer somewhere. That's the work of an Infinite Mind.
  22. And what if you discovered there was no you - but that you are an idea?
  23. Think about it. Even if there could be an object just floating out there with no one conscious of it - then there is no difference between it existing or not existing. It's just Being. So this should bother you. Just like the old "if tree falls in the forest with no one around does it make a sound" Refrigerators are nothing until you imagine they are. And anything you say is outside of Infinity is Infinity imagining that it is outside of itself.
  24. You can become directly conscious that there cannot be anything independent of Consciousness, because Consciousness is Infinite. So, for there to be materialism, there would need to be something outside of Infinity.